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Issue #117 – Apprentices in Action

Weekly Newsletter

by L. Swift and Jeff McQ

Apprentices in Action

A Day in the Life of Our Students

   Otto Díaz Upon graduating from the master’s program, Otto Díaz, who apprenticed with Donny Baker at ES Audio in Glendale, CA, returned home to Columbia and started working with solo artist Feralucia as the co-producer, arranger, and session musician on her debut album El Umbral. Otto is also part of Feralucia’s live band, playing samplers, controller and guitar. The album is getting great reviews and available in iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Rhapsody, YouTube, Soundcloud amongst others.    Anthony Zaccardi Film Connection apprentice Anthony Zaccardi (New Milford, NJ) had a blast working a recent shoot with his mentor Adam Lebenstein for tech company Infragistics. “I was the PA on set and was setting up lights, mics, and setting up the cameras,” he says. “I’m learning a lot actually for only being a part of Film Connection for 3 months. Adam’s been a great mentor, and I’m starting to learn how to properly operate the cameras and edit. Hoping to work in TV one day.”   
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