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Issue #204 – Apprentices in Action

Weekly Newsletter

by Liya Swift

Apprentices in Action

A Day in the Life of Our Students

  Cinequest 2018 Film Connection mentor Sean McCarthy of Guerilla Wanderers (Bay Area), wrote in to update us on the work our students did on the Cinequest 2018 Festival Trailer, conceptualized and created by the Guerilla Wanderers & Digital Wanderers team!   Sean reports that two Film Connection students Nika Finch and Alex Geranios were “involved as part of our brain trust to show storyboards and animatics where they developed their skills as storytellers and contributed to the piece as it developed and evolved.”   And…   Eric Whitehead who just graduated from the program, and who we brought back as an associate producer, post production coordinator and animator (he drew one of the robots) — From his training and experience level growing with us, we were able to entrust him with a bigger responsibility…Elizabeth [the producer] and I would both concur he was an essential part of the leadership team and the shining star.   He went from a student we were training early 2017 to a key creative collaborator on this project after he had just received his certification and completed his time in the program.”   
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