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Issue #118 – Apprentices in Action

Weekly Newsletter

by L. Swift and Jeff McQ

Apprentices in Action

A Day in the Life of Our Students

Nigel Dean center with collaborating artist on the left, vocalist on the right.

Nigel Dean center with collaborating artist on the left, vocalist on the right.

Recording Connection apprentice Nigel Dean (San Diego, CA) manned the ship while mentor Patrick kept a low profile. “Once the technical aspects were done, Patrick stayed behind the scenes and let me spend 4 hours recording my vocalist, giving me complete control of what was happening inside the studio. This allowed me not only to finish all takes for the entire track but also give me a firsthand steer at the wheel of what it’s like to lead a recording session in real life. It was a very satisfying experience, something that you can’t tangibly do inside a classroom watching power points. After recordings were over, Patrick showed me how to mix vocals properly within a recording.”    desiree-holiday Desiree Holiday, Recording Connection apprentice in Nashville, TN, discusses the virtues and peculiarities of the mic. “In my experience I have found micing an instrument is much like finding a good friend-we have to get along well, match in characteristics, agree on the intent of the relationship, and enhance each other’s positive qualities in order to create a beneficial experience….While practicing micing drums with my mentor, I achieved the desired goal and wanted to take a picture of the mics used and how I placed them. [Mentor] Mr. Web said, ‘Sure! Just remember you will never mic a drum set like that again, it will never be the same!’ A different drummer + a different drum set + a different environment and intent = a whole new party. Microphone choice and application really rides the subjective/objective line. There really is no right or wrong, no opinion better than the other, just whatever keeps the party going!”   
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