Recording Connection grad Kelsey Anderson
Recording Connection graduate
Kelsey Anderson had both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees and a job as an accountant when she found Recording Connection. Knowing she wanted to work in music, Kelsey signed up for The Recording Connection for Music Business Program and less than one year later, she’s got a job as a senior accountant at Universal Music Group! Read on to learn how Kelsey went from unhappy to hired at the global music industry giant UMG.
What led you to Recording Connection? What was going on in your life at the time?
“I… was working with a utilities company in accounting. That’s what my original bachelor’s and master’s degrees are in, and I knew I wasn’t happy. And I knew that I needed a change for my career just for my own sanity. And I had started looking into other programs and other schools that would have been… three, four-year degrees online. And, you know, that just didn’t make sense for me, already possessing a business degree and a master’s in business [MAcc] and all that…. So, I kind of just expanded my search. I come from a really small town in the Midwest, and I definitely wasn’t expecting to find anything nearby.”
Nevertheless, we were able to sign you up to do Music Business remotely with G.W. Childs. What was it like to interview with G.W. by phone?
“Talking to G.W. was a great phone call. It was… I initially was kind of nervous. I didn’t know what to expect. And he immediately put me at ease. And he’s such a welcoming and warm person and very fun to talk to. And the conversation did not feel like an interview at all. It was mostly just us brainstorming and spit balling ideas and things that we’re passionate about…. It was a really nice conversation. I was sad to end the phone call because I think we could have kept talking for hours if we had the time.”
How did doing the Music Business Program enable you to expand upon your knowledge of the music industry?
“Learning that there are so many different inner workings has helped me have an immense appreciation for not just the glitzy glamour kind of jobs that you think of in the music industry, but all of the jobs in between, in publishing, and marketing, and advertising, and just everything under the sun that you could possibly think of. I think until you really dig into how the industry works and what the actual business aspects are, it’s hard to almost imagine yourself finding a position.
But as soon as I realized there’s a whole plethora of options of things that I could do… it almost became more difficult to figure out just the one thing that I did want to try and go after because there were so many interesting things [to go after].”
Find out how Kelsey landed the job at Universal Music Group in our Straight Talk video below!
You had your one-on-one mentorship with G.W. Childs, the eBook, sessions with your Academic Facilitator, and more. Tell us a bit about your different learning experiences while doing the Music Business Program.
“I think one of the coolest things was, not only did I get to work with G.W., but he introduced me to the owner of a small label that I got to then work with. So, not only was I learning from G.W. … I was also getting to work directly with a label owner and see how his label works and what that process looks like. So… I was getting instruction and learning things from three different sides all at the same time. So, I would say that it was good practice for even what I’m doing now.”
Let’s do something fun. Could you compare Kelsey before the program versus Kelsey after the program?
“The Kelsey before the program wasn’t super confident in her abilities, or skill sets, or knowledge about music. I just kind of felt like, it’s something I’m into, and I’m a fan of music, and I like to perform and sing and play music. But I didn’t feel confident in understanding the industry or how to make a career in music happen. And I think something that I learned throughout the program and led me to the Kelsey of today is I already had so many skills and so much knowledge that I didn’t even know that I had about music, simply because I’m a fan and because I love it. And I think that passion for music and wanting to learn more, and then going through the program led me ultimately to feeling really confident in my ability to find a position and to feel comfortable in those interviews with UMG, you know, such a big company. I felt completely at ease. And I think gaining the knowledge from the program along with what I already had led to a much more sure and confident version of myself.”
What’s your advice to other Recording Connection for Music Business students? How can they make the most of the program while they’re in it?
“Totally immersing yourself in the program is the best piece of advice, not just running through the textbook and taking the quizzes because you have to do it. Like, actually reading, and doing the extra readings, and figuring out the questions, and being present with it. I’d say the same thing with your mentor. Don’t just do the projects and hand them in just to hand them in, you know, or just do the bare minimum. Ask questions. Ask follow-up questions. And if there’s something that you’re specifically really interested in or don’t understand or you want to know more about, be sure to ask. Ask your mentor. Look it up in the book. Spend time doing your own research as well. You know, not only was I doing the online course portion and working with my mentor, but I also, with my Academic Facilitator, would spend time talking with him and ask him questions. And any little projects he gave me, you know, I’d also do those. I think being an active participant is probably the most important thing.”
Learn more about
Recording Connection’s programs in music business, music production, audio engineering, live sound, DJing, and more!
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