Here are the job opportunities (or as we like to call them, Grind Opps) from this week's show.
Audio Editor / Radio Newsroom Operations
Industry: Radio
Location: New York, NY
Top New York Radio Station has a part-time opening for a versatile person to coordinate remotes feeds and record shows.

Audio Engineer
Industry: Recording
Location: Costa Mesa, CA
High level marketing firm seeks audio engineer to assist audio team in a variety of ways.

Film Production Assistant
Industry: Film
Location: Greenwich, CT
Production Assistant position to support the production coordinator and supervisor of film being shot in Connecticut.

Product Manager (Audio Software)
Industry: Recording
Location: Santa Cruz, CA
Top software company seeks candidate to deliver on-time definitions with prioritized products/features

Audio Production Engineer
Industry: Recording
Location: Seattle, WA
Audio Engineer candidate will serve as onsite support for live event audio and setup/strike of the venue between events and support live technical execution.

Production Specialist
Industry: Film
Location: Altoona, IA
Responsible for the effective execution of projects determined by the Television Manager and Senior Production Specialist.

On Air Talent/Music Director
Industry: Radio
Location: Portland, OR
Performs news, talk, music, comedic or other format shows or program for broadcast entertainment.

Sous Chef
Industry: Culinary
Location: Pasadena, CA
Sous Chef is responsible for supporting the Executive Chef in leading a team of Culinary Professionals that deliver high-quality, great tasting food. Inspire and motivate daily excellence in Culinary Operations.

Board Operator
Industry: Radio
Location: McAllen, TX
Serve as part-time Board Operator during assigned shifts, airing music, liners, promos and commercials as scheduled and in compliance with Company and FCC guidelines

Post Production Assistant
Industry: Film
Location: Minneapolis / St. Paul, MN
Uploading and downloading images, Cataloging images in Lightroom, Spot checking for quality control – reporting to management weekly, Releasing galleries to clients, Update Production Spreadsheet and entering data into database, Album layout.

DJ IZ: Welcome to Connected. I’m your host, DJ IZ. I’m here with my lovely cohost, Miss Cloie. What’s up, Cloie?
Cloie: Come on.
DJ IZ: I’m happy to be in the same room with you, same environment. And by the way, we are on Show 47 before I get ahead of myself, before I start just going on a tangent. I wanna let you know we are on Show 47. And we’re finally in a room together and hanging out.
Cloie: We’re in the room together, and also from like this new and beautiful space. Shout out to, what, Abstract Studios?
DJ IZ: Yeah, shout out to Ab on that. But what’s crazy is I’m so used to like having my laptops with me, going through like the Q&A, the job ops. And like now like we’re literally, we’re hands-free.
Cloie: We’re totally…
DJ IZ: We made it.
Cloie: We made it.
DJ IZ: We made it.
Cloie: It’s coming up in the world when you can call somebody hands-free. Like literally, we’re talking. We’re talking.
DJ IZ: Yeah, literally hanging out hands-free. No sideline distractions, no last minute updates. And what’s cool is I was telling everybody, even on social media, like we got some new cool things coming to you in 2017 visually. You’ll see some changes, graphics, so here we are, man. You know what I’m saying? Here we are and we’re in a room together, and I’m excited about that because I get to look at your lovely smile in person.
Cloie: I’m just gonna radiate in your presence.
DJ IZ: I get to look at your lovely smile in person.
Cloie: Radiating in your presence.
DJ IZ: So what’s up, everyone? Here we are. I know we got some Connected faithfuls who consistently log in with us who are tuning in, so I wanna make sure we shout them out. And I’m just gonna say it now before we move any further. Get your Q&A ready. Get your questions loaded up whatever you wanna ask us. Also too, we will be at Nam this week.
Cloie: We’re gonna be there, guys.
DJ IZ: So for all my musician, you know, grinders, lovers, we’ll be there. So we’re just gonna be hanging out. We’re gonna be walking the floor.
Cloie: Come take some photos with us…
DJ IZ: Come take some photos, man. Let’s be silly. Let’s talk shit. Let’s do whatever, and just hang out and enjoy the environment. I’m actually gonna be with a couple companies there. So we’ll just be having fun, man, you know? And I’m sure our feet will be killing us by the end of the day, but that’s just how it goes.
Cloie: That’s what flip-flops are for.
DJ IZ: Right? Yes. And I’m gonna make it a point to wear some comfortable sneakers.
Cloie: Would you not normally? Your sneaker game is strong.
DJ IZ: Well here’s the thing. Some sneaks are comfortable, some aren’t. Some look fresh and man, they just hurt your toes, man. Like yeah, they do. Like…
Cloie: It’s a sneaker.
DJ IZ: No, we always…it is, but even like when we talk…like when I talk with my friends, and we talk about Jordans and Js, like you would think because they’re Jordans and that they’re Js that you can play basketball in them. But they hurt your feet on the court.
Cloie: Well, that I can understand. Not all tennis shoes are meant for playing basketball, but like…
DJ IZ: But not all tennis shoes are meant for like mileage and like walking around all day too.
Cloie: You moonshined it…
DJ IZ: I know, I think it’s hard to grasp because we’re not talking about heels.
Cloie: This is all I’m saying to you is a flat bottomed shoe with rubber and cushion.
DJ IZ: So never try to convince a girl that a sneaker at some point will be uncomfortable because they come from the world of heels, and they can just like go in on you about heels when they become uncomfortable.
Cloie: Oh, my feet hurt. Oh boy, sorry. We digress.
DJ IZ: Yeah, definitely. So here we are, Show 47.
Cloie: Oh man.
DJ IZ: And you know, I’d like to believe that everybody who is here hanging out have been a part of this show since day one, but we might have some new folks today. So you know, just to kind of give you a quick rundown on what Connected is. Connected is a show that takes fields like music, film, radio, live sound, engineering, and we kind of just bring all these folks together and we bring in opportunities, such as our Grind Opps.
Cloie: Mm-hm, and culinary.
DJ IZ: And culinary, can’t forget culinary, which was just added a couple months ago. And we kind of just you know, we like for you all to think of this as a platform that just consistently connects you all, allows you to communicate with each other, bounce ideas off. And we also, through this process, we mentor, right? And we kind of share just our experiences. You’re in the film industry every day.
Cloie: Every day.
DJ IZ: I’m in the music industry every day, and this is what we do. We eat, breathe, grub, digest, sleep, dream, this is what we do.
Cloie: Grub grind, yes.
DJ IZ: So being able to share that information and knowledge is something we wanna make available to you guys, and you know, we’ve been able to see an array of resumes and sizzle reels, and…
Cloie: Music, and like the demos and…
DJ IZ: Yeah music and like, you know, the thing is I think for us too is really stay connected to you guys and, you know, just allowing you to actually, you know, have those conversations with us, and let us see what you got. Let us see your resume, let us see how we can help cultivate these things and build them for you. We have a great team that…
Cloie: Who’s here with us.
DJ IZ: Who’s actually here in the same building with us. You don’t see them, but they’re on the outer workings making sure everything is cool. So you know, just and I say that just as a reminder to you guys to stay connected with us, whether it’s any kind of piece, art, framework you wanna show us, and get our opinions, because we have people who are actually looking at these things every day. And it actually helps in the process of finding the right job for you.
Cloie: Because these jobs are not going to everybody. I think that’s the other things. For those of you that are just joining us, right, this is not just like Craigslist or not public knowledge, right?
DJ IZ: Yeah, we could actually say it’s privileged knowledge because if you, you know, if you’re tuning in with us, this is the one platform you will be able to experience these opportunities, such as our jobs. Like she’s saying, you’re not gonna find them anywhere. They’re strictly for Connected viewers, and that’s how we like to keep them, you know? And actually, I think it makes a better play for you all to know that you’re not, you know, you’re not competing against, you know 2,000, 3,000 people yet. Not yet, but it could get there really fast so…
Cloie: And it’s also about community. Let us not forget that. Wait, did we talk about where to find us?
DJ IZ: You know what? Let’s make sure we really dive into that because I wanna make sure folks are following us everywhere possible that we are. So go ahead and break them off with where they can catch us.
Cloie: I’m just gonna break it off…
DJ IZ: Break it off, like…
Cloie: So guys, to find us on the social media, which is where we are, you’re gonna go to @IZCONNECTED, that I-Z Connected. That’s on Facebook, that’s one Instagram, that’s on the Twitter machine, all across the board @IZCONNECTED. To get us your stuff, you wanna send it to [email protected]. Again, that’s [email protected].
DJ IZ: You’re so pro. You’re so pro. Also too, to check out our website, it’s huge for you guys. You know, a lot of time, we get folks that have missed several jobs that have been in their actual hometown area. So the great thing is if you can get on to our site, you’ll be able to see all our jobs that we’ve offered since day one, and you’ll be able to see all our YouTube video…
Also too before I forget, let’s talk about our Google Play and our iTunes podcast. Because a lot of folks can’t get on their computer. A lot of them can’t get on, you know, the web or whatever. But you can always tune in on the Google Play and iTunes podcasts. So if you’re in your ride, if you’re dipping out and you wanna just catch the audio, you can definitely catch it there. So that’s also great to know. So make sure you also check out our website at, and you’ll see everything we got going on. But also to a whole…
Cloie: Another resource library too.
DJ IZ: Yeah, it’s a massive library for everything we’re doing. But I want to stress to you guys, make sure you’re following us on Instagram, because Cloie and I have a lot going on in our day to day. So if you’re not following Iz Connected on Instagram, you need to do that today. Matter of fact, I’m gonna give you five seconds to get on your phone right now and get on Instagram, and make sure you hit that follow button on Iz Connected. Go ahead, Cloie.
Cloie: We’ll wait, we’ll wait.
DJ IZ: We’ll wait, mm-hm. So by the end of this show, our numbers should be up if you’re really following us, okay? So…
Cloie: Because life is happening.
DJ IZ: Life is happening. So last week…
Cloie: You weren’t here.
DJ IZ: I wasn’t here so I was a little jealous that I didn’t get to like, you know…
Cloie: You missed the champagne day. You missed it.
DJ IZ: I’m mad I didn’t get to like, you know, be here at the first new location launch presentation. So I did what I could. I did what I could share the experience with you, Cloie.
Cloie: You did.
DJ IZ: I got on my phone and I was like, “You know what? Let me make sure the quality is right. Let me make sure I might be somewhere in, what is it, 720p or 4K. Like I wanted to make sure the visual and audio was right. So I put together, you know, some videos that I send to the team, and I wanted to kind of just show our Connected viewers, like you know, what I was doing.
Cloie: I wanna see what you were doing.
DJ IZ: So can we cut to that video real quick? Check it out. It’s me in Tampa.
Cloie: We’re headed to the venue, jam on it.
Yo, we’re out here just going over everything, trying to make sure everything dialed in before we start rocking the show. This is the setup right here. Don’t leave me out in the cold. I got my man Terry right here. Say what up, T? Yeah. It’s about to go. This is a part of the process, being on stage, making sure everything’s dialed in, making sure all the gear’s working, and you know, I’m excited. You know, this is what it’s about. This is what the preparation and grind lead up to.
Music: Let’s go. [inaudible 00:10:36]
DJ IZ: So that was like a little taste. And what was great is…so we had a 90 minute set, right? So I got to Tampa, and me Usher, we were up all night trying to figure out what songs do we do, what songs do we don’t do. And Usher’s big thing was he wanted it to feel like a nonstop party. So…
Cloie: Yes.
DJ IZ: You know, we had Little John with us, so we’re like, “Well, let’s Little John like 15 minutes to rock a couple of records he wants to rock.” So right before we go on, Little John gives me the flash drive, and I’m getting the music. And so I’m like, you know, cool. I’m like okay, I know we gotta be doing “Turn Down For What.” I know we gotta be doing a couple of his classics. So he was like, “So we’re gonna do ‘To the Window, To the Mall.'” So I was like, oh, we’re gonna have a great time.
And then we went from that right into “Shots.” And it was literally, and this was at a champion…this was like the college, like who championship game. So people were just ready to party. I mean, they had their drinks. By the way, I totally didn’t pack for this trip because girl, it was like in the 30s in Tampa.
Cloie: No.
DJ IZ: I was freezing, I was freezing, and I was like, “I’m gonna get sick. I’m gonna get sick.” Because dude, my hand, I could not feel my hands. And we had sound check at 6:30 AM in the morning. So I get out there, I’m thinking, okay, they’re gonna have heaters. No heaters. It was what it was. It was freezing. And luckily by the time we go on at night time, we were just like, man, we just gotta go. We gotta go for it. We’re gonna be cold but let’s…
Cloie: Take an extra shot and keep moving.
DJ IZ: Yeah, so Little John was like, “Oh, I’m good. I just gotta take my couple shots of Patron and I’ll heat up quick.” So I was like, man, I don’t drink Patron like that. So…
Cloie: So what did you drink?
DJ IZ: I went out there with like just pure like adrenaline and energy. It was like come on body, heat up for me.
Cloie: That’s why he has on a hoodie now because he’s still frosty.
DJ IZ: I’m still frostbitten. So…
Cloie: Got hypothermia.
DJ IZ: So you know, it was a great time and, you know, luckily you were able to be here and hold it down for us. But I wanted to make sure we showed our viewers what that experience was like. I think a huge of this too is allowing folks to see just the mindset and preparation you have to put into being a part of a show at that magnitude. I think there was over 15,000. So it’s like…
Cloie: You could tell.
DJ IZ: You know, yeah. And I was coming straight from the CS Convention in Vegas. So it was like literally, you know, AM flight, Tampa, start putting the show together, very next day we’re performing. You know what I’m saying?
Cloie: Well but see, that’s also a good point to highlight is that sometimes it’s like that. Sometimes you hit the ground running, and that’s just a part of what the grind looks like, right?
DJ IZ: Right, absolutely. That’s what the grind is, and you just, you know, you gotta be ready. You gotta be ready to go. So…
Cloie: You have to. And your grind is different every day.
DJ IZ: It’s different every day.
Cloie: It looks different every day.
DJ IZ: And you know, I know just for me it’s important that, you know, I allow these folks to see what it is we do and, you know, you’re on set every day, you got an audition today.
Cloie: I am, I’m going straight to an audition, yeah.
DJ IZ: Yeah, we’re pulling for you on that. So you know, it’s like it doesn’t stop, you know? That’s the commitment and the sacrifice of the grind. So with that being said, I wanna kind of get this show rolling. So what do we got next?
Cloie: Oh wait, before we do, we should talk about…we’ve got our contest that coming up, right?
DJ IZ: That’s right, we do have a contest coming up.
Cloie: So guys, all throughout, you’ll see it peppered throughout, we’ve got these memes, right? The whole point of our contest, which I believe will be announced on the 30th of this month, which is crazy to think that it’s January. But it’s to win a private one hour consultation with us. And we can talk about anything. We can talk about life, love, the pursuit of happiness.
DJ IZ: We can talk about it all. We can talk about it all.
Cloie: Food, sneakers.
DJ IZ: Sneakers, art, what you like to do, what we like to do. I mean, just make a very cool conversation. So yeah, that’s part of the contest.
Cloie: So whoever gets us the most people to sign up at our website at rrfedu dot what is it? There’s a whole lot of things there. Our team’s going wow…
DJ IZ: A whole lot of things there. But you know, it’d be great to see like you guys really get involved on that, and I think even for us, I mean, it’d be cool to sit down with, you know, whoever it is that wins and just chop it up, and just make it a really cool experience.
Cloie: That’s part of it. I wanna also looking forward to Nam this weekend is just to be out and talk to folk, you know? Because it’ll kind of be like that. Not exactly, but…
DJ IZ: And it’s gonna be mayhem. It’s gonna be a lot of folks, a whole lot of musicians, a whole lot of music, a whole lot of racket in the background. It’s gonna be chaotic.
Cloie: Yes, earplugs for days.
DJ IZ: Yeah, I look forward to it. So without any further ado, I know we got folks who are waiting to hear our Grind Opps, which we have amazing Grind Opps lined up for 2017. So you know, I definitely wanna encourage you guys to really be up on your game prior to applying for these gigs, because they’re serious, serious gigs.
Cloie: And for all of our Connected faithfuls, for all of our hashtag Connected faithfuls, you know what to do. You know what to…
DJ IZ: You already know what to do. So Cloie, before we go into this, what do we usually like to tell audience, viewers to have on deck and ready to go prior to these Grind Opps?
Cloie: Great, you’re going to need to get your pencils, your pens, perhaps something to write on if you’re not going to write on your skin, and/or your technological device. Perhaps you are this technologically savvy.
DJ IZ: Twitter fingers, get your Twitter fingers ready.
Cloie: Twitter, yeah. Take notes because life is not waiting for you, neither are we.
DJ IZ: And we sure ain’t, thank you for saying that. We sure ain’t waiting for you. So without any further ado…
Cloie: Like a boss.
DJ IZ: Like a boss. I’m mad I didn’t bring my cup. Actually, my cup’s in the car so, you know, it’s still here. So here we go guys. First Grind Opp of the day is audio editor/radio newsroom operations. This is in New York, New York. Top New York radio station has a part time opening for a versatile person to coordinate remote feeds and record shows. Man, I messed that whole…I think it because it’s a new thing for me.
Cloie: Good morning.
DJ IZ: So here we go, cut game highlights and sound bites from NFL, MLB, NASCAR, and NHL, etc. Okay, I think…is that our…that’s it for the details. So let me see if I can actually chime in a little on this Grind Opp.
Cloie: Oh, you’re also gonna be running the newsroom during the night and the weekend shift. Great.
DJ IZ: Now there’s a great introduction to what I was about to say because a lot of folks aren’t familiar with having to work, you know, weekends, especially night time shifts.
Cloie: Not both I hear.
DJ IZ: Let’s talk about that, right?
Cloie: People are like, “Oh, I work nights or I can work weekends, but not night and weekends.”
DJ IZ: You know what’s crazy? There’s so many days that I just can recall that I gave up along my journey. And even now, I’m thinking, “Man, how did I do it? Was I slave to this?” I mean, did I like…it was literally nonstop.
Cloie: Well because you have a vision. You have vision, you’ve got that desire, and you just go after it.
DJ IZ: You do, you do. So another one of these details…
Cloie: You need one to two years’ experience.
DJ IZ: One to two years’ experience. And the great thing is, you know, we’ve been getting Grind Opps that have kind of asked that, they don’t require you to have any experience, right?
Cloie: We get a lovely mix of them, yeah.
DJ IZ: And you know, I always like to say, you know, with any Grind Opp, with any job opportunity, it’s always good to at least have information under your belt that’ll help you navigate an execute these particular Grind Opps.
Cloie: Yes.
DJ IZ: So you know, when you get companies that ask for one or two years of experience, it’s best that you do have that. And I think too, that’s a great bridge for us to get folks to send in their resume so we can kind of look at these resumes and help build them out, you know? And help, you know, maybe put a magnifying glass on certain things that will best suit, you know, somebody who’s looking at what it is you offer, you know, presentation wise. You know, what have you done in the past? What’s your experience in?
There’s a unique way to tell that story, you know? Like have you ever seen a resume, and you know it was like, oh this is some bullshit. This cat didn’t really like…smoke and mirrors totally. And it’s usually like well, I didn’t actually like…I worked next to the person that…right?
Cloie: That’s like people like, “Oh when I was in ‘Pirates of the Caribbean.'” Who were you in “Pirates of the Caribbean?” Oh.
DJ IZ: Exactly.
Cloie: Oh right, right, right. Which is fine, be the second tree to the right, but just also like come correct with stuff because people can research you.
DJ IZ: Yeah, and these days like you ain’t fooling nobody.
Cloie: No, not with the interweb.
DJ IZ: Yeah, right. Folks are hip to all the like nuances of, you know, the little sideline schemes, and so just make sure you’re on point. And I think too just what we do here at Connected is a great way for us to cut through all of that and really make sure that the presentation you set forth is really solid.
Cloie: Like how we always say #overperform, right? Like don’t put it on there if you can’t back it up.
DJ IZ: Don’t do it, man. Don’t do it.
Cloie: Because the world will find out. Wait, wait, this is also a good time to chime in what our first, one of our memes, right? This is our #BeSeeingYou meme. Team, you wanna pop that in por favor?
DJ IZ: Be seeing you.
Cloie: Yeah, be seeing you is Connected be seeing you. But this is all a part of the contest that we were talking about to win a one hour private consult with us. Be seeing you meme, that’s it.
DJ IZ: That’s it, simple and quick.
Cloie: Yeah, #BeSeeingYou.
DJ IZ: Also too, make sure you get your Q&A questions, or get your questions ready for our Q&A because we’re gonna jump into that right into that right after our Grind Opp of the day, okay? So up next, we’re going to go into Grind Opp Number Two. Grind Opp Number Two, let me see. I cannot…
Cloie: Let me see you, let me see you.
DJ IZ: Let me see you. Here we go. This is in the field of audio engineering, one of the fields that I so happen to work in a lot, okay? Here we go. High level marketing firm seeks audio engineer to assist audio team in a variety of ways. Ensure quality control of music for lyrics and content issues. Download various audio files from the FTP or file transferring services. Liaising with labels to get a monthly content set for programming.
Cloie: I love that one.
DJ IZ: Okay, and again, this is in the field of audio engineering. This is in Costa Mesa, California. Now I know I got a handful of cats who are in this field that are out in Cali who constantly hit me up all the time. So I wanna make sure that if you guys are here with us this morning, which you should be, that you make sure that you jump on this opportunity because this is in the field of what you do and what you love.
Cloie: Here’s an interesting question because that said to help with an audio firm in a variety of ways. What would some of those ways be?
DJ IZ: Well, I mean, a lot of it can be, you know, a person who documents audio, catalogs it, organizes it, or it can be a person who is capturing the audio, who’s recording the audio, and then having to like, you know, organize it, and put it in its different compartment. So it can be a variety of things. I mean, the great thing it didn’t state that you needed to have such and such experience.
Cloie: No, it didn’t.
DJ IZ: But I will say that you should definitely have some experience in not so much audio engineering, but just really, you know, dealing with companies at that level and working with an array of people, because that definitely…it didn’t sound like a one man kind of…
Cloie: No, it sounded like a collaborative like sort of experience as opposed to just like this is your job with no one else.
DJ IZ: Yeah, exactly.
Cloie: You’re not operating on an island with that one.
DJ IZ: Absolutely, no you don’t wanna be an island.
Cloie: No, no mess, none of that.
DJ IZ: It’s cool to be on an island when you know what you’re doing. You know what I saying? Because you can hold down, you can be like, “hey, this is my world over here.” But when you’re on an island and you’re kind of like Booboo the Fool, and you’re really like, “Uh, is there a department or is there somebody I can contact.” You don’t wanna be that dude. You don’t wanna be that dude.
Cloie: I have a confession. There is something about the phrase Booboo the Fool, anytime I hear it, I kind of get all tickled.
DJ IZ: Yeah.
Cloie: Acting like Booboo the Fool.
DJ IZ: Don’t be Booboo the Fool. So again, that was in the field of engineering and that was in Costa Mesa, California. So we’re gonna move on to Grind Opp Number Three. So I hope you guys are moving with us at this pace. I hope you guys are gonna be staying with us.
Cloie: So before we do, we’d pop into our other meme, our Connected VR, the virtual reality meme. And yep, that’s the #ConnectedVR.
DJ IZ: Look at how cute you look. Look at that smile.
Cloie: It’s real, those are teeth. Those are real teeth. And it actually like…I wanna show you how to do it.
DJ IZ: Can you show me how to do it?
Cloie: I could show you how to do it. I just need to think about it for a minute because I get confused.
DJ IZ: You need to think about the form?
Cloie: Wait, go to the Grind Opp and I’m gonna think about this for a minute because it takes a minute for me to get into it.
DJ IZ: Okay, figure that out. I’m gonna go into this Grind Opp. Grind Opp Number Three, here we go. Grind Opp Number Three is in the field of film.
Cloie: Dig it.
DJ IZ: So you’re gonna have to figure out this later, because I’m gonna have to let you rock this Grind Opp, because this is your field, honey.
Cloie: I can do it.
DJ IZ: Go for it.
Cloie: All right, so Grind Opp Number Three is for a film production assistant in Greenwich, Connecticut. Production assistant position to support the production coordinator and supervisor of film being shot in Connecticut. Responsibilities are going to include managing calendars and scheduling meetings, assisting with running of meetings. And qualifications include excellent communication skills, ability to anticipate problems, mac proficiency, ability to interact with employees at all levels of the company. I feel like this Grind Opp is kind of like a mashup of all the other things that we said before because their qualifications, the qualifications aren’t necessarily like one to two years of school, or one to two years of blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. No, it’s basically like know how to talk to people, and know how to modify how you speak based on who you’re speaking to.
DJ IZ: Right.
Cloie: You know?
DJ IZ: Yeah, I like to look at qualifications almost as like how I look at expectations, right?
Cloie: Talk about it.
DJ IZ: You know, there’s a couple thing you don’t wanna miss, and you don’t wanna fall short on, and I think too, it’s how we actually discover one of our hashtags, with was over-perform, right? So you know, I think too as you digest these details of the Grind Opps that we present, I mean, I think it’s important to first ask yourself, “Is this me? Is this something I can get…”
Cloie: Over-perform at.
DJ IZ: Over-perform at. You know, a lot of the things we’ve talked throughout just the duration of our show is knowing how to talk to people, how to be a team player, how to navigate through the pressures of, you know, deadlines. You know, always being on time, being the guy who’s there early, being the guy who leaves after everybody. You know, just those different…what I would like to think of as attributes of you being on the work force or in the field.
It’s like when I meet folks who, let’s say, wanna get into song writing or producing, I can usually tell within a couple of like moments of just conversing, like what components are there, you know? Are they really hungry? I can find that out within seconds. Are they hungry? Are they the person that just has the mentality of, “Man, just let me know. I’ll be there.” You know, it ain’t about well you know, “Yeah, I’d love to come check that out. You know, how much is it paying?”
Cloie: Yes.
DJ IZ: See man, once you throw that out at me, I can’t even really rock with you at that point because I know for years I showed up without my hand out. My hand out was like just let me be a sponge, like before you throw me a check, man, just throw me information.
Cloie: Put me in, coach.
DJ IZ: Put me in, coach. You know what I’m saying, like where do I sign up? Sign me up. I need to be there. What time? I’ll be…you know, like you become that…I don’t wanna say like a pest or just…you ever see a shark and you always that little fish?
Cloie: Yep.
DJ IZ: Like be that little fish, you know what I’m saying? Like that’s the best way I can describe it. Like be that little fish. Be there, you know?
Cloie: Just be there.
DJ IZ: Be there. And I think too like, you know, a huge portion of this only works with your application and how you apply yourself. You know, your appetite for wanting to really pursue your goals, your dream, and your career. You know, this is a great platform, what we have here, Cloie. What we do every Monday is incredible, but what really makes it work is our viewers’ ability to really get in there and go. You know, and be active, you know what I’m saying? And be active. So…
Cloie: It’s one thing to talk about it. It’s another thing to be about it.
DJ IZ: Yeah, and being that, you know, this last Grind Opp, I mean, is very much what you do day in, day out. I mean, you see the different, you know, characteristics that come through the door every day in this room, you know, whether you’re the person behind the camera, whether you’re an extra, whether you’re the actor. Like it’s always an environment that is always gonna lend itself to more than just you. And how you function and flow within that is crazy, right? Like it’s no joke.
Cloie: And not to mention that also like, well much with musicians and music and all like that, you deal with personalities that are already heightened and probably the more dramatic bend.
DJ IZ: Yeah, right?
Cloie: So to be able to navigate within that world and speak that language is crucial.
DJ IZ: Right.
Cloie: You know? Wait, so before we move into Grind Opp Number Four, Grind Opp Number Four already?
DJ IZ: I think we’re there. We’re moving.
Cloie: No, Grind Opp Number Three.
DJ IZ: No, we did number three, honey. We’re moving, we’re moving.
Cloie: Oh, well before then we should talk about our hashtag.
DJ IZ: What other incredible hashtag do we have along the way?
Cloie: We have our #IzConnected, which looks a little something like that. Iz wants you.
DJ IZ: Man, they got me looking like the Mexican Uncle Sam. I’m upset. No, I’m kidding.
Cloie: Ooh, stars and stripes makes you look so good.
DJ IZ: DJ IZ wants you to watch Connected. Yes, I do. I want you to watch Connected, absolutely.
Cloie: Right? So that’s..
DJ IZ: That’s great artwork, team. Thank you, yeah, thank you.
Cloie: #IzConnected, gotta love some Photoshop.
DJ IZ: Gotta love it.
Cloie: Gotta love some Photoshop. I’m supposed to try…
DJ IZ: Did you do it? Can you do it?
Cloie: That’s it.
DJ IZ: See, I don’t even know if I can get my…you gotta sprain your wrist to be able to do that.
Cloie: I just got really long arms. I have really long arms and lots of tattoos that goes a little something like that.
DJ IZ: I like your tattoos, man. You got a heart.
Cloie: I do, I’ve got eight of them.
DJ IZ: You got some graffiti…
Cloie: It’s body graffiti.
DJ IZ: Who graffitied on you? All right, so with any further ado, we’re gonna move into Grind Opp Number Four, Cloie. This is Grind Opp Number Four.
Cloie: Grind Opp Number Four.
DJ IZ: This is in the field of product managing, okay? So here we go. Product manager – audio software. This is in Santa Cruz, California. We got two Grind Opps that are in Cali this week.
Cloie: South and north.
DJ IZ: I actually, I hope he’s tuning in. I have a buddy of mine who sent me…I think I talked about him a couple weeks ago. He actually sent me an amazing resume and an amazing cover letter. And like I think this would actually be good for him. So I’m gonna dive into it. So can we get back to my details? I need to see my details, guys. Here we go.
Cloie: Drum roll, please.
DJ IZ: Here we go. Top software company seeks candidate to deliver on time definitions with prioritized products and features. Hold regular planning meetings to continually drive the product roadmap. Experience of relevant software within the music, pro audio technology industries or related industry, expert in music recording/creation technology. Expert in modern computers used for audio production. Wow, very detailed. Let’s actually leave these…I’d like to leave these details up for just a moment because it’s a lot of details in here. And I wanna make sure our viewers can either take a screenshot or a snapshot of this.
Cloie: That’s how you’re gonna get it.
DJ IZ: Yeah, so.
Cloie: Experience of relevant software within music pro audio technology industries or related industry. Expert in music recording/creation technology, expert in modern computers used for audio production. I mean, the word expert, that’s what jumps out at me. So no, it’s like no, we’re not talking about have to have worked this many years, but they’re expert on several times over. Yeah.
DJ IZ: Yeah, and you know too, like what I love about this too is, you know, just from the product managers I’ve dealt with, I mean, it’s a very fun gig.
Cloie: Oh yeah.
DJ IZ: And it lends itself to so many other things. And I think too, it’s important with any Grind Opp we see come in our way through Connected, it’s always good to be tech savvy anyway. Let’s talk about some of the software programs you need to at least be able to function on.
Cloie: Come on, now.
DJ IZ: Excel.
Cloie: The whole Microsoft Office suite.
DJ IZ: You gotta be able to fly on that.
Cloie: Like come on. Just as a basic human being in this world nowadays, right? I’m not talking about…however you do it. If you’re a hunt and pecker or if you…I don’t care. But the fact of the matter is…
DJ IZ: Hunt and pecker, yo, that’s a new hashtag for Connected.
Cloie: #Huntandpecker.
DJ IZ: Don’t be a hunt and pecker. Don’t be a hunt and pecker.
Cloie: Don’t be a hunt and pecker. What were we talking about? Oh, Microsoft Office suite.
DJ IZ: Microsoft, yeah. I mean, just being able to navigate on all these different software programs. I mean…
Cloie: Because they didn’t say proficient. They said expert. That’s…
DJ IZ: Expert, and you gotta at least know how to put a decent email together. You gotta…spelling, see and that are all the things we like to catch within these resumes that come through, you know? It’s super important. I actually, last year I talk to a CO by the name of Scott Goodman, who’s a good friend of mine, who’s the president of a massive company call Zoom. And I said, “Hey man, real quick. When you’re hiring folks, what is the first thing you look for? Like you got a cat coming into your office who wants a job, what are you looking for?” He said, “It’s very easy. I wanna see right offhand if they can spell and if they can write.” So here you might be thinking, you know, is it my five years here, my four years there? Or you know, how many songs I mixed or how many songs I engineered. No man, no.
Cloie: No, can you spell?
DJ IZ: Can you spell?
Cloie: I just wanna add something to that. Their, there, and they’re. They’re all different.
DJ IZ: They’re all different, yeah. Like I’m going there is T-H-E-R-E, right? They’re at the market.
Cloie: That’s a contraction for they are.
Cloie: Apostrophe, R-E. Their, that’s possessive, as in that is their food. This is their studio. Actually, this is our studio.
DJ IZ: Of your.
Cloie: Y’all, it’s just…
DJ IZ: It’s a lot but these things, you should have…there we go.
Cloie: Thank you team.
DJ IZ: We got a great team. So you know, those all have different meanings, so I think too, you know, it all ties into what I’ve been stressing since day one, which is the fundamentals of presentation in the workplace. You know, all those things, you know, gotta be recalibrated. You know, because I’ve had folks say, you know, is it who you know or is the actual skill or is it the actual, you know, how good do you have…
Cloie: It’s all of it.
DJ IZ: It’s all of it. They all work together. You know, so it’s just something you should always have like at the forefront of your mind when you’re actually pursuing these jobs. It’s extremely important, extremely important.
Cloie: Because it is all of it. It’s not just the pieces of it, right?
DJ IZ: Not just pieces, man. So…
Cloie: Before we move into our next Grind Opp, I’ll talk about our last meme. For those of you just joining us, we’re doing a contest where we are giving away a one hour private consult with me and with Iz, right? And the person that gets the most signups for our show wins. And the winner will be announced January 30th on our show. Yes, thank you team for popping that in. And we can talk about anything. We’re talking about just career, music, film, like advice, whatever, you know.
DJ IZ: We can talk about if Cloie’s single. Like I’m willing to talk about that.
Cloie: We can talk about it. We can talk about, you know, allergies too.
DJ IZ: Because you actually, you had a fan on one of our shows like a couple weeks ago.
Cloie: I did?
DJ IZ: Yeah, I forget his name, but he was like pro-Cloie.
Cloie: What?
DJ IZ: He was pro-Cloie.
Cloie: #ProClo
DJ IZ: ProClo. Pro Clo.
Cloie: Let your Pro Clo. Sorry, we didn’t pay for those rights. But the #thisismyclassroom, so they just popped that meme up in there. But that’s also one of the…
DJ IZ: Yes, and that’s for me, that’s a very important hashtag for us because I always like to highlight what our experience here is with the recording, radio, film connection. You know, I was just on the phone the other day and, you know, they were asking me, “Well you know, what’s the experience? You know, it’s school, it’s…” And very much of what we do is really geared towards what it looks like in the real world because it is the real world, you know? We’re not really…I’m not pro-classroom. I just personally feel like the information in these books, and the classroom experience, is dead. For where the culture of careers and businesses has gone, you know, the books haven’t been updated. You know, they’re still pouring the same old stale information into folks, and I just feel like what we do at the connection is in real-time, you know? It’s real mentors who have worked on projects, who have been on set, you know, so…
Cloie: Shout out to Doug who is one of our like mentors, you know?
DJ IZ: Yeah, in an actual studio, you know, not a classroom, a studio. So where you’re gaining real working hours that are real life credits, you know what I’m saying? And that’s, anytime I get a chance to speak on that, I always gotta make sure we really explain in detail and in depth what our experience here is. And the great thing is we have folks who are in our chat who have come from the recording, radio, film connection who are very excited to tell their experience about what it was like for them, you know? What the classroom was not like, you know?
Cloie: And also talking about where you were learning in real time, right?
DJ IZ: In real time.
Cloie: Even if you were out in the world, where is your classroom? Where are you getting those life lessons that will, yes, get you to your next big break, but will also just make you a better person for the world at large, you know what I mean?
DJ IZ: Absolutely. So if this is something that sounds very interesting, very you know, very different, but in a great way for you, make sure you go to our website because there you will be able to learn all about what we do in film, radio, live sound, culinary for our aspiring chefs, it’s all there for you, and it’s not a classroom. That’s what’s great. It’s not a classroom.
Cloie: Not a classroom.
DJ IZ: Which sounds fun to me, sounds fun to me. If I don’t gotta show up to a class, man, sign me up. So without any further ado, we’re gonna get into our last Grind Opp of the day. But before we get in that Grind Opp, keep in mind we have an additional five more jobs on our website. So that puts us at a total of 10 jobs, okay?
Cloie: I mean, and they’re coming from all over this week too, but you can only get those by going to our website. You can only get those when you go to the Recording Connection, our website.
DJ IZ: Yes, keep that in mind, guys. Five additional jobs, here we go. Hey, let it stain in your brain, okay, we’re making a stain in your brain, where to go to our website. So here we go. Last Grind Opp of the day for our show is in the field of audio production engineering. This is in Seattle, Washington. Audio engineering candidate will serve as onsite support for live event audio and setup/strike of the venue between events and support live technical execution. Prompt, thorough, professional communication with team, client, and business partners. Technical consultant to event producers and production manager. Scheduling and execution of systems training and maintenance operations. That’s a lot of detailed information. So let’s leave that up for a minute so our folks can actually take down these details, because it’s a lot. It’s a lot going on. I mean, prompt, thorough, professional communication to the team, client, business…like…
Cloie: Serve as onsite support for…
DJ IZ: It’s a lot of syllables in these details. So yeah, definitely make sure you take all that down because that’s huge.
Cloie: I mean, the thing that they keep repeating is support for live, support live, like you are doing it in the room, so you need to be on top of your stuff.
DJ IZ: Yeah, and to me, this particular Grind Opp really mirrors a lot of, not so much creativity, but very technical aspect…maybe being able to fix things, dial things in, troubleshoot. And I would say with that particular Grind Opp, you definitely want anywhere from two to three years of experience.
Cloie: Easy, unless you’re just a prodigy, which you very well might be. And then even still, some on the job training is not…because it’s all fun and games until shit happens in the room, and you gotta adjust it on the fly.
DJ IZ: Yeah.
Cloie: Then that is when, as you always say, when the tires meet the road.
DJ IZ: It’s when the tires meet the road. And that’s why, you know, the great thing like what we were just talking about, you know, with you not being in the classroom, you not learning traditionally, a lot of times you’ll find that by being in the real world and getting your feet wet a little, you kind of get a heads up on those kind of situations. You know, you kind of like, you know, have been through one or two of those situations where you gotta figure something out really quick, get things moving on the fly, and just get the ball rolling. And…
Cloie: And you don’t have time to necessarily to ask a lot of questions. Nothing’s wrong with questions, but you just sometimes have to act and react.
DJ IZ: Absolutely. And that’s, you know, even for me like just what I’ve been able to do and what I’ve been able to see, I mean, there’s a lot of things I learned early on in, maybe not as a producer, but maybe being somebody who was in the room while it was actually happening was able to see how they maneuvered around certain…it was really, which really helped me be able to get, you know, overt those kind of like roadblocks that were kind of just randomly falling. You just never know, I mean, especially you know, when you’re in the technical world, I mean, you got so many variables that, you know, well something went. This cable was acting up. Oh, the internet’s down, you know? You gotta be able to just go, so…which I think leads us to another great part, which is the videos from the school of hard knocks series that I do. School of hard knocks, which we were just talking about because we talk about the difference between the classroom and just kind of like the real world and what goes on. So I’ve done these videos, series of videos from a sit down that I did, which was pretty much the school of hard knocks. So when I’m being asked question and, you know, I’m just giving real answers based off of, you know, my personal experiences. And so we actually have another video we’re gonna cut to right now that we’d like to show you guys. So check this video out from the school of hard knocks series.
A classroom can’t be made into real life and you can’t get a real life experience from a classroom. Because the engagement, the activation is a whole different process. Now, if I call you up tomorrow, and you’re an aspiring engineer, and I say, “Hey, just come sit in on this session. Get a feel for the vibe and how things kind of get communicated in a creative environment. Just be a follower.” I guarantee that you will learn more in that one day than you will in two weeks of school. It’s just a different application. It’s a different experience.
And whether it’s film, or music, you know, it’s just one of those things where to me your hours on the clock already started if you’re in the room. It’s not being in the classroom. I’m in need of an engineer, you can’t just think that I can handle this job and, you know, I graduated from this. No, it doesn’t work.
So that was, you know, just a quick, brief breakdown of, you know, just…
Cloie: School of hard knocks.
DJ IZ: School of hard knocks. And some information just isn’t delivered the way it used to be in a classroom. I mean, you know, I don’t wanna stress too much on that, but you know, it’s hey, it’s from the school of hard knocks, you know?
Cloie: It’s a real thing.
DJ IZ: It’s a real thing.
Cloie: I mean, like we call…growing up, they would call it baptism by fire.
DJ IZ: Ouch, that sounds painful.
Cloie: Sometimes, school of hard knocks doesn’t unhurt.
DJ IZ: Very true, very true. So Cloie, we are now at like one of my favorite parts of the show, which I always say. It’s our Q&A. We get to talk to folks, like we get to look at our computer and we get to say, “Hm, where are some cool questions?” There’s a lot of questions, so…
Cloie: Oh, Corey Mack says…
DJ IZ: Corey Mack, what up, Corey?
Cloie: How do you prepare yourself to stand out with your cover letter?
DJ IZ: You know what? That’s a really great question. And it’s also a big question because everybody’s, you know, I mean everybody has different experiences. So you know, it could be something as, you know, something as simple as your personality, your characteristics, what you love to do, or you know, flip side of that coin could be, you know, how while you exceled at something and you gone on to grow in this other area, and what you now love to do. So I think, you know, a good cover letter is also, you know, it’s great to associate with your resume and how your resume best speaks about yourself.
Cloie: I do also remember Edwin talking about this when he was here. Shout out to Edwin…
DJ IZ: Shout out to Edwin.
Cloie: Who makes it all possible. His grind is to go through the resumes and the cover letters, and to help in that regard. And he’s also saying to…in a cover letter, talk about how you can be of service, right? Finding a way to add that element to it so that it is…it shows how it’s a mutually beneficial thing, right, in order to help one’s self. Oh by the by, shout out to Jacinta Mayes and D. Uncle Joe, a.k.a. Joey Hire. He’s a top 40 mentor in Philly. And Drake says watched a video and your Instagram is legit as hell, my man.
DJ IZ: Oh man, thank you man. Shout out to you, bro. Thanks for tuning in.
Cloie: Legit as hell.
DJ IZ: Also too, I wanna make sure we shout out Jacinta for her music at the top of the show, which also brings me to a point, yes Cool J Love. Keep giving us music, folks. For those of you who are creators of music, keep sending us music because I’m looking for that next piece to feature as an opening and closer for Connected. So definitely keep that going. Shout out to Mayes and shout out to D.
Cloie: …playing before we started, we were rocking out to some of the submissions just a minute ago.
DJ IZ: And also too, I wanna make sure that, and Manolo, if you’re tuning in with us today, I did get a chance to check out your mix tape and I’m still going through that. I’ve heard a couple records, but I want to get to, I believe “Last Call,” which is a record you produced. So I just want to, you know, I’m still going through that mix tape. I love the production, but like I said, I wanna get to the actual record that you did. But definitely, I have some more information for you on that next week.
Cloie: Word. Shout out also to Samuel Hammick. He’s starting at the RC soon.
DJ IZ: Okay.
Cloie: The Recording Connection.
DJ IZ: Dope.
Cloie: Mm-hm. So shout out, welcome to the family.
DJ IZ: Aw, look it, Julian Jordan says about, this is about you, Cloie. She’s very intelligent, poised, and charismatic.
Cloie: Thank you. I’m so shy. I’m feeling, I was hot and then I was cold, and then I went preppy.
DJ IZ: Right, right.
Cloie: So now I’m just gonna do…
DJ IZ: Okay, well you know, we have moment where our Q&A has been very brief. We have had other moments where our Q&A is like a long list of, you know, chatting and the whole nine. So I don’t know, Cloie, is there anything else you wanna kind of just…
Cloie: Well oh yeah. Before we wrap up and what have you, shout out. It’s MLK Day. It is MLK Day
DJ IZ: Absolutely it is MLK Day.
Cloie: And I…there’s so many things that could be said especially right now. But what I will say is that in all that we do, I think that the core, the message, the feeling is the same, and it’s all about love, right?
DJ IZ: Absolutely.
Cloie: Right, so like everything that we do comes from a place of love. Whatever inspiration we can offer is coming from a place of love. Because not only are we here to inspire you, but like you inspire us, and I think that today is the perfect day to say that in honor of MLK, you know?
DJ IZ: Yeah, absolutely. I know for me, just a day to show nothing but gratitude, honor, and respect for this man who found the strength beyond what he was able to…what any human can bring to the table by themselves. You know, to find the strength to do what he did for just the love and care of humanity and people, you know?
Cloie: And epitomize the fact that yes, you may fall down, but you get back up, and that’s what the grind is too. Sometimes you do fall down, but it’s all about how you move forward form that.
DJ IZ: Absolutely, and thank God for him because he made a lot happen for even my culture. I’m a Mexican-American. I mean, just what he was able to do, touched so many cultures. But I know for me, I can, you know, just nothing but love and appreciation for a man like that, you know. So definitely shout out to my man Martin Luther King for doing what he did.
Cloie: We just got a question from Julien Jordan. He says as a producer who has seen a lot, for younger producers coming in, do you recommend them standing out or playing it safe and making music like them?
DJ IZ: You know what? That’s a great question, man. I know for me, I always stuck to making music that moved me, moved my soul. And I never chased, I never chased a record. I never chased what was popular. I just as a music lover, I let my sense of love, passion, and integrity for music steer me. And that’s a hard road to follow for some because, you know, people in our industries like to reduplicate success every which way they can. So if something’s doing great, we need that.
Cloie: Let’s do it again.
DJ IZ: Let’s do it again. And you know, you don’t get a Jimi Hendrix like that. You don’t get a James Brown. You don’t get a Jim Croce. You don’t get a…you just don’t get those icons, you know? You gotta let people be who they are. And you know, that’s a great question, Julien, and I would suggest with whatever creator you are, create what feels best to you, and moves people, and stick to that, you know? I know for me, when I look back on the records I made and my catalog, there’s not one song in there that I say, “Man, why did I do that record? I know I was…I know I was trying to sound like…” I don’t have that.
Cloie: That’s a beautiful thing.
DJ IZ: It’s a beautiful thing, you know? And it’s not for the weak. You gotta be able to endure the storm, you know? You can go get that check or you can stay doing what you love.
Cloie: Living in your truth, live.
DJ IZ: Living in your truth. So yeah man, don’t play it safe, man. Do what you love. Do what feels good to you all the time. The reward on that is so much greater.
Cloie: I know, and I mean, it’s the braver road is that…Happy birthday to Coby Joe Scott.
DJ IZ: Happy birthday, Coby.
Cloie: Happy, happy birthday.
DJ IZ: Also too, Michael Cans, an RC grad says Miller Street Studios was my class when I graduated from RC. Miller Street Studios located in Chicago is hosting a musician coalition to help change how networking is done. All are welcome.
Cloie: Bam.
DJ IZ: Bam. We need to be tied into that because that’s definitely what we’re doing as well.
Cloie: I feel like, could we get some more information on that?
DJ IZ: Yeah, could we get some more info? Let’s send them where they can… Oh well, she’s on it. Maybe we can get…
Cloie: Leah is on it.
DJ IZ: She is on it. Shout out to Leah for holding it down on the Q&A, girl.
Cloie: Did we hit them? Did we hit all our questions?
DJ IZ: Girl, we hit it and quit it. Did we hit it and quit it? You may wanna go into my James Brown voice.
Cloie: I gotta get up and do my thing.
DJ IZ: Did we hit it and quit it?
Cloie: How about I get up and do my thing?
DJ IZ: Well, I think that is it for today. I wanna remind you guys to stay active. Remember, continue to follow us, track our day to day on our social media @IzConnected. That’s Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. Check out our website. Check out all the Grind Opps we’ve been bringing you since day one. Today was Show 47. Next week will be Show 48. We’re moving.
Cloie: Guys, we’re almost to the one year.
DJ IZ: We’re almost to the one year. So don’t forget, this week we’ve got Nam. Come and hang out with us. We’ll be hanging out, chilling, playing music, having a good time. Make sure you come hang with us, man. It’ll be great. Shout out to our Connected team.
Cloie: Oh my word.
DJ IZ: Oh my word.
Cloie: Sorry, sorry Howard. Sorry.
DJ IZ: We got a great team here at Connected. At any opportunity we get to shout them out. That’s what we do. So shout out to my man Howie, shout out to Mike, shout out to Leah, Jay, Michael, Edwin, all the folks that make this possible. Shout out to this beautiful location.
Cloie: Doug Bower, thank you for Abstract Studios. This is wonderful. Doug, we got to meet one of your mentees a couple weeks ago. He’s awesome. His name is Danny. I think we showed that photo last week.
DJ IZ: We did.
Cloie: We did. Yeah.
DJ IZ: We so did. So we all wanna wish Cloie good luck today on her…
Cloie: Oh you guys are so sweet, thank you.
DJ IZ: Yeah, on your audition. Can you tell us a little about it real quick?
Cloie: I’m gonna be playing a skateboarder, or like a…
DJ IZ: Do you skate?
Cloie: I do right now. Just like I didn’t tap dance, but I tap danced for the show. I need some like, I have flat bottom boots. These are the boots that I wear all the time.
DJ IZ: Whoa, you’re flexible, yikes. All right, man, okay.
Cloie: Yeah, this is “porta-broad” tattooed right here. Dance. It’s dance. What were we talking about?
DJ IZ: Your audition.
Cloie: Oh my audition, yeah. So yeah, so Florida skateboarder. It’s with the network called Black Inside TV. I’ve worked with them before, yeah, and they do some really fun programming. And I love them over there. So shout out to them and us.
DJ IZ: Cool, well we wish you the best. Go kill them today, man. Go kill them, which we know you will.
Cloie: Just don’t kill myself on the skateboard.
DJ IZ: Yes, don’t do that. We need you here. We don’t need you here next week in bandages.
Cloie: Oh lord. Nobody needs a bandage.
DJ IZ: So on that note, man, it’s been great hanging with you guys. I hope you guys are enjoying the new visuals. The clarity is, I’m sure, is insane. And on that note, man, I’m your host DJ IZ. It’s been a great time hanging here with you. My lovely cohost, Miss Cloie. I couldn’t do it without her. Look at those waves, quick hands. She’s got the crab hands out. And we look forward to seeing you guys next week. Do not forget. Monday movement, you gotta get out there and go get it. This does not happen without application, without drive, without goals, without a plan. Have your plan together, all right? We’re here to help you. Stay connected with us. Let’s look at your resumes, let’s hear some music, whatever you got. You’re an aspiring chef, you got some bacon formulas you wanna talk about…
Cloie: Please, send them our way.
DJ IZ: Send them our way, all right? Until then, we’ll catch you next time. Again, my name is DJ IZ. I’m out.
Music: Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah.
DJ IZ: You’re shaking on out, girl.
Cloie: Oh my God.
DJ IZ: You’re shaking on out.
Cloie: Oh my God, that’s why I got so fidgety at the end because it hurts so…
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