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Issue #120 – Apprentices in Action

Weekly Newsletter

by L. Swift and Jeff McQ

Apprentices in Action

A Day in the Life of Our Students

   wayne-e-hill Congratulations to Recording Connection graduate Wayne E. Hill on the launch of his new studio, Golden Word Music Productions, LLC (Email: [email protected]), in San Antonio, TX. Speaking of his former mentor, Wayne says, “RC Mentor, Mark E. Sinko of Salmon Peak Studios, definitely cleared many fundamental mixing issues I had and helped me become an outstanding mixer. I still bug Mark from time to time!”    greg-abeyta Impromptu shot by Recording Connection student Greg Abeyta (Denver, CO) of mentor Ryan Conway of Conway Studios. “This picture was taken only a few weeks into my schooling. I was sitting in on a session that I really enjoyed. Both Ryan and his client were nice guys and I respect Ryan a lot. He’s a great teacher and is very thorough with his teaching. The studio is nice and the vibes when you’re there are great.”   
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