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Issue #147 – Apprentices in Action

Weekly Newsletter

by L. Swift and Jeff McQ

Apprentices in Action

A Day in the Life of Our Students

Still from The Earth Below, a Moth to Flame Production, 2016

Still from The Earth Below, a Moth to Flame Production, 2016

From day one, Film Connection student Jon Grandstaff (Austin, TX) got to assist on-set of The Earth Below, a sci-fi short directed by his mentor Christine Chen of Moth to Flame Productions. “In three days I saw and took part in full pre-production, set design and primary shooting of a short film, with her in the director role and having a large part in the minute to minute production in every way…I was able to assist in storyboarding scenes, lighting, photography (the Director of Photography, Taylor Camarot, was very willing to explain the process I already had surprisingly close access to), the filming of scenes from the creative director POV…I was able to see my mentor handle first hand regarding delegation, managing multiple locations with their own shooting restrictions and orchestrating a 15-25 person group, all actually trained and experienced in the roles of a fully fleshed out and well-oiled “Movie Making Machine”… the entire experience far surpassed anything I expected to witness in the first half of this course, let alone the first thing… something that you really don’t encounter in traditional film schools.” Trailer drops December 14th!    dylanmullins Recording Connection student Dylan Mullins (Charleston, SC) is making the most of every single day. “Learning Ableton at the studio today. Thanks to Recording Connection for giving me this opportunity to be an apprentice under a great sound engineer named Elliott Elsey and for us to be learning Ableton Suite 9 Live and achieving my goals day by day…I am learning a lot so far and much more to come.”  
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