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Issue #156 – Apprentices in Action

Weekly Newsletter

by L. Swift and Jeff McQ

Apprentices in Action

A Day in the Life of Our Students

   Congrats to Recording Connection grad Christopher Locke (Austin, TX) who recently won Engineer of the Year at the Austin Hip Hop Awards! Now a prominent player in the Austin hip-hop scene, Chris’s unique spin on hip-hop vocal production has resulted in a nearly never-ending stream of clients. He says, “I work with pretty much 85% of the hip-hop community in Austin now…I work like 60 to 70 hours a week. Pretty much every day is like a ten-hour day for me, and I strictly work with hip-hop and rap and R&B. I stay completely booked with that and I don’t have to ever worry about trying to find business anymore, because it just comes to me.” And good things come to those who grind! Keep on grinding Chris!    Geoffrey D. Calhoun Kudos to Film Connection grad and screenwriter Geoffrey D. Calhoun (Detroit, MI), who was just announced as a top 100 indie screenwriter of 2017 and nominated for “Best Unproduced Screenplay” at the London Film Fest International. Guess who’s going to London next month!  
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