Here are the job opportunities (or as we like to call them, Grind Opps) from this week's show.
Morning Show Producer / Board Operator
Industry: Radio
Location: Denver, CO
Station in Denver seeks full time morning show producer/ board operator

Part Time Air Talent
Industry: Radio
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Philadelphia’s Radio Station has a rare opening for a part-time air talent.

Major TV Show – All Film Crew
Industry: Film
Location: New Orleans, LA
Major Network Television Show in New Orleans is seeking crew for all positions.

Sound Designer
Industry: Recording
Location: New York, NY
Multiple Telly Award winning studio seeks a sound designer to join their team.

Paid Alternative Development Internship
Industry: Film
Location: Santa Monica, CA
Hands-on experience working with high profile film studio behind award-winning shows such as Transparent.

Sous Chef - Steakhouse
Industry: Culinary
Location: Tampa, FL
Sous Chefs (Culinary Managers/Kitchen Managers) to be responsible for the daily operations of the kitchen.

Part Time Board Operator – New York, NY
Industry: Radio
Location: New York, NY
High profile station seeks part time board operator for Morning Drive.

Production Assistant
Industry: Film
Location: Stamford, CT
Successful candidate will provide overall assistance to associate producers and producers.

Media Manager
Industry: Recording
Location: Los Angeles, CA
A music based app is seeking a media manager to work under the current post production management.

Cloie: Hi guys. Welcome, welcome, welcome. It is truly a party because we are celebrating here at Earth Iz Connected. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Our brand new space, our step up into the world of technology and “grind oppery,” both in general and specifics. I am your host, Cloie Wyatt Taylor, or I should say I’m your cohost, Cloie Wyatt Taylor. Our beloved Iz is on the road today. He is in the air, caught up in life, and “grind oppery” in general. But he also sends this word to us.
DJ IZ: What’s up Cloie? I know y’all are having a good time at our new, wonderful Connected location. I know you’re holding it down for us as usual. I’m actually out here in Tampa getting ready to do this show with Usher today, and I gotta tell you Cloie, it’s cold as heck out here. We’re rocking this show tonight around 9:00 PM, so I’m gonna get up there, I’m gonna be sending you guys lots of pics, lots of video, so definitely stay connected. So Cloie, I know we got some incredible grind opps happening this week. I’m excited about you introducing them. I know we got a lot of hungry, hungry grinders, entrepreneurs looking to get this 2017 going the right way off to the fast track. So man, I’m just happy. I’m excited. I’m sure our chatroom is live right now. Everybody’s checking in.
When I get on stage, I’m gonna be shooting tons of video, so I’m gonna make sure I shoot all you guys pictures and video of what we got going on tonight. It’s gonna be a crazy show, 90 minute show, out in the cold, yo. It’s like freezing bananas, like Cali definitely don’t prepare you for this kind of weather.
So Cloie, before I get, I wanna remind all our connected faithfuls to not forget to keep sending in their resumes, cover letters, [inaudible 00:02:24]. This is how we stay connected, y’all, all right? Let’s get it going. Peace.
Cloie: Oh, Iz we miss you, we miss you. So for those of you that are just joining us, welcome. For those of you that are Connected faithfuls, welcome, welcome, and welcome. We are Iz Connected, where we are bringing you jobs in the field of film, radio, and culinary. Many, many more soon to come your way. Every week, we give you five new jobs, plus an additional six which we post on our website. If you wanna find us, and you do, we are everyone on social media @izconnected. And also make sure that you are watching us on the official Powered By Recording connection, because that’s where you’re gonna see all the fun stuff like popping up in your screen.
So straight up right off the bat, I wanna say a shout out and a thank you to Jacinta Willis of Cool DJ Love. We have been featuring her lovely, lovely intro, so thank you for that. It’s a new year, it’s a new us, it’s a new everything. I don’t know if I said it, but we are in Glendale, California at Abstract Studios. Thank you Abstract for letting us be abstract with you. And oh, oh, oh, oh, let me take a sip. Mm, Prosecco, does a body good.
Stay tuned because you can find out, we’re doing a special contest, how you can get a super, special, and private consultation with both me and Iz for an hour. So stay tuned, I’ll tell you exactly how you can register to participate in that contest. So now this is me looking over here, looking over here, looking all around in our new space, and being ever so grateful, before we jump into our Grind Opps. Shall we do Grind Opps? Can we do Grind Opps because that’s what we’re here for? So I’m gonna take a sip as we move into Grind Opp Number One.
Hm, I sometimes think that my middle name is Bubbles, but I remember it’s actually Wyatt, and that’s okay too. So our first Grind Opp is coming to you out of Denver, Colorado. And it is for a morning show producer. A station in Denver seeks full time morning show producer/board operator. And they will be assisting the Morning Show host with producing compelling daily content. And the specifics are he or she will be planning and producing live and pre-recorded radio show, which includes topical daily news, sports, traffic, and feature productions. The other job specifics are that they will be generating original ideas, researching information, and assisting with scheduling guests, monitors, and screen listener phone calls, and operating master control board during the show.
So super technical, right? Super technical, also a blend of that admin world with that technical knowhow, right, which we do talk about sometimes. What I can say to and for this is key component, what it sounds like to me is organization, right? Organization, communication, which yes, they are definitely things that we do talk about here, and we talk about the importance and how they can affect your dealings with other people, right? So if you are working in a field that is requiring you to shift from one position to the other, what do you need to do? You need to be able to translate, this is producer speak, this is how I speak to my talent, right, and this is how I have to talk to myself. But organized ideas so that we each thing is easily transferable from one person to another. So that is Grind Opp Number One.
So wait, I also need to talk about this as we move out of Grind Opp Number One. As I’m walking down the street, oh time out because you’re probably also wondering at this point in time what all of this is. It’s a lot. I am coming straight from a photo shoot and documentary shoot for our show, “Little Drummer Bowie.” So there’s all of the glitter, all of the lash happening here. I spent hours in a wig, which is oh so fun, but does nothing for the hair. So I apologize to you all and I also thank you for just dealing with all of that.
But back to our chance encounter. So the team and I were out taking photos and video for this upcoming contest for those of you that are just joining us, and all of a sudden, we hear a, “Hey, hey, Cloie.” And who do we see, but thank you for popping that photo in, Danny. And Danny is a recent, he’s a Connected viewer first and foremost, and he’s also a recent grad of Recording Connection who, his mentor was Doug Bullware [SP] who works with, and is the man behind the magic that is the studio here. Absolutely, coincidences is a non-existent thing. And like I said before, we are here in Abstract Studios, so shout out to Doug for just helping and being one of our amazing mentors. And also a shout out to Danny for recognizing what we’re doing and being an active and participating member because that’s a really fun thing to know that you guys are out there and we’re doing it, and the Grind is real. The Grind is always real.
So with that in mind, I feel like we should move into Grind Opp Number Two, no? So Grind Opp Number Two is for part time air talent. And this is coming to you out of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia’s…mm-hm, I’m gonna try that again. Thank you, Bubbles. Philadelphia’s radio station has a rare opening for a part time air talent. All applicants must have been actively on the air within the last three years, and an aircheck of two minutes or less with their most recent on air material is required.
Now for those of you that might be wondering what exactly an aircheck is. We talk about here, demos, we talked about sizzle reels. So think of an aircheck as the same thing but for television personalities, or like broadcasts, whatever. And the fact that they say that they need to be recent, that’s everything right there. So if you did it in the 80s, that’s great, need not apply here, right? They wanna see within the last three years. And I also love that they mention that it is a very rare opportunity for on air talent. And yes, it is part time, but what do we always say here about part time? Is it’s just an opportunity for expansion into more of a full time sort of thing. Am I right, guys? I’m gonna take a sip, mm-hm. Hang on, my team is passing me notes. I’m gonna squint a little bit. Right, great, I think I read that. So…
Oh, we should talk about the memes because these are a part of our contest. So I’m gonna put this down for one sad little moment, but I’ll pick her back up momentarily. So the very first of our memes is our Connected VR, and it goes a little something like this. I add the sound effect because I like the sound effect. I mean, you know, to each their own, but life is better with a sound effect. Do you guys know what this is from? This is from a TV show. This is from a TV show in the 60s, which is way before my time, but do we know? If you know what this is, Tweet it to us at @izconnected, right?
But this right here, this is our Connected little gesture that we’re doing here. So if you’re with us here, just do that. I’ll do it again in slow motion so that you can even try it at home. One, two, nope. Wait, hold on. Scratch that for the record. Wait, okay, okay, this. Here we go. We’re ready now. Slow motion, this is me doing it in slow motion. And there we are. And you may be wondering why I’m doing it, but part of our contest, which I will explain later, is about posting online with these memes because we wanna see how you do it. Hold while I pick up my [inaudible 00:12:17].
So that was Grind Opp Number Two, and that was for a part time on air talent coming to you out of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Such a historic city, that Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I’m gonna take a sip while we move into Grind Opp Three. Team, are we ready? Mm-hm, great.
Grind Opp Number Three is coming to you out of New Orleans, Louisiana, and it is for a major network TV show for the crew. And what it is is a major network television show in NOLA is seeking crew for all positions. And this is a great opportunity for all film student in New Orleans to benefit from on-set experience under…ooh, can we go back to that graphic please, Jim? Can we roll back to that graphic for just one more second? Do we mind? I thank you, I thank you. These eyes aren’t what they used to be, especially not with all this glitter. This is a great opportunity for all film students in NOLA to benefit from on-set experience under all disciplines, and all film resumes are welcome. I love that. I love that. It’s like the Statue of Liberty, but for Grind Opps, right?
So it’s basically a chance to make your bones is what it sounds like, if we all know that terms. It’s like, maybe I shouldn’t say it. It’s probably like La Cosa Nostra and the mafia, but maybe I won’t say make your bones, but you know what I mean. And if you don’t, what I mean is simply like a great opportunity for you to get in the door and grab some experience. And who knows where it will lead, right? The part of the Grind is just being open to opportunity and being open to change and letting these experiences change you, no?
So this is actually a great time for me to show you meme number two, and also, all of these memes you will be seeing throughout the course of the week. But this is for #BeSeeingYou. Super simple, you’re just gonna take your hands like this and like a…it’s a Sign Language “F” or the “Okay” sign. Yeah, F, that’s F. That’s F in Sign Language, and you just go, “Hello, there you are.” Get it? Be seeing you? Get it? Be seeing you? Be seeing you, right? You could also do it if you’re a leftie, you know, or you just prefer your left side, you can do it on that side too, #BeSeeingYou. So that’s our second meme.
Great opportunity for me to take a sip of celebration and happiness while we move into Grind Opp Number Four. And Grind Opp Number Four is for a sound designer. I just burped on air, and I don’t feel sad about it. I’m just gonna let that marinate for a second because I just burped on air. It happens. Life is real, guys. That’s our team laughing because I burped on air. It almost burned through my nose too. Whoo, bubbles give you trouble.
So this is for Grind Opp Number Four, and this is coming to you out of New York, New York. It is for a sound designer. There’s a multiple Telly Award winning studio seeking a sound designer to join their team. Now the person must live the New York City area as this is a full time position that can’t be done out of office. Must have some experience as a sound designer with links to sound design work, and will be responsible for creating a wide variety of compositions and foley for multiple TV and film based projects, okay?
Now this might be the point in time where you ask yourself, “Well what is a Telly Award,” right? Great, basically think of a Telly Award as like a Grammys are to music, Telly, think of that is for the non-broadcast and commercial world. That’s a Telly Award, right? I love that this Grind Opp is so very specific in the fact that you say if you don’t live in New York City, then you can’t do it. And guys, if you can make it there, guess what you can do? I’ll let you figure that out. You can make it anywhere, right, which is also the perfect opportunity for us to move into our third meme that is a part of our contest.
And it’s #IZCONNECTED meme. And it just goes a little something like this. You get it? Who did that? Where is that from? If you said Uncle Sam, then you got it because #IZCONNECTED wants you to get your Grind on, to hustle with us, to flow. That was that movie, “Hustle and Flow.” But to get connected, IZCONNECTED, as we connect you with jobs and opportunities as we have done, and we’ll continue to do so as we all move onward and upward together.
And that transitions into Grind Opp Five, which is our last Grind Opp on air. However, remembering that we do offer additionals, which I’ll talk about in a moment. So I’m ready for Grind Opp Number Five, team, if you don’t mind. So Grind Opp Number Five is a paid internship. I’m gonna say that again, a paid internship, and it’s coming to you out of Santa Monica, California. Now this is a hands-on experience working with high profile film studio behind an award-winning shows, such as “Transparent,” if we’re all familiar with that wonderful Amazon series, right?
Now in addition to working closely with executives in the Santa Monica office, interns will have the opportunity to participate in guest speaker sessions, networking events, and screenings. Now you must be a current student seeking an undergraduate or graduate degree, and have the ability to work 16-24 hours per week. Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Outlook, as well as a strong working knowledge of Microsoft Office suite, like Word, Excel, but also Access and SharePoint. And you must have reliable transportation and a valid driver’s license.
Okay, so many things, right? They’re very, very specific here. Technically, 16-24 hours, that’s still part time, right, which is helpful for those of you that are still working towards your degree. And I love also that they say that you must be currently an undergrad or working towards a graduate degree because yes, in this world, right, there are so many different kinds of internships. The fact that this is a paid internship is amazing, right, because most internships are unpaid. What I can also tell you that you’re probably gonna work your…off to do this job, hence the reliable transportation and what have you. But it’s gonna be a great opportunity because the other thing about working with shows like “Transparent,” or shows on these up and coming…I don’t even know if you can say up and coming anymore because they’re here. But the Internet and cable stations is that they are booming and they’re only going to get bigger as major networks change and shift.
So this is a wonderful opportunity to get in on the ground floor and to learn from the best and people that are working in that field. I think it’s all pretty laid out for you in this one, so people that are looking to, I don’t wanna say make their bones again, but to make their bones, boom. Get in there and make it happen, okay?
So now our last meme, actually is this our last meme? This is our last meme, is #ThisIsMyClassroom. And we’ve been saying this for a while now on the show. And for those of you that are just tuning in have maybe forgotten what “this is my classroom” means. It literally means that not everybody is going to university or what have you for training because, yes, you can learn from university. But there comes a certain point where you have to get your real world experience. So we, at Iz Connected, want to know where you are getting your real world experience. Like this is my classroom. This right now is my classroom, right? You are our classroom, Iz Connected, because we learn just as much from you about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, as perhaps you do from us. So we wanna know, where are you learning? Send us pictures, all of that good stuff. Send, send, send, we wanna know.
The other thing to know is that you may wonder are these jobs broadcasted or, you know, no. We are not on Craigslist with these jobs. We’re not on any sort of…there’s no Idealist or Glassdoor. This is not that at all. These jobs are exclusive to us, and to apply for these jobs, you want to go to Did I get it right? I hope I get it right because I did that kind of from memory. Memory is a powerful…the mind is a powerful thing. Bubbles don’t necessarily help it, but they don’t hurt it either.
Hold on, my team’s talking to me. Great, awesome. So yeah, so applying for these jobs, and then the .com comes in there too, but that is where you can apply for all of these jobs, guys. They’re there and they’re waiting for you. As I teased earlier in the show, we do have an additional six…well no, we have an additional five jobs that are on our website, right? And this week we’ve got film jobs in LA, Virginia, and Connecticut, a radio job in New York City, and also a culinary job in Florida. And Danny, who was our friend that we just happened to meet, our viewer that we just met, was asking us. One of the questions was looking for jobs in LA, yes, thank you team. And that’s my wide mouth bite the apple grin. He is asking us, you know, are there jobs in LA all the time? And actually Danny, you got two, or whatever it is, you got them this week in LA and Virginia and Connecticut. So check it out, right? We wanna help. That’s what we’re here for.
So also as I mentioned earlier in the episode, we are running a contest. That’s all of the memes, all of the hashtags, all of that great stuff. What we’re doing, okay, we are running a contest so that you can win an hour long private…I should probably do it in my phone sex operator voice. Hold on. We are running a contest so that you are connected, Iz Connection family and get an hour long private consult with both me and Iz. We can talk about anything you wanna talk about. It can be about career, it could be about life, it could be about fashion, right? We’re gonna be there for you. And in order to participate in this contest, first and foremost, you wanna make sure that you register, and they popped the graphic into the screen, which is great. It’s…Oh no, I snorted. Our team’s laughing. It’s That’s where you’re gonna sign up and register for this contest.
And actually, the rules are pretty simple. It’s like of like guerilla style. We wanna see how many viewers you can bring to us, right? However you do it, using our memes, using our hashtags. We’ve got four memes, we got a ton of hashtags. But we want to see who can bring us the most viewers. And to go back to why you would register, it’s because you’re gonna get your own URL so that we can attribute who, the people that you’re bringing to the show, we can attribute them to you, and we wanna give you credit because we wanna talk to you. Yeah, [inaudible 00:25:56]. We got a lot to say. I got a lot to say. Iz has got a lot to say. Life has got a lot to say.
So come out and join us, right? You’re gonna register, you’re gonna get your link, drive some people to our show, all of the shout outs, all of the prizes, and everything to help set you up for success and get connected. So next week obviously…
Oh, like I mentioned before, we are in our brand new space. Thank you so much to Abstract Studios in Glendale, California. Next week, we’re gonna have our usual Q&A and making it move as we usually do because we miss you guys, and we love talking to you. And also, a super special shout out to Manolo Feliz. We have his track, “Press One For English,” and baby. We haven’t forgotten you. So don’t you worry. Don’t you worry at all. We’re getting to it next week, so stay tuned there.
So I think that that’s all for this week. I think my glass is empty, so I’m gonna go refill it. But actually, should we…you wanna just top it off on the…so people can see that it’s a real…can you see that? It’s a real celebration. Great, guys. This is how we get connected. Now it’s a real party. This is how we start our morning, not necessarily always with bubbles, but always with getting connected, always with a lot of love, and may your cup of success, happiness, and opportunity runneth over. I am Cloie Wyatt Taylor. You can find me @alwaysCloie across social media. You can find us always here Mondays at 11:00 AM P-S-T, that’s Pacific Standard Time. And across social media @IzConnected. To get to us directly, we wanna hear your songs, see your resumes, all of your stuff. We’re at [email protected], so send us your stuff.
And of course, to apply for jobs, as always, it’s We will see you back here in action next Monday, 11:00 AM Pacific Standard Time. How are you getting your grind on this week, guys? Tweet it to us @IzConnected.
DJ IZ: We’re headed to the venue. We’re headed to the venue. Jam on it.
Yo, we’re out here just going over everything, trying to make sure everything dialed in before we start rocking the show. This is the setup right here. Don’t leave me out in the cold. I got my man Terry right here. Say what up, T? Yeah. It’s about to go. This is a part of the process, being on stage, making sure everything’s dialed in, making sure all the gear’s working, and you know, I’m excited. You know, this is what it’s about. This is what the preparation and grind lead up to.
Previous Episodes of Connected

- Electronic musicians, DJs and beat-makers
- Runners and assistants
- Filmmakers
- Broadcasters
- Aspiring show hosts and more

- Get job tips on all the best jobs and career opportunities
- Get mentored and find out how to get and keep the best gigs in the music and film industry
- Get to know your favorite artists
- Hear industry success and horror stories from the legends inside the business
- Find out real tips to get hired at your dream job
- Connect!