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Issue #114 – Apprentices in Action

Weekly Newsletter

by L. Swift and Jeff McQ

Apprentices in Action

A Day in the Life of Our Students

Women in Film & Media Colorado Launch Event

Women in Film & Media Colorado Launch Event

At a recent networking event, Film Connection student Leticia Rodriguez (Denver, CO) decided not to let a little shyness stand in her way! “I went to a recruiting meeting for a new chapter for Women in Film & Media,” she says. “I figured there would only be a few of us there but I was pleasantly surprised to see the huge number of women that showed up. I’m pretty shy but quickly discovered people were coming up to me and asking about my interests and levels of expertise in the industry. I admitted I was a student and pretty much starting out, but it didn’t really seem to bother anyone. In fact, I ended up exchanging info with other students and established people in the field…It was a sea of awesomeness. I joined the chapter, and I look forward to working on future projects with some of these impressive women.”   
Shannon Rupp

Shannon Rupp

Recording Connection apprentice Shannon Rupp (Philadelphia, PA) has been hard at work alongside mentor John Digiacomo at M Sound Recording studios, and is now experiencing the payoff of feeling it all click. “The past few months in the studio have been awesome,” he says. “The previous knowledge I had about engineering is being built on, and everything is clicking and making sense very quickly!”   
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