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Issue #124 – Apprentices in Action

Weekly Newsletter

by L. Swift and Jeff McQ

Apprentices in Action

A Day in the Life of Our Students


Trinidad James and RC grad Morning Estrada

When rapper Trinidad James told Recording Connection mentor, Donny Baker at ES Audio (Glendale, CA) that he was looking for an engineer who could come on the road with him, he didn’t waste a moment at getting his former apprentice Morning Estrada in the mix. The two hit if off instantly. It’s done wonders for Morning’s career. Donny says, “Now any time Trinidad goes anywhere, he brings Morning with him…He is killing the game now, driving a nice car, lives in the hills, he’s doing well. Eminem flies him out to Detroit to work at his studio… He’s doing really well.”    cassie-fisher-1 Recording Connection student Cassie Fisher, is diving in with both feet at Salmon Peak Recording (San Antonio, TX). A high school jazz band came in to record and Cassie got to help mic up the huge ensemble, including a horn section of six, a bass, two electric guitars, bongos, a drum kit, and a vocalist. “Afterwards,” Cassie says, “I got to see the mixing and editing part of it as well. We also did some overdubbing on the bass player, as well. I couldn’t believe all the different things you can do with a little technology in Pro Tools and Melodyne.” On a subsequent lesson, Cassie had a friend come in and sing while she did some mixing and editing hands-on! Not bad for being just weeks into the program!   
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