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Issue #121 – Apprentices in Action

Weekly Newsletter

by L. Swift and Jeff McQ

Apprentices in Action

A Day in the Life of Our Students

   Recording Connection students Alexis Kirkbride and Dawnette Scolari Recording Connection students Alexis Kirkbride and Dawnette Scolari getting some time in cleaning up a mix at ES Audio (Glendale, CA). Mentor Donny Baker had something to say about women in audio during a recent phone call. “I enjoy having females in. They seem to be more…they focus more, you know? They just seem to focus more and seem to be a little more intuitive as to how things get done. There’s this the whole stigma of dudes do this better but I disagree. I’d like to see more females get in and do well in the different programs.”    Shots from Film Connection student Santosh Neupane (San Francisco, CA) taken during the filming of two different Doucheaholics episodes. The comedic web series, worked on by several Film Connection students, premieres at Dances with Films, June 10th at the historic Chinese Theatre in Hollywood!   Santosh Neupane Santosh Neupane   
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