Apprentices in Action
A Day in the Life of Our Students

Film Connection apprentice
Ryan F. Drake who apprentices with Shaunn Baker at World Stage Media in Dayton, OH, recently completed production on his short entitled The 7th Circle, a comedic romp exploring the dark side of indiscriminate eye-drop use.
“I came to Film Connection because I wanted to gain the tools I would need to know how to make films and eventually sell them to work in the industry. With the help of Shaunn Baker, my mentor, I was able to get an idea out of my head to finally put it to paper and get it on a camera. While shooting the 7th Circle, I had to learn quickly, on my feet, but every problem was answered smoothly and a small group of no-name-wannabees had a taste of their first movie. It was exciting, fun, hard, and satisfying. I plan to use the skills I have learned to start working on my own projects and get a career with my dream production company.”

Recording Connection apprentices
Alexis Kirkbride and
Curtis Dreager who study with Donny Baker at ES Audio in Glendale, CA, recently teamed up on a project and are having a blast getting the mix pitch-perfect.
“Can’t say enough how Donny has prepared me for the real life recording world,” says Curtis.
“The range of people I’ve helped work with goes from helping produce kid’s nursery rhymes being sent to the children of Nigeria, to helping the engineer during a late night vocal recording with DJ Paul from Three6 Mafia. It’s been a wild ride, and can’t thank you enough for this amazing opportunity.”
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