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Issue #148 – Apprentices in Action

Weekly Newsletter

by L. Swift and Jeff McQ

Apprentices in Action

A Day in the Life of Our Students

Jackson Porter (far left in blue t-shirt) with Fifty Films

Jackson Porter (far left in blue t-shirt) with Fifty Films

Film Connection apprentice Jackson Porter (Salt Lake City, UT) is getting pumped and primed for the road ahead. “I’m pretty far into the Film Connection program. So far, I’ve learned so much, more than I ever could have just on my own. Everyone at Fifty Films provides me so much help, and my love and appreciation and excitement for film has grown exponentially since beginning this program. I’ve loved working with Fifty Films. They get me on film shoots as often as possible. They’re patient and helpful and have done nothing but teach me and inspire me.”   

Recording Connection mentor, engineer Dan Middleton (at console).
Moser Woods musician at keyboard.

Recording Connection student Tryston McCarthy, who apprentices with mentor Dan Middleton is getting real world knowhow at Digitracks Recording (Fort Wayne, IN). “This past weekend my mentor and I recorded a band called Moser Woods, an instrumental progressive rock band from Fort Wayne. We set up mics for drums and started laying down tracks with drums and piano.”  
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