When you train students in a classroom, you can often get by with hiring teachers with minimal experience in the field, as long as they have the credentials. When you train your students as externs on-the-job, like RRFC does, you have to do things a bit differently. To train someone on-the-job effectively, you have to know what you’re doing. That’s why the Recording Radio Film Connection & CASA Schools only partners with experienced working professionals to teach our students.
Experience Matters - For the Teacher AND the Student

In the industries of film, broadcasting, recording and culinary it's your experience, not your level of education, that opens doors for you. Despite what conventional schools might tell you, getting hired in these industries often has little to nothing to do with the merit of a diploma or college degree. Chances are, the bosses that do the hiring won't even ask you where you went to school!
But they will ask you this: "What experience do you have?"
That's right: potential employers in these industries generally aren't that interested in your diploma, degree or certificate (including the one you'll earn from RRFC). They're interested in knowing whether you can do the job, as shown by your prior experience. Oftentimes, they're also interested in whether other industry professionals you've worked with are willing to vouch for you. This is perhaps the most valuable thing you'll take away from RRFC - the ability to say, "I have on-the-job experience."
So, if it's so important for YOU to have experience - why wouldn't it be even MORE important for your MENTOR to have it? That's exactly why we insist that all our mentors don't just work in the business but that they have proven experience under their belts. That way, you can be assured that you're getting a real-world education that will enable you to produce real results for your career.
Recording Connection Mentors' Experience

The vast majority of Recording Connection mentors have more than a decade of experience working in the industry.
Many of our mentors have worked with bands and artists you know and love. Many of them have Gold and Platinum Records on their walls, and even have Grammy Awards on their shelves. Producers and engineers with this kind of experience will be able to teach you things you just can't learn in the textbooks!
To learn more about our Recording Connection mentors, click here.
Film Connection Mentors' Experience

When choosing mentors for our Film Connection students, we look for people who don't just know the technical skills but who are making a successful living doing what they do.
Many of these professionals own their own production companies, working on a variety of projects ranging from corporate commercial work to feature films. Many have actual film credits on movies you've seen. These pros won't just teach you to work the camera, place lights or run Premiere Pro. They'll teach you how to think and act like a film professional - how to position yourself for industry success.
To learn more about our Film Connection mentors, click here.
Radio Connection Mentors' Experience

When it comes to experience in broadcasting, it's hard to match the collective experience of our Radio Connection mentors.
Many of our great mentors have worked in major market stations as radio DJs, producers and program directors; many of them host and syndicate their own shows, both on terrestrial and internet radio. These professionals have the proven experience not just to teach you how to talk into a microphone or run the board, but also how to survive in the competitive world of broadcasting. These are actual true professionals who will teach you what it takes to to think like a professional.
To learn more about our Radio Connection mentors, click here.
Chef Apprentice School of the Arts Mentors' Experience

When seeking out mentors for our newest program, Chef Apprentice School of the Arts (CASA), we wanted to be certain the people training our students were successful culinary professionals, in order to increase the chances for our students' success.
So we sought out master chefs and successful restaurateurs across the country with the strongest reputations and the longest track records of success. We didn't just ask these professionals to mentor our culinary students, we also sought out their input in crafting the curriculum. The end result is a practical, hands-on education built on years of experience that's designed to prepare you for a successful career in food.
To learn more about our Chef Apprentice School of the Arts (CASA) mentors, click here.