Here are the job opportunities (or as we like to call them, Grind Opps) from this week's show.
Pro Tools Editor
Industry: Recording
Location: Burbank, CA
Animation studio seeks Pro Tools editor to work with one or more executives to create the final output for a show.

Production Assistant
Industry: Film
Location: Atlanta, GA
Fox TV series “24 Legacy” is currently accepting resumes for production assistants.

Sound Designer
Industry: Recording
Location: Bellevue, WA
Award-winning developer of Playstation games seeks sound designer to create stunning, ground-breaking, genre-defining games.

Video Editor (Part Time)
Industry: Recording
Location: Nashville, TN
Television network seeking a video editor that has recently graduated and is looking for a starting position in television.

Video Producer
Industry: Film
Location: Mesa, AZ
Video producer needed by the local community channel to oversee the city’s video projects.

DJ IZ: Wha’s up, ya’ll. Welcome to Connected. I’m your host, DJ IZ. We’re here, top of the morning. Wha’s up, Cloie? How you doin’?
Cloie: Top of the mornin’ to ya!
DJ IZ: Do you feel fresh, and vibrant, and ready to get the week going?
Cloie: I feel so inspired that I just feel like one big glitter bubble. That’s how I feel.
DJ IZ: You big glitter bubble! Yo! I’m in. I’m in. Every time like I… Of course, I’m always excited to come here every Monday, but I’m always like, “Man, only if we could have another day in our weekend, like Saturday, Sunday, Funday, and then Monday.”
Cloie: Then Monday.
DJ IZ: Would that be help?
Cloie: That would be like your prep day.
DJ IZ: Right. Right.
Cloie: That would be the day where you’re like half in the bed, half out of the bed.
DJ IZ: Right.
Cloie: As opposed to the alarm clock taking years off of your life with a jolt.
DJ IZ: Right. Well, man, I’m excited. We’ve got another special guest in the house with us today. Guys, we’re on Show 27. Last week we did the math. I think we’re at, what, 125 or 130 jobs now, that we’ve introduced.
Cloie: [inaudible 00:01:16], shall we?
DJ IZ: We’ll get the numbers in later. We’ll save that. But for those of you who are just tuning in, this is a show where we’re not just dealing with education; we’re not just dealing with mentoring; we’re dealing with the whole kit and caboodle. Information. Education. Opportunities.
Cloie: Infotainment.
DJ IZ: Exactly. Jobs. Two cool cats coming together to really just, you know, enlighten your day and bring to you the best we possibly can, which is opportunities. Right? Because we’re doing it like no other, Cloie. I have yet to still find a show like ours is, that is not just educational, not just stale and boring, but some cool-ass jobs. I mean, have you found anything?
Cloie: I haven’t seen it, because I am out there. I am out on the beat, as they say in the world.
DJ IZ: You better tell them!
Cloie: I’m on that beat! But no, it’s also inspiration. Right?
DJ IZ: Right. Right.
Cloie: Yes, yes. The world needs jobs. The world is also a lil’ beat down right now. The world needs a big, ol’ hug, so we’re also here to offer you that. So let us put our arms around you for this lil’ moment in time.
DJ IZ: You’re so motherly.
Cloie: [inaudible 00:02:26] your arm.
DJ IZ: I love you. Cloie, you’re so motherly.
Cloie: [inaudible 00:02:32]. I have to check myself, each second. You know?
DJ IZ: Well, I’m excited to get into our Grind Opps today and something we like to always tell folks before we dive into these details. Because it’s a lot of information, you might want to get your notepad, your pen. I don’t even know if folks even write down any more. So if it’s your iPad, if it’s your notebook, if it’s your whatevermacallit gadget, you might want to have that close to you, because we really go through details on this show. And I think that’s crucial for our viewers.
It’s like, getting info on the Grind Opps and the jobs is great, but to really sponge all this information that goes with each and every job is super crucial. Because we’re not going to send you in there unprepared, undernourished with information. So you definitely want to make sure you jot, or take everything down that you possibly can. I’m not even going to say “jot” no more, because folks probably don’t even know…
Cloie: Why!
DJ IZ: …what “jotting” is these days.
Cloie: It’s fine, it’s just fine
DJ IZ: Right. Yeah.
Cloie: [inaudible 00:03:40].
DJ IZ: They know that. [inaudible 00:03:44].
Cloie: I would like to real quick say, IZ, before we start, “This is arts behind me.”
DJ IZ: Yeah! I’m not mad at it. I’m not mad at it, Cloie. Can you dangle it again with your fingers?
Cloie: These are [inaudible 00:04:00]. This is an original, thank you.
DJ IZ: Well you know, it’s hard to tell because we can’t see the entire piece. So I don’t know if it’s like… Okay. See, at first…
Cloie: [inaudible 00:04:12].
DJ IZ: At first I was like, “Are those shoe strings hanging in the back?” You know, now that I see the whole art piece…
Cloie: You’re just not clear yet. You’re just not clear yet.
DJ IZ: I’m not… I’m sorry. I’m sorry. So again, we’re very excited to introduce our guest for today’s show. But before that, we’re going to jump up into the first Grind Opp of the day. This is in the field of recording, which is a coincidence. Right? So, this is ProTools editor. “Animation studio seeks ProTools editor to work with one or more executives to create the final output for a show.” And this is actually in our home town, California, in Burbank, for those locals that we’ve got tuning in today. This is definitely something that you guys can partake in. First and foremost, our Recording Connection students, we’ve always got to look out for a family. Got a lot of students…
Cloie: Of course, and Film Connection.
DJ IZ: Film Connection. We’ve got a lot of folks who are actually doing things in real time right now with other mentors and really cool mentorships. So guys, you definitely want to take advantage of this. So let’s dive into these details for this guest…
Cloie: Love it.
DJ IZ: …that we’ve lined up. “Prestigious animation” — I like how they added “prestigious.” “Grand,” right?
Cloie: [inaudible 00:05:28].
DJ IZ: “Prestigious animation studio seeking a Post Tools editor that will be working with one or sometimes multiple executives to create the final output for a show. Editor will be importing audio and cutting out circle takes, cutting in APR and pickup lines. Candidate must be confident and comfortable with ProTools, as he/she will be stretching, [inaudible 00:05:48] shifting, cross-fading, and working audio time as depicted.”
Yo. Whoever put these details together really, really knows what they’re talking about. I want to go ahead and credit our Connected team for it, because I know that is who’s handling it. So a shoutout to you guys.
“Candidate must be very organized, detail-oriented, and have the ability to work with others creatively. Candidate must have at least one-year work proposals.”
One of the things I want to kind of point out in this particular…
Cloie: Hit it.
DJ IZ: …on these particular details is “prestigious.” When they say, “prestigious,” I’m assuming it’s either, let’s say… What are some of the big animation groups? There’s DreamWorks.
Cloie: Disney.
DJ IZ: Disney.
Cloie: Pixar.
DJ IZ: Pixar. Definitely Pixar.
Cloie: I mean, yeah, and there’s [inaudible 00:06:42] Pixar. Shoutout to it.
DJ IZ: Yeah! But you know, obviously we’re just saying those are like the biggest in the game right now, so I think that is definitely something to take into consideration. Another thing to take into consideration is you’re going to be working alongside executive, so that’s definitely… That can either be a whole lot of pressure or it can be a breeze for you. I’m not sure where you’re at, but you know, definitely working alongside executives. I mean, those are always great opportunities for them to…
Cloie: Right.
DJ IZ: …kinda see what you’re capable of, kinda see your work ethic. How you get it down, how you get the job done. And you will be surprised how many times that propels you into other positions, so that is definitely a huge factor. And just from the technical side, you will be obviously important audio, and cutting out circle takes, and a bunch of other stuff that I’ve` mentioned, so you’ve definitely got to know the terminology there. And I’m assuming, with anybody who has one-year experience, that you definitely know by now what all that means.
They definitely want you to be experienced in working with ProTools. The little things, we always mention on this show is that being familiar with a variety of recording platforms, whether it’s [inaudible 00:07:49]. This one is particularly asking for ProTools, so definitely make sure you have an array of information when it comes to those programs.
Cloie: Right.
DJ IZ: Because you know, in this type of job setting, you might into cats that are using other software programs, but this one is ProTools, so make sure your ProTools’ shots are up.
Cloie: And to also note like, if you don’t, if you don’t, this is the perfect, well, this is the perfect opportunity to not just sit on her butt and be complacent about it. Get out and learn about it! There are so many videos. Not to say you can learn everything from a video, but you can at least get a grasp and then you… So it points you in the right direction to where you can find out all the other information.
DJ IZ: Absolutely. And then another thing, Cloie, one of the last details was, “Candidate must be very organized, detail-oriented, and have the ability to work creatively with others.” Let’s kinda talk about that real quick, because I think that a lot of folks, as they are growing and as they are learning, they’re learning the components of being organized and detail-oriented.
Cloie: Right.
DJ IZ: And obtaining information. And then working with other folks. And then having a good attitude, walking in, embracing your teammates, being a team player, those are the different dynamics that are really required more than ever in this day and age. It’s really being able to work with other folks, network, and being able to listen.
Cloie: Listen!
DJ IZ: How many folks can just listen?
Cloie: LISTEN!
DJ IZ: Be a fly on the wall. You know what I’m saying?
Cloie: Mm-hmm.
DJ IZ: You know. It’s a different generation out there and when I get a chance to sit with younger folks, I’m always like, “Man, the best thing you can do is be a sponge. Absorb everything. Listen.”
Cloie: Yes!
DJ IZ: And at the end of the day… In my day coming up, that just meant, “Shut up!” Right? Like, “Hey, man, shut up! When we want your idea and opinion, then we’ll ask for it!” You know?
Cloie: Yeah.
DJ IZ: That’s the school I’m from. So you know, not to be that harsh on this generation, but just know like, at the end of the day, man, absorb as much as you can. And it’s very hard to absorb when you’ve got a whole lot of output going on. So just take that into consideration.
Cloie: Babies.
DJ IZ: I know, right? So Cloie, before move on…
Cloie: Yeah.
DJ IZ: …to this next Grind Opps, I want to take this opportunity to introduce our special guest. But before we do that, my man came through with… He came through with his own Sizzle Reel.
Cloie: His own video! Wait. And also, let’s just [inaudible 00:10:15]. When we talked about ProTools, this is the perfect transition because…
DJ IZ: [inaudible 00:10:19]. That’s why I said… I was like, “This ain’t no coincidence why we waited…”
Cloie: No!
DJ IZ: “…for a ProTools editor job for our first Grind Opp.” So you know, guys, we’re very excited to have our guest on today’s show. Without any further ado, we’re gonna [inaudible 00:10:34] up next just a little so he can do all his proper dos and his due justice. So go ahead, man. Roll it!
Cloie: Roll the tape!
DJ IZ: Roll the tape!
[tape plays]
Man: We’re over here in Ventura, dudes. You know, we’re at the harbor. We’re jamming [inaudible 00:10:56] a lot of really good bands.
Woman: Jam In the Van is the world’s first solar-powered, mobile, recording studio.
Man: So we recorded Ziggy Marley today. Well, I did.
Woman: He was pretty grumpy. [inaudible 00:11:11].
Man: What a joy working with Ethan.
Man: The man is a ticking time bomb.
Man: I’m here to [inaudible 00:11:18].
Man: Anthony is killing it, man. Anthony is a go-getter. He’s a hard worker. He doesn’t quit.
Man: A couple more weeks and [inaudible 00:11:29].
Woman: After going to Recording Connection, you can basically do everything Ethan does but better.
Woman: I have never seen Anthony [inaudible 00:11:37] before.
Man: Anthony ought to be an audio engineer. At the Recording Connection, the world is their classroom. They send their students out into studios and learn from people that are actually in the business.
Man: And we invited 150 middle schoolers to come and check out the events as kind of a learning experience. Unfortunately, our sound engineer, Ethan, was smoking in front of the children.
Man: What I heard is basically that he flicked the cigarette and it smacked a little fellow in the face.
Man: He’s irresponsible where he puts his cigarettes.
Man: Poor kid who got burned, he had to go to the hospital.
Man: Flicked it?
Man: Sorry?
Man: He got hit in the eye.
Man: Apparently he’s dead now.
Man: Fuck!
Together: Whoo! [applause]
DJ IZ: Now. You know what I want? So, without any further ado, let me introduce my man.
Cloie: Our live guest, yeah.
DJ IZ: It’s gonna be kind of [inaudible 00:12:48]. All right. Go ahead, Cloie. Give the man an introduction.
Cloie: Without further ado, let us please introduce to our hangout, Mr. Anthony Montejo! He is a Recording Connection alum. He is an extern with Jam In the Van, as we saw in the video. Welcome! Welcome! Welcome, Anthony! I’m so happy to have you here.
Anthony: Hey, guys. Good morning. Thank you, man.
DJ IZ: Yo, man. I’ve got to say, man. One of the things we constantly talk about on our show is a Sizzle Reel, a presentation.
Cloie: Yes!
DJ IZ: A resume. And what I loved about your Sizzle Reel, bro, is you got mad shout-outs, bro! These guys were like, “Yo, Ant!”
Anthony: “Yo, Ant!”
DJ IZ: [inaudible 00:13:32]. Like, yo. It looks like you’re doing a great job, man, and you’ve been able to make an impact with the folks you’ve been able to work with, man. And my hat is off to you, man, just to see a cat at your age doin’ it and takin’ it a step further. And really doin’ it in a nontraditional way. I mean, the whole Jam In the Van experience, man, tell us kinda like just what the Jam In the Van entails, from a very detailed aspect.
Cloie: [inaudible 00:13:57], yeah.
DJ IZ: As far as studio style and kinda just speak on that.
Anthony: Well, yeah, like it said in the video, Jam In the Van is the world’s first solar-powered, mobile studio. So the guys travel across the country, finding bands to record in there, inside the van. In the back of the van is a little studio with a [inaudible 00:14:20], with the recording, all the gear that we need. So we record them. We videotape them for about 12 hours at least.
DJ IZ: Wow!
Anthony: And upload the videos up to YouTube whenever they’re ready.
Cloie: Wow!
DJ IZ: Wow! That’s [inaudible 00:14:36].
Cloie: Because you’re operating in tight quarters. How do you function? [inaudible 00:14:41]
Anthony: Yeah, it’s tough at times, but we make it work.
DJ IZ: You know, Cloie, I was gonna say, “Man, that’s great and all. But man, how do you squeeze all them folks in for the after party with the studio session?”
Cloie: Yeah! Which is the [inaudible 00:14:55].
DJ IZ: Because yeah, I know it goes down. So, you said “solar.” How does that work as far as, you know, let’s say you have a 12-hour day and you record. And then obviously, do you have to charge on your downtime? How does that work as far as the actual energy to power your studio?
Cloie: Yeah.
Anthony: Yeah, it charges up on the downtime. Everything that we use for the recording, all the mics, the setups, the board, everything is using the solar power that’s already been charged up for the day.
DJ IZ: Wow. That’s gulching. And you guys… I’m sorry, Cloie. Go ahead.
Cloie: No, no, no. I’m just trying to like wrap my mind around this. Because you’re not just talking about like lights on my [inaudible 00:15:38]. You’re talking about all the power of this equipment, generated by the sun. How long does it need to be exposed to it in order to fully charge for something like that, for a session like that?
Anthony: I’m not really sure about that.
Cloie: It’s a lot of science.
Anthony: Yeah, it is. I’m not in that kind of field, science. [crosstalk] I’m in audio!
DJ IZ: You know what I like to compare the van. It’s like the dopest two-people van and the dopest A-Team van that came together and now you’ve got a studio on it. You know what’s cool? Just to see you guys actually recording drums, guitar, bass, like the full spectrum of a band and this band is crazy that [inaudible 00:16:20]. What kind of board are you guys working with in there?
Anthony: We have a [inaudible 00:16:25].
DJ IZ: Oh, wow. And I’m assuming your guys’ mic correction is pretty intense?
Anthony: Yeah. We have enough mics for like a 10-piece band.
Cloie: Wow!
DJ IZ: What your dopest mic in that van?
Anthony: Dopest mic? I like them all, honestly.
DJ IZ: Okay.
Anthony: I like them all.
Cloie: Which is the prettiest?
DJ IZ: How about for vocals?
Anthony: Prettiest?
DJ IZ: The prettiest don’t sound good in this environment!
Anthony: No.
Cloie: [inaudible 00:17:03].
DJ IZ: The ones that obviously… And that’s why I wanted to ask that. Because you know, I’m sure you guys are cutting vocals as well and that’s why I wanted to have an idea of what mics you guys are using, even on the vocals side. Because those mics range anywhere from, you know, a thousand to beyond. And just to understand the actual experience in the van. I mean, there’s a lot going on in this van. There’s a lot of money in these kind of things, a lot of finances attached to even make this kind of thing work.
Cloie: Mm-hmm!
DJ IZ: But as far as the sound quality, are you guys dealing with like… Are your mains big monitors? Or you guys do near fills? I mean, kinda walk me through the actual gear and environment in this van.
Anthony: Well, outside the van, we have a [inaudible 00:17:52] with TVs. So whenever the van is recording live, people outside the van can actually watch what’s happening as it’s going on.
Cloie: That’s awesome!
DJ IZ: Wow! That’s dope.
Anthony: Yeah.
Cloie: Wait. So can I bring it back around to the Recording Connection right quick? “Right quick.” Where am I from? Hah! Hah! Hah! But I just want to know that there’s [inaudible 00:18:15] Recording Connection. Like how did that take shape?
Anthony: I actually found out about it. Like I was planning on going to school to… I was looking at other schools to go to, like MI, AI, LA Recording. And literally the night before I was about to commit to a school I chose, I found out about Recording Connection and I honestly thought it was a little too good to be true. So I signed up to get a little bit more info.
Cloie: Why did you think it was too good to be true?
Anthony: Because you get to work inside an actual, real studio, instead of a classroom, one-on-one with your mentor.
DJ IZ: So dope.
Anthony: And the tuition was pretty cheap compared to the other schools, so I signed up to get some info.
DJ IZ: And you know what’s crazy? What you just said right now is pretty much the thing that got me and sold me. Because when I came on board with the Recording Connection, you know… I’ve always been into forward-thinking, doing things different, and really getting involved with institutions that are really looking out for the next great or the next aspiring filmmaker and all those different creatives. And when they told me this is how they get down, I was like, “How are you making that happen? You mean to tell me you’re putting these cats through a mentorship in an actual studio? In an actual working environment? Rather than a classroom?”
And once I was able to wrap my mind around that experience, I was like you, man. “I’m all in. Where do I sign?” Just to hear that you’ve been through this process and that’s kinda what got it for you is really dope, man, because for me it’s always proof in the pudding. Like when our viewers can see a cat like you, who went through this program, that actually went, right?
Cloie: Yes.
DJ IZ: Because we know, at the end of the day, we know a lot of these programs, man, they’re really loaded with a bunch of bull. You know what I mean? It doesn’t really take someone like you and put you in an environment that allows you to excel in real time, in the real world.
Cloie: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
DJ IZ: And here we are talking now, right? I went through the same process with even putting this show together. You went the same process with even becoming an actual Recording Connection student and then finding yourself in an opportunity where you’re engineering with Jam In the Van.
Cloie: Which you got through Recording Connection!
DJ IZ: Yeah! So it’s like, just to be able to share that story, man, it’s like this is a legitimate process, a legitimate pipeline that you’ve been able to access and maximize. And here you are, man! And that’s really dope, man. Because for cats like you, who obviously love music, obviously love the craft of engineering, that’s a story that you will be able to share with you wherever you go. And at the same time, man, you’re calculating experience hours. You know what I’m saying? I think that’s where the true benefit is for a cat like you, man, is to be able to find yourself in an environment that’s really not a classroom, boring and stale, but actually, man, in a studio, bro! And you’re in a solar-powered studio in a van!
Anthony: Yeah.
DJ IZ: That’s recording real music.
Cloie: You’re saving the world! Right? You’re saving the world with music and energy! [inaudible 00:21:36].
Anthony: [inaudible 00:21:38] about the environment?
Cloie: [inaudible 00:21:38]. So real quick, so you’re mentor was… Who’s your mentor?
Anthony: In Jam In the Van or when I was with Recording Connection?
Cloie: When you were with Recording Connection.
Anthony: Oh, when I was with Recording Connection it was Donny Baker.
DJ IZ: Shout-out for Donny Baker!
Cloie: Yeah! Right?
DJ IZ: Shout-out for Donny Baker!
Cloie: Good job, Donny!
DJ IZ: Good job. Good job.
Cloie: Good job!
DJ IZ: And in return, you got a great, great student.
Cloie: Amen.
DJ IZ: So Ant, so I know you primarily work with ProTools. Right?
Anthony: Yeah.
DJ IZ: So I’m assuming you played that computer keyboard like you would actually play a piano. Right? Because I know you’re super fast. I know you’ve got the shortcuts. Tell me about how you work when you work with ProTools, because every engineer’s style is different, from the settings you have on your mouse, to all the other things, man. So walk me through that real quick.
Anthony: Oh, man. I don’t know where to start. I just…
Cloie: I’m sure the beginning [inaudible 00:22:38].
Anthony: [inaudible 00:22:39]. Well yeah, to keep learning how to work with the ProTools in the studio, man, you’ve got to be quick. You’ve got to know your stuff. You can’t be wasting a client’s time trying to get everything set up instead of using short hands and all that. So I had to learn quick, [inaudible 00:22:59].
Cloie: Yeah. And how did you do that?
Anthony: Just studying. Being in the studio like all night, pretty much.
Cloie: [inaudible 00:23:09] application.
DJ IZ: You know, I’m actually glad that you just said that, Ant, because I like to always stress, you know, in these environments, man, the number one enemy in the room is downtime, when you’re having to figure something out. Like you said, it’s like these clients, man. Time is money and they’re on the clock, man. So remember to get in there and get the workflow going. A lot of times, I’m sure you find yourself even prior to the actual start time of the session. You’re in there an hour, maybe an hour and a half prior, setting up mics, getting a placement on everything, dialing things in. And that is crucial for people who are looking to do the same thing as you, just kinda understanding what that work load looks like and what that pressure looks like.
Cloie: Yeah. Where do you see yourself in five years? Oh. [inaudible 00:23:57]. It’s a question to everybody. What is it? Maybe [inaudible 00:24:01] in your five-year plan. I don’t know.
Anthony: Not yet. That isn’t my five-year. My five-year is I’m sitting in his seat in the back of a studio, working everything on my own.
DJ IZ: Man, I can’t be mad at you, because I’m gonna tell you. Man, eye on the tiger! Skill or be destroyed, man, eyes on the tiger.
Anthony: Exactly. Exactly.
DJ IZ: But, always do it with integrity. Never undercut. Always do it with integrity.
Anthony: Yeah.
DJ IZ: That’s some of the things we don’t talk about on the show, but since you brought it up and I brought it up, we’re gonna talk about it. I think it’s always important to get in there and take opportunities, man! When you get a chance, man, don’t be [inaudible 00:24:42].
Anthony: [inaudible 00:24:43] kicking it.
DJ IZ: Because nice guys finish last.
Cloie: They do.
DJ IZ: Nice guys finish last.
Cloie: It doesn’t mean be a dick. It just means know your worth. Know your worth and be confident.
DJ IZ: Know your worth and that’s really what it’s about, man. And to hear you say that, man, you’ve got the right mentality, bro. Like, “Get in there, man. Have a look at this.” And that will propel you to the next opportunities. That’s really dope, man. I’m happy that we’ve had a chance to have you on our show, man, and to hear your story, and to hear how you got it done. That’s very inspiring, especially for cats that want to see themselves in these same opportunities.
Cloie: Exactly.
DJ IZ: You’re like a perfect display of what that looks like, man. So shout-out to you, man.
Cloie: I like [inaudible 00:25:22]. [crosstalk]
DJ IZ: What are some of the different styles of music you really find the most joy in? As far as engineering and recording.
Anthony: As far as engineering, it’s rock, and metal, and all that, because it’s so much bigger. Everything is just bigger. Instead of hip hop, it’s just like the beats.
DJ IZ: Right. Hip hop, yeah, hip hop is like two…
Anthony: [inaudible 00:25:54] the one artist.
DJ IZ: Yeah, give me two outputs. You can stay.
Anthony: Yeah, exactly. But I mean, I love hip hop. Don’t get me wrong. But just production-wise, I like the big bands. It’s so much more work to do.
Cloie: Yes!
Anthony: That’s how I feel and that’s what I like.
DJ IZ: Nice, bro. Well, that’s what’s up, man. I hope you can kinda sit with us and stay throughout the show. We might have you chime in on some of these other Grind Opps, and information you might have that you can add to what it is we’re talking about. Another thing, folks, we want to tell you, man, in order to apply for these jobs, make sure you…
Cloie: Yes.
DJ IZ: …click on that link on the right side of your screen.
Cloie: You can also find us on social media! Let’s not forget that! Oh, dush, such a shameless social media plug, at IZconnected, on Facebook, on the Twitter machine, on, on, on… What’s that other one? Instagram. But all of the social media, if you’re looking for us, then you know where to find us, at IZconnected [inaudible 00:26:50].
DJ IZ: So, man, you’re more than welcome to sit tight with us, man, hang out, chill. But like I said, it’s a pleasure to have you, man. So thank you very much, Ant, for hanging with us.
Anthony: Will do. Thank you for having me, man. Appreciate it.
DJ IZ: Absolutely. Well, folks…
Cloie: [inaudible 00:27:04] Grind Opp #2?
DJ IZ: We’re going to move on to Grind Opp #2 and this is Production Assistant in Atlanta, Georgia. Fox TV series…
Cloie: I also want to say right quick… Wait. I’m gonna interrupt. Can I just [inaudible 00:27:17] that? But that, yes, you’re Recording Connection. This is also, all these Film Connection people, the next few Grind Opps, like, pay attention for sure.
DJ IZ: Yeah, sure, pay attention.
Cloie: That’s all. That’s all I had to say.
DJ IZ: I’m not mad. Okay. Here we go. “Fox TV series ’24 Legacy’ is currently accepting resumes for production assistants. Candidates will be assisting with paperwork, handing out scripts, heavy lifting, crowd control, and running errands. Great opportunity for current graduates trying to break into the industry. Candidate must be punctual” — you always will be punctual — “and take initiative in a fast-paced environment.” So this is like… This is a great introduction job. This is, like I said, I mean, I think with all our jobs they’re always… Look at the as opportunities to grow. So like…
Cloie: They really are.
DJ IZ: You’ll be handling paperwork. You’ll be handing out scripts, you know, heavy lifting. This to me is like the grunt work. Right?
Cloie: You’re a gofer. A gofer. And there’s nothing wrong with that.
DJ IZ: I didn’t want to say “gofer.”
Cloie: That’s what it is! Look. You’ve got to [inaudible 00:28:21] somehow.
DJ IZ: Absolutely.
Cloie: Be the gofer. Have you been the gofer before, Ant?
Anthony: Yeah, I have. Many, many years ago, I was.
DJ IZ: And you know, a key thing on this last detail for this Grind Opp was “must be punctual.” I’m gonna just say it in our show and what we bring to the table, man, we always want you to be punctual. We always want you to be on time. Figure out your travel situations. If the location is 30 minutes out, [inaudible 00:28:46] on the road, factor in traffic, wherever you’re at, just so you can be there on time. I mean, those are great details as far as presentation in the workplace.
Cloie: And this will be a great credit because it’s 24 Legacy, which is gonna be huge. It’s gonna debut early 2017 and you’re talking about the new… For those of you that maybe remember original 24, it was huge, so this will be bigger. This is a great opportunity to get that credit on your resume so that you can move up on the ranks, to get in there, to know the people, to learn the language.
DJ IZ: Word. All right? And also too, guys, this is a fast-paced environment.
Cloie: Yeah.
DJ IZ: Some folks kinda don’t really respond too well in a face-paced environment because it can get chaotic and attitudes can kinda start festering. So you know, you’ve got to be able to take on those kind of loads and different dynamics of the workplace, because not everything is gonna be cool, chill, and everybody smiley, happy-go-lucky. You may get in some of these environments where people are upset, pissed, saying shit, all kind of crazy, and that’s just what it is. So definitely taking that into consideration.
We’re gonna move into Grind Opp #3. Cloie, I’m gonna let you go on and take this Grind Opp for me, #3, so go ahead and take it!
Cloie: Oh, why thank you, why thank you. So, Grind Opp #3 if for a sound designer in Bellevue, Washington. It says… The details are “Award-winning developed or Play Station games seeking a sound designer that strives to do stunning, ground-breaking, genre-defining games.” Those are large, large, sweeping statements. Okay. Details are: “Candidate will be designing [inaudible 00:30:27]” — Ooh! — “sound effects within” — I love it — “a production schedule timeline. Candidate will be involved in field and studio recording, collecting for sound effects and the in-house sound effects library.” Oh, that sounds so fun!
“Candidate will be reporting to the Audio Director on the audio aesthetics and sound design feedback. And candidate must include a resume, cover letter with a description of your favorite sound you’ve ever designed.” Listen to that! Right. Because that is a very specific application instruction and I feel like that often gets missed because people aren’t reading. Right? Just in the job world, they will tell you exactly how they want you to apply or what they want you to include, and we forget that because we’re just in such a rush. So slow down! And pay attention towards that! And know that they’re asking you to include a resume, a cover letter, and within that cover letter, you will provide a description of the favorite sound that you have ever designed. [inaudible 00:31:36] onomatopoeia.
DJ IZ: You know what I like about these details? Because they’re very exact.
Cloie: Yeah.
DJ IZ: So, to me, what that says is you obviously, before you sign up for this one, you definitely want to have some experience under your belt. I mean, these details are pretty self-explanatory. I feel like we don’t really have to break any of these down, because this is truly for an experienced person. And I know we’ve definitely got some experienced cats at the Recording Connection, who would totally…
Cloie: Yeah, [inaudible 00:32:00].
DJ IZ: Yeah, who would totally be able to look at this information and be like, “Got it. Get it. I’ll be there.” I think one of the things that stand out to me is obviously, sounds you’ve designed, and that can kind of be something that maybe even some of the experienced people haven’t had a chance to do yet. So you know, I mean, just things to think about, for those of you who are going to sign up for this particular Grind Opp. You definitely [inaudible 00:32:28].
Cloie: And in the world of gaming, let’s just talk about that for a second.
DJ IZ: Yeah.
Cloie: The gaming world is huge. It’s huge!
DJ IZ: It’s the biggest!
Cloie: The biggest!
DJ IZ: Yeah, the biggest!
Cloie: And it’s trickling into every facet, into the audio world, into the film industry, into everything that is audio-visual. Gaming is becoming a part of that.
DJ IZ: Yeah.
Cloie: [inaudible 00:32:50].
DJ IZ: So definitely, definitely have your resume, have your experience pack in for this one, because that’s definitely a great opportunity, but it comes with serious information required. So yeah, that’s for that one. Guys, we’re gonna move on to Grind Opp #4. Grind Opp #4, this is in the field of film. I, which I know we have. [inaudible 00:33:13].
Cloie: [inaudible 00:33:13] shout-out?
DJ IZ: Yeah. I mean, all day, right? We’ve got tons of those cats sitting over there ready to indulge and dive in. So this is video editor, part time, Nashville, Tennessee. “Television network seeking a video editor that has recently graduated” — there you go — “and is looking for a starting position in television. Television networks reaches nearly 15 million homes across the country, producing 27 and a half hours of news, programming each week, in addition to special programs. You will be shooting and editing feature length pieces for magazine programs and news. You must have a demo reel together, highlighting special skills in post-production. Candidate must be organized, responsible, and self-motivated.”
So for those of you who are tuning in, you just saw a really great reel, that my man, Ant, was able to provide us.
Cloie: Yes.
DJ IZ: But just kinda, you know, breaking down who you are, what you do. Maybe some, you know, somebody kinda talking, kinda featuring you, kinda showcasing you, rather than you talking about yourself, which is always great.
Cloie: Yes.
DJ IZ: So just, you know…
Cloie: We’ve got a question too about Sizzle Reels and how long they should be. Right?
DJ IZ: Right.
Cloie: This is a reel that Anthony provided I believe it was 2 minutes and 34 seconds, and that, and a freakin’ action-packed 2:34. You lead with your strongest stuff up front. If it’s 3 minutes, that’s too long, because people are gonna see in that… People know within the first 10 to 30 seconds how they feel about you, so start strong and leave them wanting more. The shorter the better.
DJ IZ: Absolutely.
Cloie: Say your piece, but the shorter the better. [inaudible 00:34:54].
DJ IZ: Now, this Grind Opp, guys, is again reaching 50 million homes across the country, producing 27 and a half hours of news content and programming. So that to me sounds like a serious, serious workload.
Cloie: Mm-hmm.
DJ IZ: So that’s something to definitely factor in. They’re looking for somebody who has recently graduated. Now, I know that Recording Connection definitely has some graduates over there. It’s a starting position, but like I said, starting positions are always great ways to look at forward, future opportunities, whether it’s long term, full time.
Cloie: Yes!
DJ IZ: And you’ll be meeting tons of folks. Go ahead, Cloie.
Cloie: When you say, “starting position,” it’s also nobody says how long you’re going to be in that starting position. You could be in that starting position for a week. You could be in that starting position for a year. It just all depends on you and how hard you want [inaudible 00:35:53].
DJ IZ: Yeah, absolutely. You know, Ant, real quick. How long has your process been? As far as the day you started working in the Jam In the Van, how long you have you been there?
Anthony: I’ve been there… I started like in May.
DJ IZ: Wow!
Anthony: Yeah.
DJ IZ: So you’ve been sitting tight, just doing it for a few months now.
Anthony: Yeah.
Cloie: Yeah.
DJ IZ: And that’s why I think, even in this particular Grind Opp, you look at these opportunities. Like, man, just get in the door, get your feet through the door first. And you know, man, earn your spot and next thing you know, you will find yourself being, you know, possibly a full time… You know, it being a full-time gig. And you know, you’re meeting folks. How many folks have you been able to meet, Ant, in this environment?
Anthony: It’s too many to count!
DJ IZ: Right! Right.
Anthony: I honestly lost count.
DJ IZ: Right. So that’s the thing. It’s like…
Cloie: [inaudible 00:36:49].
DJ IZ: Yeah. You know, it’s like with these environments, man, you’re just constantly meeting people. And you’re constantly finding yourself in conversations where folks are like, “Hey, man, do you do any work outside?” Or “How can I get a hold of you? How can I contact you?” And those are the kind of things that, you know, open you up to new opportunities and new possibilities. So that’s definitely something to keep in mind.
So, before we go on to our last Grind Opp, Cloie, I want our folks to kinda get their Q&A ready.
Cloie: Yes.
DJ IZ: Any questions that you might have, because we do do a Q&A at the end of the show, where we like to let you extract as much information as you can from us. And also from Ant, you know. If you guys have any questions for Ant, please feel free to ask him and we’ll make that happen for you guys. So without any further ado, Cloie, go on and close this out with this last Grind Opp of our [inaudible 00:37:40].
Cloie: I would love nothing more.
DJ IZ: Okay.
Cloie: So Grind Opp #5, again, yes, Recording Connection, and also yes, Film Connection. It’s for a video producer in Mesa, Arizona. “Video producer needed for the local community’s channel to oversee the videos…” — I’m sorry — “…the city’s video project. The candidate will produce new and existing television programs, assisting with original production, set design and construction, equipment troubleshooting and simple repairs. Video producer will be reporting to the Multimedia Program Director, who reviews work through meetings, periodic conferences, and results achieved.”
“Candidate must be able to work in a fast-paced environment, prioritizing multiple projects to meet required deadlines. Candidate must provide at least five references as he or she will be working for the city.” You’re a city employee, so if you’ve got a record, this is not for you!
DJ IZ: Hah! Hah!
Cloie: [inaudible 00:38:45] just don’t have one. I mean, [inaudible 00:38:47] and this is not your Grind Opp.
DJ IZ: Wait. Hold on. We’ve got to clarify that, Cloie. Because when you say, “Don’t have a record,” we’ve got music people, so they might be thinking, “Wait. Don’t show up with my songs? Or don’t show up with my [inaudible 00:38:58]?”
Cloie: HAH! HAH! HAH! HAH!
DJ IZ: Don’t have a criminal record!
Cloie: Don’t have a criminal record. If you got a fingerprint in this world, in a database somewhere, that has a X on it, this might not be for you! And that’s the truth! We all can’t have everything! That’s okay!
DJ IZ: So again, this is another great opportunity for our Recording Connection students. I think this one is another one of those Grind Opps where the details pretty much are self-explanatory, especially for those that are taking this information down. Just looking at this, guys, you know what it is, especially, you know, another one for people who have a little bit of experience. So you know, you know this information and this language is very familiar to you, so definitely take those things into consideration.
I think one of the things too is what Cloie was saying. Because it’s for the city, you definitely don’t want any kind of criminal record being attached to anything like these opportunities. Because they do do a background check.
Cloie: They check! Here’s the thing. We’ve all got [inaudible 00:39:59]. Live your life. Safely. But you know, just recognize what they’re asking for and if you think, “Oh, maybe they won’t find it,” then don’t! Just don’t.
DJ IZ: Right. One of the things that does make me want to talk about briefly in these details is, being that you’re going to be reporting to a program director who will review the work, those are just some of the things to think about prior, and being able to look at yourself and how you work in these particular environments and how you work with people. Some people don’t know really how to, let’s say, position their candor or their attitude when they’re working with folks who are in power, such as program director.
Those are things to always kinda keep in mind. You always want to… Not to say you need to be kissing ass or any of that, but you need to have an attitude that emotes positivity, and you know, just all ears, being cool, being chill, but also get your work done, and growing. Those are important let’s say components that you want to always allow folks in these positions, like a program director, to see about you. So that’s what I kinda just wanted to say real quick here. I don’t know if you have anything here, Cloie, you want to highlight.
Cloie: Just real quick, because we have another job that’s telling you exactly what you need to apply for this job. Right? We all know is where can you apply for these jobs?
Cloie: Great. So that’s where you can apply. They’re telling you. They’re giving you the keys to the kingdom and saying, “Hey. You want to do this? That’s fine. We need five references.” Not four, not three, not seven, [inaudible 00:41:40] seven. They’re asking for five.
DJ IZ: Right.
Cloie: But that’s just highlighting that, lest we all forget.
DJ IZ: Well, Cloie, so we did the math and it looks like we are at 135 jobs now.
Cloie: What?
DJ IZ: So, that’s the math. That’s what we do every Monday. And again, just to reiterate myself, the place you want to apply for these jobs are at, again, Connected, all right? This is, again, Episode 27. Next week will be Episode 28.
Cloie: Episode 28.
DJ IZ: And guys, check it out! We’ll be bringing more guests throughout the shows like Anthony to share his story, to feature his accomplishment in the recording world, and what he’s been able to do, and how he’s been able to apply the information he’s been able to take from his mentoring process.
Cloie: Mm-hmm.
DJ IZ: So, let’s jump into some Q&A.
Cloie: Love it.
DJ IZ: If you have any questions out there. For Anthony, who are some of the people you work with? Some of the bands, even if they’re not, you know, a known band. But just kinda share some of the bands you’ve been able to work with.
Anthony: Worked with Ziggy Marley. A band called…
DJ IZ: [inaudible 00:42:54].
Anthony: A band called “Lane.”
DJ IZ: Mm-hmm.
Anthony: Man, so many that I can’t even think. You know?
DJ IZ: Well, man…
Anthony: [inaudible 00:43:04].
DJ IZ: Let’s talk about Ziggy Marley real quick, because that’s a huge name.
Cloie: Yeah!
DJ IZ: What was that experience like? Like briefly walk me through that day and what that experience was like.
Anthony: So yeah, we were at Ventura. We were doing this show for [inaudible 00:43:22].
Cloie: Mm-hmm.
Anthony: We had word that Ziggy might come back but he wasn’t sure, so we weren’t hoping on it. But when he came by, I was mind blown, exactly had my mind blown.
DJ IZ: Did you take a selfie? Did you take a selfie?
Anthony: I wish. I wish.
DJ IZ: Hah! Hah! That’s good though. I’m glad you didn’t. Go ahead.
Cloie: Mm-hmm.
Anthony: Well, we recorded and he sounded great. Everything was great. [inaudible 00:43:49], everything. It was a good experience.
DJ IZ: Now, I just want to ask one key question in this particular session.
Cloie: Uh oh!
DJ IZ: When you opened the doors to the van, was there a huge cloud of smoke?
Cloie: Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah!
Anthony: Oh!
DJ IZ: Was there a huge cloud of smoke?
Anthony: I don’t know. I don’t know.
DJ IZ: Hah! Hah!
Anthony: I don’t know if I can answer that.
Cloie: That is the right answer. That is the right answer.
DJ IZ: Yo. My man has been mentored very well.
Cloie: Yes.
DJ IZ: Because he knows studio etiquette. Right? A lot of folks don’t know studio etiquette. So, [inaudible 00:44:25].
Cloie: If I may just add there…
DJ IZ: Yeah. Right.
Cloie: What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. What happens in the studio stays in the studio, or the van.
Anthony: What happens in the van stays there.
DJ IZ: I’ve got another big question for you. What’s been your most extensive sessions as far as inputs and dealing with mics and musicians? Like, what’s the most you’ve had to record in there?
Anthony: We had like about a 12-piece band, not including the…
Cloie: In the van?
Anthony: In the van. It was hot!
DJ IZ: Man!
Anthony: It was crowded.
DJ IZ: Hah! Hah! Hah! Oh, and that’s another thing! How do you guys do it with the AC to keep this gear like cool.
Cloie: [inaudible 00:45:04].
Anthony: Oh, we have AC. It’s still gets hot no matter what.
DJ IZ: Wow.
Anthony: Especially that 12-piece band we had, it was crazy. [crosstalk]
DJ IZ: It was like recording in the safari in Africa, huh?
Anthony: Yeah!
Cloie: Could we just pause for a second and acknowledge how amazing the sun is? I mean, people that don’t live in Southern California don’t get enough sun to get it. Except that, no, no, no, the sun, ya’ll, it’s real and it’s amazing!
DJ IZ: You [inaudible 00:45:31].
Cloie: Shout out!
DJ IZ: You better tell them!
Cloie: [inaudible 00:45:36]. Continue. I’m sorry.
DJ IZ: Okay. So we’ve got another question. “Should I tailor my resume to a specific job? Situate my skills that are relevant to the job and minimize or eliminate my skills that don’t apply to the job? What do you think, Cloie?
Cloie: Yes. I say, “Yes.” I say like, “Yes, fill your one page.” A resume is never more than one page. This is a successful resume is never more than one page. And as we saw with one of our Grind Opps today, they asked for that. They were asking… It was for our video editor, job opp #4, where they were saying, “candidate must have a demo reel highlighting special skills in post-production.” Now granted, we’re talking about a demo reel on that.
Resume is like your demo reel but on paper. So leave whatever your strengths are. And the rest of the stuff, don’t let it fall by the wayside. It still exists. It’s still part of you. You got that degree. You put in those hours. You got that time. But if it’s not going to help you, why include it? You know?
DJ IZ: Right. Right. [inaudible 00:46:35].
Cloie: Yeah.
DJ IZ: Next question. Ant, do you play an instrument?
Anthony: I wish. I wish. That’s why I got into recording, because I couldn’t play. So I figured, “If I can’t play, I might as well record.”
DJ IZ: But I bet you play that computer keyboard like an instrument, huh?
Anthony: Oh, yeah. Yeah, I have to.
DJ IZ: I’ve worked with an array of engineers, man, and I’m always fascinated by how each one of these cats treats this keyboard. It’s like from [inaudible 00:47:03] to little, quick tricks and stuff. It’s crazy to me, because I still struggle on my laptop, typing in stuff like that. “Oh, I misspelled it!” “Oh, man, I got it. Oh, I hit shift.” Like, you guys really, like, you guys really do your thing on those keyboards, man.
Anthony: Yeah. You miss one key, everything goes bad.
Cloie: Wah wah wahhhh.
Anthony: There goes your job!
Cloie: Oh. [inaudible 00:47:32].
DJ IZ: Let’s see. Another question. Ant, how do you deal with — on the recording side, because it is a computer-based software that you deal with, like ProTools — how do you deal with the situations where the computer kinda crashes? Or you’ve got to restart? What are some of the ways you’ve been able to maneuver around those areas that you really have no control over?
Anthony: Oh, man, if that happens what I do it I save the session every two or three minutes just in case, to my hard drive. So if anything does happen that I can’t… There’s nothing I can do, [inaudible 00:48:14].
Cloie: Yeah.
DJ IZ: I’m glad you said that, man, because that’s actually a huge note for engineers, man, is the backup and saving. Because, man, you know, and I’m sure you’ve seen this many times, Ant, where just on a whim, a great idea comes, and being able to capture it, and then catalog it, and record it, and back it up. Because the last thing — and I’m sure you can attest to this, Ant — because the last thing you ever want to do with being an engineer is, when they say, “Hey, man, can you recall that thing real quick?” And you’re like, “Oh, we’re gonna have to record it again because I didn’t record it.” Or, “I don’t have it.” Or, “I can’t find that file.” Like, dude, that’s the worst thing! Right?
Anthony: Yes, it is!
DJ IZ: Man, because I’m gonna tell you. As a creator, when I’m in the studio, man, I leave no room for error with mine.
Cloie: [inaudible 00:49:04].
DJ IZ: I leave no room for error with my engineers. Because you will get cussed out. Straight up!
Anthony: Yeah. Yeah.
DJ IZ: If I strike one, I always consider it like, “Dude, I’m striking lightning [inaudible 00:49:15]. If you miss that, hey, man, are you available? Okay, cool.”
Cloie: Yeah!
DJ IZ: “I need you to [inaudible 00:49:18].” Straight up.
Cloie: And you can’t be mad though. You can’t be mad at that!
DJ IZ: It’s [inaudible 00:49:23].
Cloie: That’s how glass is made. That is how glass is made, lightning through sand. You miss it; you don’t get no glass. You get all sand, which is fine. [inaudible 00:49:32].
DJ IZ: Well, cool, man. Guys, that is gonna do it for our show today. And again, we want to shout out my man, Ant, who has been able to do something incredible. He’s been able to take his educational experience from the Recording Connection and make something happen in real time. He’s doing it every day with Jam In the Van. And then I do… We’re pushing for you, man. We’re pulling for you, man.
Cloie: We really are.
DJ IZ: That you’re gonna take that slot. You’re gonna take that slot. You’re gonna find yourself doing other things, recording in other environments and really just excelling, man. So my hat off to you, bro. I know what that looks like. I’ve been there. I’ve been with you guys from the start, all the way to, you know, your [inaudible 00:50:18]. Man, to your servants. Man, those are all my boys and to see a cat like you, from this generation, who is honest, on the way, and [inaudible 00:50:27] to do those type things, man, much love to you, bro. We’re pushing for you! And, Cloie…
Anthony: Thank you, man. Appreciate it.
DJ IZ: Absolutely, man. Cloie, we’ve got a shout-out our connected team that allows us to sit here…
Cloie: We do.
DJ IZ: …every Monday morning and do what we do. Brian, Mike, Howie.
Cloie: Mike. Howard. All of you, thank you.
DJ IZ: We love you guys. And I would just say, before we start our show, man, we’ve got a very diverse group of talent around us. I mean, I’m a straight Mexican, straight up. My homegrown Cloie, straight up sister, black and proud. Mike, Howie, I haven’t really clarified [inaudible 00:51:01].
Cloie: Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah!
DJ IZ: But I just want to say [inaudible 00:51:06] truth, but shout out to our squad! We’ve got a very diverse group of cats that are on our team.
Cloie: It’s our Rainbow crowd.
DJ IZ: That allow us to come here — yeah — allow us to come here every Monday and do special things like this free, and we can’t forget you.
Cloie: Wait. Iz.
DJ IZ: Yes!
Cloie: Where can we find you if we’re looking for you?
DJ IZ: Very easily. IZ[inaudible 00:51:24], that’s across the board. That’s on the gram, also on Facebook; that’s at Twitter. And yeah, also too, Cloie, it’s a great way to kinda just keep up with both of us and what our week looks like. We always tell folks, you know to track our day-to-day movement. Make sure you stay connected with us on our grams and our Twitters and our Facebooks. Connected, across the board and all day. IZ Connected, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter. Cloie, tell them where you’re at.
Cloie: I’m at Always Cloie across the board. Easy. It’s C-L-O-I-E. There’s no H. You put an “H,” you might get something very different!
DJ IZ: I’m so glad I didn’t put the H! Hah! Hah! So glad! So glad! But anyway, folks, we look forward. Catch us here every Monday, 11 a.m., Pacific Standard Time. We will be here next week, doing show 28.
Cloie: On Labor Day!
DJ IZ: Yeah, on Labor Day. Yeah.
Cloie: The day of Labor.
DJ IZ: Hey, man. There’s no break for the grinders.
Cloie: No.
DJ IZ: That’s just how it goes. Right?
Cloie: No. No.
DJ IZ: Cool, man. Well, signing out, yo. We love you. Peace, my man. Ant, keep it going, bro. Cloie, looking lovely as usual.
Cloie: [inaudible 00:52:27].
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