Apprentices in Action
A Day in the Life of Our Students

Recording Connection student
Gabriella Ambrosio (Portland, OR) sees the value of getting both feet in the door at Black Diamond Recording Studios where she’s apprenticing under Matt Jefferson:
“Man, these last couple months have been a never ending roller coaster. All I can think to say is how beyond extremely grateful I am for my mentor Matt Jefferson for being such an understanding, cool and open human overall. I can’t wait for all the knowledge yet to be soaked up from a guy who truly is visibly passionate about his work.
This opportunity is for those who would kill for a chance like this, those who never failed to see something in the kid and my underrepresented people. I can wait to create and connect with all the creative souls out there.”

Recording Connection student
Jeff Riggs (Las Vegas, NV) has wrapped up one part of his journey and is powering up for what’s ahead!
“So much to say. I’ve been lucky enough to be at Audio Mix House for my schooling. Working with Josh [Connolly] and Luis [Pacheco] has been a blast. I’ve been able to sit in on sessions as well as provide feedback to producers and artists such as Romeo Johnson and Steve Ventic, sit in on sessions with the strings section for Celine Dion, and even to have lunch and hear business talk from Benny Rietveld. The first 6 weeks of this course, if you are a rookie in the studio like me, may seem like a lot of reading and not much understanding, but I assure you, at around week 7, everything starts to click….track (hope someone gets that joke). My advice to everyone, ASK QUESTIONS!!! If you don’t get it, you won’t get it, unless you ask. Then, you can watch the reading come to life right in front of your eyes. Glad I found this program!”

Rafa Sardina and Brian Kraft, consultant for RRFC
Now, Jeff is getting ready to do the Learn from Legends Program while on the road with multiple Grammy winner recording engineer, mix engineer, and producer
Rafa Sardina!
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