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Issue #198 – Apprentices in Action

Weekly Newsletter

by L. Swift and Jeff McQ

Apprentices in Action

A Day in the Life of Our Students

David Brik Laufer, Carlos and Bae Frontera, Rafa and Tami Sardina and Jeff Riggs (in front) at The Latin Grammys 2017

David Brik Laufer, Carlos and Bae Frontera, Rafa and Tami Sardina and
Jeff Riggs (in front) at The Latin Grammys 2017

Program grad and current Learn from Legends student Jeffrey Riggs (Las Vegas, NV) had a whirlwind of a time when he went to the Latin Grammys with Legends mentor Rafa Sardina, who’s also the Executive Producer for the star-studded event! But that’s not all. Jeff also got the call from The Hideout, where his former mentor for the audio program, Luis Pacheco, had a few things going on simultaneously. First, Jeff helped with setups for Criss Angel who was recording a 100 piece boys choir for a song. After that, he was on to help setup for a number of artists recording for the Latin Grammys which he calls “quite amusing as I bumped into them all throughout Las Vegas! It was quite the trip!” We’ll have more on Jeff’s very busy day at the Latin Grammys in an upcoming issue!    Film Connection student Jason Reinhardt (Atlanta, GA) is finding out the “dry season” isn’t always so dry! “November is coming to an end and with it the dry season for film production begins. Not to worry! It’ll pick up in no time and you’ll find yourself running around more than ever before! …Just last week I had the chance to work on a big TLC still shoot. Over the three days I pulled out almost every trick and tip that I’ll learned so far in this industry. I did the most basic P.A. jobs, such as getting lunches, finding last minute props and as always giving out waters…In addition, I had the chance to get my hands on lightening and grip equipment, which is always fun. No matter what I was doing I was having a blast because I love what I do and the people I get to work with.”  
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