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Issue #145 – Apprentices in Action

Weekly Newsletter

by L. Swift and Jeff McQ

Apprentices in Action

A Day in the Life of Our Students

   Film Connection student Alex Willey (Denver, CO), who apprentices with Johny Fischer, shares an insight he recently had while working on his own project: “I think getting a good rapport with my actors is the first step to a successful shoot. I want for them to be able to have confidence in their acting and to know that I have the ability to bring out their best performances. After a rapport is set, I try to keep the actors happy. If they’re not, I find ways to channel whatever energy they’re dealing with into their character… After all, they’re trying their best to portray your story and you’re there to guide them.”    joey-heier Recording Connection mentor Joey Heier aka “Uncle Joey” at Crystal Clear Studio in Philadelphia, PA never ceases to wow his students. RC grad and former apprentice Michael Luna says this about his former mentor: “It was almost like he just knew what was going on in my head before I even knew it. He definitely has that gift for seeing things like that and being able to, I guess, really relate with students in any way possible. I’m sure my lifestyle is completely different than a lot of the individuals that have had him as a mentor. But he really knows how to click and really fit into that that individual’s lifestyle and make them comfortable and really be able to digest what he’s saying.” Keep up the good work Joey. We all love you for it!  
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