Here are the job opportunities (or as we like to call them, Grind Opps) from this week's show.
Audio Engineers and Interns
Industry: Recording
Location: Baltimore, MD
Baltimore recording studio seeks engineers and interns

Live DJ
Industry: Recording
Location: Denver, CO
Denver DJ company seeks DJs for their 2017 season

Film Internship
Industry: Film
Location: Salem, OR
Feature film seeks interns for Horror film production beginning in January 31st for 3 weeks. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION IS ASAP!!

Freelance Videographer
Industry: Film
Location: Philadelphia, PA
This position would require a freelance videographer to create short form high level video content for a number of brands within reasonable deadlines.

Producer's Assistant
Industry: Film
Location: Cherry Hill, NJ
Searching for a strong producer assistant. Strong knowledge of Final Cut Pro a plus.

Sous Chef / Kitchen Lead
Industry: Culinary
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Sous Chef / Kitchen Lead for High-End, boutique off premise caterer.

On-Air Personality (Morning Show)
Industry: Radio
Location: Tampa, FL
Morning Show in Tampa hiring On Air Personality

On-Air Talent
Industry: Radio
Location: Washington, DC
On Air Talent Needed at Top DC Station

Live Sound Engineer
Industry: Recording
Location: Jacksonville, FL
Local church seeks part time experienced live sound engineer.

Chef Openings for PGA Tour Stop
Industry: Culinary
Location: Pacific Palisades, CA
Multiple Chef Position Openings for upcoming The Genesis Open PGA Tournament Stop Pacific Palisades, CA.

DJ IZ: Welcome to Connected. I’m your host DJ IZ. I’m here hanging with my lovely cohost, Miss Cloie. Say what up?
Cloie: Hello. I am Cloie Wyatt Taylor.
DJ IZ: Man…
Cloie: It’s Monday Movement.
DJ IZ: It’s Monday Movement. It’s Monday grind. It’s Iz got jobs, Iz Connected, it’s all of the above. And I’m super excited this week. We had a lot happen last week.
Cloie: Ooh, Iz, I mean we were like a boss and that. Everybody remembers my cup, right?
DJ IZ: Like a boss, like a boss. You know just like all the moving pieces we had going on last week, which is incredible, which has brought us here to Show 48, right? So the numbers keep climbing. And for those of you who are just tuning in, let me just say right off the cuff, right off the gate, this show is about jobs, all right? Also about mentoring, education, but you know, for me mostly, and I know for you Cloie, at the end of the day, we wanna push all of that. But we also wanna provide a light at the end of the tunnel for these young creators, for these filmmakers, for these radio personalities, for these engineers, for these songwriters, for these producers, because you know, we can pump as much information as we possibly can. But at the end of the day, if we don’t have an outlet for them to exercise these experiences and this information, then what good are we?
Cloie: No good.
DJ IZ: So…
Cloie: Well…
DJ IZ: We have a great accomplishment this morning, which is our Huffington Post that we just had happen this morning. And I’m excited about that, you know, I got a chance to read the article and I think for us, Cloie, you know, what we’ve been doing every Monday is just a sign and a token of somewhat appreciation that what we’re doing isn’t in vain.
Cloie: Yes.
DJ IZ: You know what I’m saying? Like we make it a point to get here every Monday at 11:00 AM to announce jobs. You know, to take it resumes, to take in cover letters, sizzle reels, to get you all connected, you know what I’m saying? So man, and congrats to you, Cloie.
Cloie: Congrats to you Iz. It’s bright. Look, jobs 301 to 310, because we give away 10 jobs…
DJ IZ: Ten jobs.
Cloie: Not five anymore. We’ve grown.
DJ IZ: We’ve grown.
Cloie: Here’s to growing and to expansion. We’re in the new beautiful space. Shout out to Abstract Studios.
DJ IZ: Yep, shout out to Ab for providing the house for us for Connected. And we got some great announcements even in that light. We’re gonna be doing some things with Serato, some things with Roland, and we got to hang out at NAMM.
Cloie: We did, which we’ll talk about in a minute.
DJ IZ: We’ll talk about it in a minute. Also too, for those of you who can’t get on the laptop or anything, check in at our Google Play list and our…I’m losing, but our iTunes podcast. Yes.
Cloie: It’s hard to say.
DJ IZ: It’s hard to say. So…
Cloie: And make sure you’re looking at us on social media too. We are everywhere @IzConnected. That’s Facebook, that’s Twitter, that’s…what’s that one with the pictures? That’s Instagram.
DJ IZ: Instagramming.
Cloie: Right? Instagramsies.
DJ IZ: And also too, make sure you follow us even on our own personal, which is AlwaysCloie on Instagram, and I’m Iz_Avila on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter. And yeah, it’s a great way to keep up on our day to day movement, you know, see what we got going on day in, day out. Cloie had a…actually you had an audition last week.
Cloie: On Monday.
DJ IZ: On Monday.
Cloie: We were talking about it at the show.
DJ IZ: And you actually shot it.
Cloie: Shot it. I got it and I shot it. I got it and shot it on Friday. And it was really fun. I love a night shoot just because, your defenses, everybody’s defenses are down a little bit more. And so it just gets silly at a certain point when everybody gets tired, but it was really fun, and it looks like I’ll get to do more with.
DJ IZ: That’s dope, and see I think too, you know, another great reason for them to even follow us on our personal as well as IzConnected is that for moments like that, you know, when you’re on set, when you’re stepping into that audition and just the preparation. And I think it’s important for our viewers and our faithfuls to, you know, be able to access that information, just to get a bird’s eye view of what it actually looks like.
Cloie: Yeah, and here’s the thing. I can make this…this I can vow to our Connected. I will tell you about the auditions. I’ll even tell you when I don’t get them because that’s the reality of it for people that are in it or, you know, I feel like that’s a fair thing.
DJ IZ: Absolutely.
Cloie: It’s all gravy. It’s mostly not gravy. It’s most like that tough, fatty part of the knee that nobody can chew through.
DJ IZ: Yeah, yeah, it’s like…
Cloie: You try to swallow because you don’t wanna be rude.
DJ IZ: Right, and that’s the reality, you know, that’s just the nature of being in the business is it’s a lot of nos before you get some yeses, you know? That’s what it takes. So on another note, we got some important announcements as far as our contest. I’m gonna let you dive into that.
Cloie: Okay guys. I hope I get the points. Just bear with me. So basically, we’ve got endings and beginnings today. Our contest, this is your last chance to enter to win a one hour private consultation with these two jokers right here.
DJ IZ: Jokers, jokers
Cloie: Two jokers. You wanna sign up at And in this private one hour consultation, we can talk about anything you want. We can talk about the business. We can not talk about the business. We can talk about…
DJ IZ: Yeah, we can talk about us personally.
Cloie: Food allergies. We can talk about…
DJ IZ: Which I do have some. I have some of those. But that’s a whole other show. Like Connected Food Allergies, right? But go ahead, go ahead. Don’t let me interrupt. You keep going, keep going, keep telling about…
Cloie: Food allergies. So that’s one contest. Today’s the very last day to enter that, and we will be announcing that winner on next week’s show, next Monday. Is that the 30th?
DJ IZ: Yeah, we’re already moving into February.
Cloie: Holy schnikies.
DJ IZ: Yeah, it’s going fast.
Cloie: It’s my birthday month, February. And so that’s one contest.
DJ IZ: Okay.
Cloie: Now, the second contest…
DJ IZ: Which is a huge contest by the way, so that’s not like…I gotta get enthused about it. So go ahead.
Cloie: Because it is. And we’ll have more details about it later, right? We’re giving away a scholarship.
DJ IZ: A scholarship. We’re giving away. We’re making it possible.
Cloie: Giving away Iz Free Money.
DJ IZ: Free opportunity.
Cloie: Free opportunity. It’s your chance to win a \$10,000 full ride scholarship to Recording, Radio or Film Connection. And…
DJ IZ: And it’s for boys too. I know we got a girl on our graphic, but it’s for boys too.
Cloie: Right, it’s for everybody.
DJ IZ: It’s for everybody.
Cloie: It is not gender specific, right? So more details to come. Stay tuned later in the episode. We will have more information for you.
DJ IZ: Yes.
Cloie: I think I hit all of the points…oh wait. We should also say the content is not about your GPA, right? It’s…
DJ IZ: Yep, it’s not about any of that.
Cloie: It’s not about anything like that. It’s just like life. It’s like…I don’t wanna say “The Hunger Games,” because I feel like, you know, but kind of. You gotta get your grind on and show us how to get your grind on.
DJ IZ: You gotta show it.
Cloie: We want to…we’re looking for the person that can demonstrate how taking one of these courses is gonna benefit their life in the most amazing way.
DJ IZ: And also, the scholarship can be applied to any of the fields that the Connection offers, which is film, radio, engineering, culinary. So it can be any of those facets of what you love and what you do. So definitely keep that in mind.
Cloie: Right but like we said, well, this is just a tease.
DJ IZ: Just to tease it.
Cloie: Just a light shimmy.
DJ IZ: Yeah, so one of my favorite part of the shows, which we’re getting ready to get into now, which is our jobs, because like I said, this show is about jobs, guys. It’s about getting you connected to the workplace, okay? So before we get into our jobs…
Cloie: Oh right.
DJ IZ: We like to tell them what to kind of get prepared, get your…I’ll let you take it though.
Cloie: Is this thing on? If you have like a Boss cup you maybe wanna grab, now’s the time. Get your pens, get your pencils, get your device if that’s how you take notes, get your mind right, get your heart open, and grab some inspiration because we’re gonna move through them.
DJ IZ: We’re gonna move through them, and there’s a lot of information for you to take down and cover for these jobs, okay? So again, before we go into these jobs, keep in mind that we like to see what you guys are about as far as your resumes, your cover letters, your sizzle reels, so this all plays a huge part. It all works together. And if our team can help you navigate that, build it out, and properly prepare it, that’s what we wanna do. Shout out to the paper man on the left who dropped some papers.
Cloie: Howard.
DJ IZ: So here we go. We’re gonna get into our first Grind Opp of the day.
Cloie: Howard’s excited about that.
DJ IZ: He’s excited. So check it out. This is our first Grind Opp. This is in the field of audio engineers and interns. This is in Baltimore. All right, Baltimore. Okay, here we go. Intern responsibilities include general setup of recording sessions, booking sessions, maintaining studio appearance, helping the studio maintain a great client relationship. No pay, just experience. Audio engineers’ responsibilities include recording, editing, and mixing session, proper calibration and care of equipment, familiarity with both analog and digital consoles and outboard gear. Soldering knowledge is a plus. Now here’s what I can actually cover in just with my own personal experience.
Cloie: Ooh, we just did a tonal shift. It just got real. I got a chill/
DJ IZ: It got real. So soldering in a studio environment is serious business. Like…
Cloie: Like mask and…
DJ IZ: Yeah, like literally soldering wires, like this is a process I’ve seen engineers and techs stay up all through the night doing because it’s like one bad solder or cable end, like it’s a wrap. So this is a very meticulous type of job detail, you know, any time they’re saying soldering knowledge is a plus, you definitely wanna be able to know what you’re doing because it’s for real.
Also too, this is like more of a tech type of job, right? Real techy, because you know, you’re doing calibration, equipment, the care of the equipment, meaning you know, just the maintenance overall. That’s a huge responsibility. And also too, you’re gonna be setting up sessions. So you’re gonna be dealing with, you know, maybe artists getting there early. You know, bands or what have you, so you definitely wanna just have a cool personality, and you definitely wanna just be very inviting, okay?
And you’re also booking sessions, okay? So you gotta know structure, daily structure, how to time things out, you know? Some sessions run over time. People, you know, when they call to see if your studio’s available, they wanna know how much your rates are. So you gotta be just very up to speed on those details because you don’t wanna overbook sessions. You don’t wanna cross sessions. You wanna give enough time when a session’s done to set up the next session coming in. And that’s usually a two…you wanna give yourself a two hour, three hour window just to make sure everything’s cool.
Cloie: Because musicians can be messy.
DJ IZ: They can be messy and they can be late. Nine times out of 10, they’re late, okay? And also too, you know, you’re gonna be dealing with maintaining the client, you know, the relationships and clients, so you know, all those things you kind of just…you just wanna be a cool cat, you know? I’ve met engineers, Cloie, that are kind of just like introverts, you know what I’m saying? Just very…but they’re great at what they do, but like their people skills suck.
Cloie: Sure.
DJ IZ: You know what I’m saying? So I think with this particular Grind Opp, you know, you definitely wanna be cool because that can lead to a paying gig.
Cloie: And that’s the thing. This is one of the things I do love about this Grind Opp is that they put it all up front. There is no pay, there is no pay, there is just experience.
DJ IZ: And by the way, for those of you who are looking for jobs here on Connected, this is actually the first job we’ve had that I know of that has listed no pay, okay? So don’t let this be a bummer or a reason why you don’t take advantage of this opportunity and apply, but just keep in mind, look at these Grind Opps as ways to build other opportunities for yourself. Because the great thing with a studio environment, you meet people.
Cloie: You sure do.
DJ IZ: You’re gonna meet the engineer in the next room. You’re gonna meet, you know, a band that might need a sound guy, and all those roles you can play, you know, which lead to other outlets.
Cloie: I also wanna say one thing real quick in relation to the whole payment thing, and that’s I don’t believe in no pay. I believe there’s always payment. It just may look a little different.
DJ IZ: Right, right, absolutely.
Cloie: So to keep that in mind, if you are locked into the idea of a check or dollar or whatever, then this is…that’s a different conversation and I totally respect it. But we’re always getting paid in experience because we’re always taking something from an experience so that we can apply it.
DJ IZ: Absolutely, absolutely, so definitely keep that in mind. Again, that’s out in Baltimore for all our engineers, aspiring engineers and interns. So definitely, you know, check that out. And again, these jobs you can only apply for them through Connected, okay, through Connected. And we’ll be talking about other outlets that are gonna be coming to you that are brand new, other platforms which I’m super excited about. So now before we get into Grind Opp Two…
Cloie: NAMM.
DJ IZ: We get to talk about NAMM.
Cloie: NAMM, and guys, nobody got NAMMtrax. Knock on canvas.
DJ IZ: I felt like I got NAMMthrax yesterday because I was burnt yesterday. I was like I’m in the bed, what movies can we…I was fried.
Cloie: Yeah, but were you like coughing and sneezing and…was it like the movie “Outbreak?” No?
DJ IZ: Quarantine us. No actually, it wasn’t. It was just more of a, you know, just got to decompress.
Cloie: A general malaise.
DJ IZ: Yeah, so as you know, I mean, and you’ll see in this video clip that NAMM was intense. It was like…and usually it seems like every year it just gets more intense, more intense. I mean, I’ve been coming to this thing since I was eight, you know what I’m saying? So just to see it now is like a whole other monster. And you know, getting to just hang out with you for the day was great. It was pouring outside so we couldn’t access the taco truck and none of that, but…
Cloie: I was so sad about not getting the tacos.
DJ IZ: Not getting the tacos, I know, I know.
Cloie: Do you know how sad I was about not getting…
DJ IZ: Keep it together, keep it together. Yes, Cloie was bummed. Cloie was bummed because we had done so much walking by that time, we needed some fuel. And we were like, the taco truck was like, that was like the beaming light at the end of the tunnel…
Cloie: It really was.
DJ IZ: Let’s get through this, Cloie, because we’re gonna get tacos.
Cloie: I also just need to say that just getting to the NAMM, pardon the appearance, looking like a drowned harassed rat for all NAMM, showed up with like…
DJ IZ: No, it was pouring. We were all drenched and…
Cloie: It was like “Forrest Gump…”
DJ IZ: What was funny is they’re handing out raincoats after you done been in the rain already.
Cloie: What’s the point? It’s like you gotta be on camera now? It’s gonna happen.
DJ IZ: So overall, it was a great experience for us. So we actually have a video that the squad put together for you guys. Check this out. This is NAMM 2017 hanging out with me and Cloie. Check it out.
2017, welcome to NAMM. You got Connected. Myself…
Cloie: You Connected.
DJ IZ: We’re Connected. So got myself, DJ IZ, and my lovely cohost.
Cloie: I’m Cloie Wyatt Taylor.
DJ IZ: And we’re just happy to be here. We had a chance last year to pretty much walk the floor and interview tons of people. So I think this year, we’re gonna do it a little different. I think we’re just gonna like more or less enjoy the NAMM, look at various products, a lot of companies that I work with, and…
Cloie: Well because he’s connected.
DJ IZ: So luckily we’re indoors because it’s pouring outside, and it’s a zoo here as you can see.
Cloie: You know how they say it never rains in Southern California?
DJ IZ: Man, it pours in Southern.
Cloie: It’s a lie.
DJ IZ: So there’s something important that I want to make sure we talk about, which is our scholarship which is coming up this Monday, and it’s the full ride scholarship in any fields ranging from music, film, radio, and culinary. And you got a lot of folks who are signing up. You know, when I walk around here and I see musicians, songwriters, people who are just looking to get their foot in the door, I’m sitting here like you know what? Me and Cloie are doing something really incredible because this is our community. This is what we do it for. So I’m excited about that. I’m excited about being here at NAMM. I’m excited about the products that I’ve gotten to be a part of. Let’s get into NAMM. Let’s check it out.
Cloie: I love it.
DJ IZ: Let’s just, you know, let’s see what they got cracking here.
We had a good time. The foot traffic was real. Shout out to my man Lonny too for putting together an amazing video for us and following us around with camera and making it happen. We got a chance to hang out at Zoom, and that was really cool because I forget what show we were on, but this was the time when I was in Japan, and I was working on a drum machine. So this year, you got to see what it actually was. She got to make a beat. I mean, it was cool. I was like, okay, Cloie’s got some rhythm, all right, Cloie’s making a beat.
Cloie: That was, I think, the highlight for me at NAMM was the Zoom booth, like just that, your little machine…
DJ IZ: Right, the Ark.
Cloie: Oh man, oh man.
DJ IZ: Cool little thing, and I think it’s cool too for, you know, just for our viewers to see, you know, how it all comes to the end, which is the finish line when you take an idea and a concept, and what that process looks like. So being able to tell that story, which was great. And you know, shout out to Zoom for having me onboard. Shout out to Scott Goodman. We actually interviewed, yeah, we actually interviewed Scott Goodman at least year’s NAMM who was the president of Zoom, and I asked him a simple question. I said, “when you’re hiring somebody, what is the one thing you look for?” And he was the cat that was like, “I look to see if they can spell and write.” That was what he said. So something to keep in mind, the fundamentals are extremely important….
Cloie: The ears.
DJ IZ: The ears, yeah, so we got to check out the placement of stage monitors. A young cat, but just forward thinking, you know? And I got a chance to hang out with my Roland, auto, and chance to hang out with a good friend of mine, Phil [inaudible 00:18:45] who’s just…presidents you meet person…who’s making a point to go see because they’re very much real people. And always a great time at…I know Cloie had a great time. I had a good time, so.
Cloie: We were just out in full force…
DJ IZ: A hundred miles in rain…
Here we go guys, we’re gonna move into Grind Opp number…Grind Opp Number Two, this is in the field DJing. This is in Denver, Colorado. Now this is completely, this is what I do. So I’m gonna have fun diving into this one. So here we go. This is a live DJ position for corporate events, shows, and similar productions. Candidate must have their own computer and software. All other equipment will be provided, training provided. Interesting. Training, like DJ training? I’m not sure if that’s…okay, but…
Cloie: Maybe it’s more admin side.
DJ IZ: Might be admin, yes. It could be that.
Cloie: Because DJ training, I don’t think that’s a thing.
DJ IZ: Yeah, that’s interesting. And also too…the beat junkies who just opened up a new…so where…beat junkies…lady killer. So here’s what’s…prerequisite in this day in age…the tables and actually vinyl…
Cloie: To provide your own…
DJ IZ: So the fact that this is…on and how fast it’s moved on, right? Because now you gotta show up with your own computer and your software, which is…
Cloie: Which is on the computer.
DJ IZ: So you know, this is definitely for, you know those DJs who are definitely tech savvy in this world, the DJ who got your computer, got your iTunes library, got your crates. This could be a great opportunity for you. Again, this is in Denver, and you’re gonna be doing corporate events, which is interesting because as a DJ, you gotta have clean versions.
Cloie: Yep.
DJ IZ: Okay, you can’t be in the corporate events spinning, you know, the F words, you know, the P words.
Cloie: C words.
DJ IZ: C words, so the B word. So definitely something to keep in mind because you literally be playing one song and these words fly out, and thing you know, you’re getting sent home fast and in a hurry. So that’s definitely something to keep in mind. I actually have to remind myself, Cloie, like when I’m doing certain gigs, dang, do I have enough clean versions? You know, you have to take that into consideration.
Cloie: But does it ever happen in the moment, like you’re in the middle of…
DJ IZ: Oh, it’s happened to me. It’s happened.
Cloie: And you’re like oh. And you like get it in the nick of time.
DJ IZ: And I’m like, oh that one slipped. Yeah, it’s happened to me. So that’s why like if I do a club, man, I’m like I don’t care. Like who’s mad at curse words in the club?
Cloie: Nobody.
DJ IZ: Nobody, everybody’s gotta…
Cloie: Everybody’s a curse word in the club,
DJ IZ: So you know, in this type of setting, you definitely wanna keep that in mind. And also too, it’s a form of being…you know what I’m saying? You gotta be able to have those things in place as a DJ. And you gotta be able to have a good variety of formats. A lot, when I realized a lot about these corporate events, they want the classics. They want some, you know, just some good old P funk, you know, just group Under Nation, you know what I’m saying? So you gotta have…it ain’t just gonna always be hip hop or rap or trap, you know? You gotta…and what I love about these type of gigs, you’ll always get a card at the end…are you available? How do I go about hiring? You know, I got some…you know, so these are great opportunities to…
Cloie: …more to music when I go out places to get my…that’s all I wanted to say. So thank you.
DJ IZ: So gentle and polite.
Cloie: Thank you.
DJ IZ: So another thing…you show up, plug in and play, okay? So that was a last detail I want to make sure I brought up to you guys that all you gotta do show up with your computer. You don’t gotta drag crates. You got your software, whether it’s Traktor, Serato. I hope…Shameless plug, but yeah, anyway. So again, that is a live…before we move into Grind Opp Three, what do we got?
Cloie: Oh one of our students got hired.
DJ IZ: There we go, that’s huge news for us.
Cloie: Huge, it’s in the newsletter.
DJ IZ: It’s in the newsletter.
Cloie: Shout out to Lindsey Kappa, right? Dig it, yes mama, yes.
DJ IZ: …Texas, she went to Recording Connection, Austin, Texas.
Cloie: She just released her own EP called “Worlds Collide.” She wrote, she played on it, she sang, she engineered, and she produced it. And her mentor was Frenchie Smith. So mixer, engineer, producer of Scorpions “Dirty River Boys” and so much other good stuff. Her assistant engineer credit…she’s got some projects lined up, and…
DJ IZ: Absolutely, we gotta applaud that because you know that’s…being able to make all that happen and, I mean, she’s doing everything. She’s mixing, engineering, she’s coming up with the content, like shout out to you…and your…
Cloie: And read more about Lindsey and all of this, you can go to And remember, we do have a newsletter. Get your stories in because we wanna hear them.
DJ IZ: We wanna hear them. We wanna hear…knock this one because I feel like I’m hogging the show. I don’t wanna hog the show.
Cloie: You’re not hogging it.
DJ IZ: Go ahead and rock this.
Cloie: You’re not hogging it at all. I will…listen, this is called the captain’s chair. There’s two of them.
DJ IZ: I like it when you’re captain though. I like it when you’re captain.
Cloie: So Grind Opp Number Three is in the field of film. And it’s for paid interns for feature film in Salem, Oregon. I should specify it’s a horror feature film.
DJ IZ: I love horror joints.
Cloie: I do not. I will not watch it, but I support you fully. The job starts January 31st, and it lasts three weeks. They’re seeking interns and the deadline for applications is ASAP.
DJ IZ: ASAP folks, you gotta be on it. Let’s go, let’s apply.
Cloie: Looking for Oregon locals, I always say Oregon, Oregon locals only for special flexible positions. On set still photographer, behind the scenes producer, makeup and hair assistants, effects included with training to those who are willing to learn, a set PA, and crafty. Oh god, I love crafty. Feature film is shooting in Salem, McMinnville, Keizer, Silverton, and the Dallas area of Oregon. And it’s a chance to work with the former president of the Writer’s Guild of America, and solid workers will receive a letter of recommendation from him and the line producer. That’s huge, ooh, that’s huge.
DJ IZ: So Cloie, we gotta dive into this a little because this is your world right here, you know what I’m saying? Like…familiar with just, what that role looks like, you know, I mean, makeup hair assist, you know behind the scenes producer, on set still photographer.
Cloie: Here’s what I’m gonna tell you just about the makeup and the hair assist. That is a huge job in this industry. And if you have not just like…full effects makeup, that’s huge because not everybody can do it.
DJ IZ: Right.
Cloie: And I love the fact that they say they are training those that are willing to learn.
DJ IZ: Now, I know those are two different schools, right? Hair and makeup, and then special effects makeup, right? I think folks go to two different…
Cloie: But sometimes they can be the same person, just sometimes…jobs would like to hire one…why hire three people to do the job if one person can do all three, right? So this is a great way to get on the job training for in that very specified field. But I mean, on set still photographer. That’s a…production, all like that sort of stuff. That’s that. Craft services, I’m just gonna hit it real hard but real quick. As you do, that’s the food…most important. Because I mean…you have to feed them.
DJ IZ: There you go.
Cloie: Hanger is real. Hanger is really real. …of the Writer’s Guild. And he…
DJ IZ: …the relationships that can come out of that…you might be cool for this. Oh, I gotta introduce you to that person. Oh, you know who you should meet? Like…
Cloie: I’m gonna tell you the power of a…back in the day. I went to NYU, shout out NYU, but so when we talk about school of hard knocks versus college, like I can speak to both of those things. But the power of a recommendation, I had kick ass recommendations. I got a recommendation from a director that I had worked with at the time on a movie, Barry Levinson. I also had a recommendation from Debbie Allen, like it was great. This is what I’m saying to you. It is not a game what a recommendation can do for you, so don’t sleep on that. Again, back to the point we were making with the other Grind Opp, you’re always receiving payment and just like…
DJ IZ: You know, I like that. I like that. That’s definitely something to reiterate consistently would be an opportunity, a person you meet, you know? You gotta look at those things as, you know, opportunities that, you know, ultimately you know, money does come into play, you know? Just a form of getting to that next step. It’s always about getting to that next step. Get into that next place of where you ultimately wanna be so…
Cloie: That’s what you talk about too. If you’re showing up automatically with your hand out, like how much…before anything is happening, you’re asking how much I’m gonna get paid, that…
DJ IZ: Okay.
Cloie: So I think that’s all the points for this one other than the fact they’re hiring ASAP.
DJ IZ: Right, and again that’s in Salem, Oregon, okay?
Cloie: Oregon, not Oregon.
DJ IZ: Oregon.
Cloie: Oregon.
DJ IZ: So before we go into Grind Opp Number Four, we got something we get to expand on a little more. We started off the show very excited about. And so I’m just gonna jump into it, which is our 10K, \$10,000 full ride scholarship in all the fields of Recording, Radio, or Film Connection, okay? So boy/girl, doesn’t matter, whoever get the bit, you know what I’m saying? Whoever gets the bit.
Cloie: Chomp at it. Make a move.
DJ IZ: Yes so…and post three short videos on how the scholarship with amazing thing you’ve done, create an SMM post for this is my classroom, #thisismyclassroom.
Cloie: That’s social media.
DJ IZ: And this is important. All submissions gotta be in by February 20th, okay, and the…US residents only. Now we say that because we have had some folks who have tuned in from other countries.
Cloie: And thank you. Stay tuned.
DJ IZ: And hopefully, the goal is to grow this…in mind, okay? So let’s tell them where they can sign up and make this happen.
Cloie: At
DJ IZ: Okay and keep in mind…make sure you jot that down because…obtain this \$10,000 scholarship, okay? Now, that’s huge for us. You know, I don’t know too many organizations or institutions that are handing out scholarships in the arts, you know…they just continue…and we’re providing opportunities. So again, that’s huge for us, \$10,000 scholarship, full ride, okay…this is in the field…
Cloie: Of film.
DJ IZ: Film. Your lovely role, Cloie.
Cloie: Film.
DJ IZ: Freelance videographer, and this is in Philadelphia. I hope we got our Phillies. Yeah, I hope we got our Philly faithfuls tuning in this week because here we go. This is for you guys. This is in the field of film out in Philly. Seeking freelance videographer to shoot, edit, and deliver short form video content within reasonable deadlines. The candidate must be creative, versatile, and be knowledgeable on both branding and streetwear. Passion for the entertainment and fashion culture is a must. Must understand social media branding to be a key contributor to the brand’s video strategy and visual identity. Work closely with marketing and social media departments on expectations and directions.
So that’s a lot to take in. You know, most folks don’t really know the style, the culture of branding, especially when it comes to the film role, you know, which is a huge part of even what I do…yes, DJ, but at the end of the day, like I’m a part of the culture. I know the language. I can tell you what spots to go to. I can tell what record…to hit, I can tell you branding aspects…a product puts it in the box, figures out a strategy, a marketing strategy, and goes to market. So all of those things are huge.
Now this is, you know, this is a videographer type of thing. So you know, some of the fundamentals of that obviously are being able to edit, you know, deliver short videos, and you know, and dealing with deadlines. You know, I’m sure, Cloie, I mean, I’m sure you can, I mean, just kind of dive in even what deadlines look in your world, and just the pressure, you know the preparation. It’s real, right?
Cloie: I mean, I could dive in, but I don’t think I need to. I think we all know. We’ve all experienced at some point missing a deadline or witnessing a deadline that’s been missed. And you know, it’s a fuck up. Excuse my mouth.
DJ IZ: No, we keep it 100 here. I mean, hey, that’s what it is, you know?
Cloie: Don’t do it
DJ IZ: It’s definitely…isn’t do I or should? No, it’s a must.
Cloie: It’s a done deal.
DJ IZ: It’s a done deal.
Cloie: Wait real quick before we move into the next Grind Opp, I just wanna say something to the branding just to like put something in perspective. How you talk about…we now say, you don’t say, “Hey I need a tissue because it’s cold in here. My nose is running,” because it actually is. So I’m sorry. I have manners but…
DJ IZ: All right cool.
Cloie: We don’t say hey, I need a tissue. What do we ask for…ask for…
DJ IZ: Kleenex?
Cloie: That’s not, that’s a brand, right?
DJ IZ: That’s a brand.
Cloie: Also we don’t say like, oh I’m gonna look something up on the interwebs…right?
DJ IZ: Yeah, it’s like when you say…
Cloie: Nationwide.
DJ IZ: There you go. You know, so that’s just…you love do it. And I think especially where just the world is going, it’s important to know those different aspects of what you…ever field you’re in, you are a walking business. You’re a walking brand. How well you tell your story, how well people perceive that story is part of the branding. And you know, here we got a Grind Opp…versatile, but you also gotta have knowledge in branding. You know, and streetwear. So they’re even like nailing it down to streetwear. You know what I’m saying? So it’s important for you to know those different aspects because it all plays into this position.
Cloie: It’s all saying the same thing.
DJ IZ: Yeah, and what I love about Philly, I mean, if you know Philly…I’m not even from Philly, but I know if I wanna go get some gear, I know where to go. And I wanna get the bomb Philly cheesesteaks…
Cloie: Hello.
DJ IZ: I know where to go. So more importantly, you know, you should definitely have a well diverse…and you’re gonna be working closely with marketing and social media departments, and learning the expectations of their particular direction. So…and then execute it is a big thing. So make sure you definitely, you know, you take those notes to mind…and before we’re going into Grind Opp Five.
Cloie: I think I turned my page too soon. Hold on, where are we? Right here, okay, great, great, great, great. Oh, another big one.
DJ IZ: Oh, hit them with it. That was a big oh. Oh
Cloie: Because I got excited. Guys, we got a video of something…
DJ IZ: Extremely big…remember when I got the first call about getting this going, it was huge and it was something that we had to flesh out, we had to understand the different components to this actual platform and how it’s all gonna work because what we do at Connected is special, right? And I always wanna…you know, this ain’t something where you find our jobs in the newspaper, on Craigslist. This is what Connected is. So keeping that message intact was important for me. And we were able to build out something really cool, which we’ll be introducing full steam next week. So…
Cloie: Should we just roll the video?
DJ IZ: Should we just roll the video? Let’s roll the…
Woman: Shacking it up. Can I help you move your feet?
Man: Been here all along, been trying to tell you something. Now, you know, I ain’t got no time for flirting. You love me or you don’t. Ain’t nothing free, so pay me what I want. Whoo.
DJ IZ: So let me just tell you. So that is an app now that…on Facebook’s Messenger. Now let me tell you how…this is artificial intelligence. So we’ll have…you’re doing on Facebook, meaning if you’re talking about music, it’s gonna know your appetite for music. If you’re a songwriter, if you’re wanna do film, and it’s gonna automatically put you into our platform which then you can see what jobs we’re offering. It’s gonna wanna know what city you’re from. And it’s all interactive. So you gotta put the information in, you know, and we’ll have our own box, you know what I’m saying? So you’re gonna see a little icon dude that’s gonna be talking to you.
Cloie: For those of you that are still confused as to what we’re talking about, we’re talking about launching next week is the Iz Connected…with your name, price and links of samples to your work included in the database.
DJ IZ: And this is huge for you guys, okay? So make sure you get that to us. We want your name, we want your price, and we want your links and samples of your work. This is huge, okay? So…
Cloie: The subject, put Facebook in the subject line.
DJ IZ: Yes, make sure you put that. Again, this is a Connected app for Messenger. So you’ll be able to access what we do here on Connected just by a click of a button, okay? And it’s gonna take all your information. It’s gonna learn you. It’s gonna know what you want, what your appetite for is to get access to, okay? So huge…team, can we get some extra claps…yeah, which will be…definitely again…to us. So here we are…
Cloie: …guys, get your questions in.
DJ IZ: Yes, Q&A. That’s my favorite part, so get your Q&A together. We wanna be able to dive into these questions.
Cloie: You also need to say real quick, these are not to start. We have six more jobs on our website. So you know, today, what do we have right now? It’s jobs in…it’s on air radio jobs in DC and Tampa. We got a live sound engineering job in Jacksonville, Florida, and multiple chef positions in the Pacific Palisades…
DJ IZ: All right, all right okay. All right, so here we go. This is Grind Opp Number Five. This is in the field of film. Again, another Cloie world. This is assistant to the producer in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Film production searching for a strong assistant to the producer. Strong knowledge of Final Cut Pro is a plus, video or still photography knowledge is a must. Knowledge of Mac computers is required. Must be able to travel out of state mostly on weekends during the months of February. Say good bye to your weekends. March and April, okay? So you’re gonna be traveling through March and April. Travel dates will be given a minimum of two weeks prior to travel.
Cloie: Which is great.
DJ IZ: Which is great. And this sounds like a cool gig, right? You get to travel and you get to work alongside other producer. Now, what do some of these producer’s roles look like? What’s their day to day? Like what is…so what is that like, Cloie?
Cloie: Well I think it depends on whether or not you’re working for a project…period of absolute chaos…go for this, go for that, right? The size of the…organizational skills are gonna be a must…talk about sometimes with…ahead of the curve as opposed to…tell you what to do.
DJ IZ: I’m sure you’ve seen cats…Final Cut Pro.
Cloie: Know it…self to know Final Cut…Office suite. I think it’s a given now…or least, no to…that’s oftentimes where people’s minds go to…that is a divided world, PC or Mac, PC or Mac. It’s good to know both.
DJ IZ: Right, I agree. You know…what comes with the world, right…all those things. So again…know keep in mind like Cloie…five more Grind Opps… You’ll see everything…
Cloie: Pop that into the…So before we move into our…we have our beloved hard knocks section.
DJ IZ: Oh dope so we…it was a long day that day and, you know, just it always like when I get done…oh okay, you know because we talked about it so much. So you know, these school of hard knocks videos are just the real shit, you know what I’m saying? The real conversation, the real detail of how it is…well for some engineers are the folks that, you know, kind of maybe said a little too much…videos where I’m dropping some science on you guys, all right?
You know, one of the things that was interesting to me that I personally experienced, okay, now we’re talking traditional teacher and…I come in, help. By no means to I…I just come in like a fly on the wall…music room, vibe out, check it out. Teacher comes to me, hey I’m you know…office principal…how you do things here and see how…chill out. Oh okay…I’m a writer/producer like…do you read? See how you do your…yeah great, well done. It’s not a comment…from…the same…I said now…inability. You can’t be taught it…but I could…articulate. I wish…doesn’t mean I can’t inspire…going through the institutional process is…
…our videos…that day was cool man because it was like…the real nuts and bolts of some of the…real, you know?
Cloie: Because there’s two different worlds. Yes, there’s overlap, sure, but like…
DJ IZ: So outside…a huge part of the show and my favorite part…Pick your brain, you get to pick ours…
Cloie: We do have some people that are out of the country…hello, I’m Cloie this is…
DJ IZ: Really means a lot and it lets us know like we’re…
Cloie: The question about the scholarship…we’re working on an expansion. Our container’s getting bigger…and I think the big question that people have in terms of the scholarship is they already did the course…another course, right? So you…
DJ IZ: These courses are radio, film, engineering…some options, you know? So…
Cloie: …our…
DJ IZ: …tuning in on our Google…
Cloie: Oh they might be…
DJ IZ: Scroll here and see if we…Jordan.
Cloie: We have one. I think it’s at the…see the little dot. Something…all day.
DJ IZ: Actually next week…you know, hey…I’m gonna make it a point next week that I’ll…out to Henry…man you got…a little bit of time, so we can get into…
Cloie: Or we can just sit quietly and stare you…Still staring…
DJ IZ: Okay, well you know if that’s…I hope…you know, maybe…
Cloie: Let’s bullet point…that’s the last day.
DJ IZ: Start of…think you need to get in…Connected Messenger…
Cloie: Lindsey on our newsletter, Mazin, Manolo, Desiree…guys #connected
DJ IZ: I wanna remind you guys…Iz Connected…underscore Avila for mine…the week, again, don’t forget…tag that…we also want you to…catch us here every Mon…it’s been great…Tuesday, so we gotta get moving…have a great week. Love y’all, catch you on the next one, peace.
Music: Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah. Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah. Oh. Oh yeah.
DJ IZ: Another Cloie world. This is assistant to the producer in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Film production searching for a strong assistant to the producer. Strong knowledge of Final Cut Pro is a plus, video or still photography knowledge is a must. Knowledge of Mac computers is required. Must be able to travel out of state mostly on weekends during the months of February. Say good bye to your weekends. March and April, okay? So you’re gonna be traveling through March and April. Travel dates will be given a minimum of two weeks prior to travel.
Cloie: Which is great.
DJ IZ: Which is great. And this sounds like a cool gig, right? You get to travel and you get to work alongside other producer. Now, what do some of these producer’s roles look like? What’s their day to day? Like what is…so what is that like, Cloie?
Cloie: Well I think it depends on whether or not you’re working for a project…period of absolute chaos…go for this, go for that, right? The size of the…organizational skills are gonna be a must…talk about sometimes with…ahead of the curve as opposed to…tell you what to do.
DJ IZ: I’m sure you’ve seen cats…Final Cut Pro.
Cloie: Know it…self to know Final Cut…Office suite. I think it’s a given now…or least, no to…that’s oftentimes where people’s minds go to…that is a divided world, PC or Mac, PC or Mac. It’s good to know both.
DJ IZ: Right, I agree. You know…what comes with the world, right…all those things. So again…know keep in mind like Cloie…five more Grind Opps… You’ll see everything…
Cloie: Pop that into the…So before we move into our…we have our beloved hard knocks section.
DJ IZ: Oh dope so we…it was a long day that day and, you know, just it always like when I get done…oh okay, you know because we talked about it so much. So you know, these school of hard knocks videos are just the real shit, you know what I’m saying? The real conversation, the real detail of how it is…well for some engineers are the folks that, you know, kind of maybe said a little too much…videos where I’m dropping some science on you guys, all right?
You know, one of the things that was interesting to me that I personally experienced, okay, now we’re talking traditional teacher and…I come in, help. By no means to I…I just come in like a fly on the wall…music room, vibe out, check it out. Teacher comes to me, hey I’m you know…office principal…how you do things here and see how…chill out. Oh okay…I’m a writer/producer like…do you read? See how you do your…yeah great, well done. It’s not a comment…from…the same…I said now…inability. You can’t be taught it…but I could…articulate. I wish…doesn’t mean I can’t inspire…going through the institutional process is…
…our videos…that day was cool man because it was like…the real nuts and bolts of some of the…real, you know?
Cloie: Because there’s two different worlds. Yes, there’s overlap, sure, but like…
DJ IZ: So outside…a huge part of the show and my favorite part…Pick your brain, you get to pick ours…
Cloie: We do have some people that are out of the country…hello, I’m Cloie this is…
DJ IZ: Really means a lot and it lets us know like we’re…
Cloie: The question about the scholarship…we’re working on an expansion. Our container’s getting bigger…and I think the big question that people have in terms of the scholarship is they already did the course…another course, right? So you…
DJ IZ: These courses are radio, film, engineering…some options, you know? So…
Cloie: …our…
DJ IZ: …tuning in on our Google…
Cloie: Oh they might be…
DJ IZ: Scroll here and see if we…Jordan.
Cloie: We have one. I think it’s at the…see the little dot. Something…all day.
DJ IZ: Actually next week…you know, hey…I’m gonna make it a point next week that I’ll…out to Henry…man you got…a little bit of time, so we can get into…
Cloie: Or we can just sit quietly and stare you…Still staring…
DJ IZ: Okay, well you know if that’s…I hope…you know, maybe…
Cloie: Let’s bullet point…that’s the last day.
DJ IZ: Start of…think you need to get in…Connected Messenger…
Cloie: Lindsey on our newsletter, Mazin, Manolo, Desiree…guys #connected
DJ IZ: I wanna remind you guys…Iz Connected…underscore Avila for mine…the week, again, don’t forget…tag that…we also want you to…catch us here every Mon…it’s been great…Tuesday, so we gotta get moving…have a great week. Love y’all, catch you on the next one, peace.
Music: Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah. Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah. Oh. Oh yeah.
DJ IZ: Yeah great, well done. It’s not a comment…from…the same…I said now…inability. You can’t be taught it…but I could…articulate. I wish…doesn’t mean I can’t inspire…going through the institutional process is…
…our videos…that day was cool man because it was like…the real nuts and bolts of some of the…real, you know?
Cloie: Because there’s two different worlds. Yes, there’s overlap, sure, but like…
DJ IZ: So outside…a huge part of the show and my favorite part…Pick your brain, you get to pick ours…
Cloie: We do have some people that are out of the country…hello, I’m Cloie this is…
DJ IZ: Really means a lot and it lets us know like we’re…
Cloie: The question about the scholarship…we’re working on an expansion. Our container’s getting bigger…and I think the big question that people have in terms of the scholarship is they already did the course…another course, right? So you…
DJ IZ: These courses are radio, film, engineering…some options, you know? So…
Cloie: …our…
DJ IZ: …tuning in on our Google…
Cloie: Oh they might be…
DJ IZ: Scroll here and see if we…Jordan.
Cloie: We have one. I think it’s at the…see the little dot. Something…all day.
DJ IZ: Actually next week…you know, hey…I’m gonna make it a point next week that I’ll…out to Henry…man you got…a little bit of time, so we can get into…
Cloie: Or we can just sit quietly and stare you…Still staring…
DJ IZ: Okay, well you know if that’s…I hope…you know, maybe…
Cloie: Let’s bullet point…that’s the last day.
DJ IZ: Start of…think you need to get in…Connected Messenger…
Cloie: Lindsey on our newsletter, Mazin, Manolo, Desiree…guys #connected
DJ IZ: I wanna remind you guys…Iz Connected…underscore Avila for mine…the week, again, don’t forget…tag that…we also want you to…catch us here every Mon…it’s been great…Tuesday, so we gotta get moving…have a great week. Love y’all, catch you on the next one, peace.
Music: Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah. Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah. Oh. Oh yeah.
Cloie: we’re working on an expansion. Our container’s getting bigger…and I think the big question that people have in terms of the scholarship is they already did the course…another course, right? So you…
DJ IZ: These courses are radio, film, engineering…some options, you know? So…
Cloie: …our…
DJ IZ: …tuning in on our Google…
Cloie: Oh they might be…
DJ IZ: Scroll here and see if we…Jordan.
Cloie: We have one. I think it’s at the…see the little dot. Something…all day.
DJ IZ: Actually next week…you know, hey…I’m gonna make it a point next week that I’ll…out to Henry…man you got…a little bit of time, so we can get into…
Cloie: Or we can just sit quietly and stare you…Still staring…
DJ IZ: Okay, well you know if that’s…I hope…you know, maybe…
Cloie: Let’s bullet point…that’s the last day.
DJ IZ: Start of…think you need to get in…Connected Messenger…
Cloie: Lindsey on our newsletter, Mazin, Manolo, Desiree…guys #connected
DJ IZ: I wanna remind you guys…Iz Connected…underscore Avila for mine…the week, again, don’t forget…tag that…we also want you to…catch us here every Mon…it’s been great…Tuesday, so we gotta get moving…have a great week. Love y’all, catch you on the next one, peace.
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