Apprentices in Action
A Day in the Life of Our Students

Film Connection student
Jake Sutherland (Albuquerque, NM) is getting hands-on just weeks into the program:
“On Tuesday and Thursday I got a chance to film the New Mexico Philharmonic Orchestra while they were performing at the University of New Mexico. John [my mentor] showed me how to lay out the cables from the cameras to the computer so they wouldn’t get stepped on; he also showed me how to operate the camera and how all the buttons worked. He started talking me through how to shoot the camera and how to focus it. While I was operating the camera he was giving me directions through a headset and telling me where he wanted the camera positioned next. I had lots of fun my first time filming and I look forward to doing it again!”

Despite being a busy professional, Film Connection graduate
Luis Palacio (Atlanta, GA) made it a point to make the most of the experiences he had with filmmaking mentor Jason Winn, including
“the opportunity to be constantly on set, shooting movies, or videos, learning the production language, and networking with other crew members as well.”
Luis also trained with professional screenwriter Ron Peterson (New York, NY), whom Luis calls
“a very talented and passionate screenwriter” who
“loves culture, social issues and putting stories into simple yet structured screenplays.”
Armed with his newfound knowledge, Luis is putting all of it into the works! He’s recently written and directed his own film, “Social Love” the story of a young tech company owner who gets sidetracked and ultimately redeemed when he helps a community of deprived elders.
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