Here are the job opportunities (or as we like to call them, Grind Opps) from this week's show.
Camera Operator
Industry: Film
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Camera operator for 6 day live event from July 18 through July 23. Resumes must be in by July 1.

Audio Engineer
Industry: Recording
Location: Yonkers, NY
Commercial studio seeks freelance audio engineer for multiple projects. One year studio experience required.

Radio Board Operator
Industry: Radio
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Radio station hiring board operator. Responsibilities include: regulating timing of programs and commercials based on FCC regulations.

Video Editor
Industry: Film
Location: Miami Beach, FL
Independent Presidential candidate hiring video editor for promotional shorts and interviews.

Sound Board Operator
Industry: Recording
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Theatre looking for a FOH engineer for theatrical plays. Must be able to work evenings and weekends as required.

What’s up, yo? Welcome to Connected. I’m your host DJ Iz here in hanging every Monday at 11:00 a.m. Pacific Standard time. Make sure you catch us here at Connected. For those of you who are just tuning in, we are on I believe episode 18 if I’m not mistaken. So for those of you who are just checking in, I like to call Connected a show that brings you not only mentoring information opportunities but actual opportunities in real-time, real jobs in the workplace and as far as I know, there’s no other show in town like what we are bringing you today. So again, catch us every Monday 11:00 a.m. Pacific Standard time.
So check it out. I’m actually happy to announce on this show, we actually got a couple of jobs out there in Minneapolis and Indianapolis. Last week’s show, we had a couple of people coming on the Q and A, wanted to know if we had any jobs in these particular cities. So I’m happy to say, we do. I got a great team. We just recon and we scout there and got some great ops for you guys who are in these cities. And these questions come up almost every show as, “Do you have a job opp in my city?” or this and that. We definitely take down notes for you guys and make sure we get something for everybody, everywhere as best as we can.
Also, make sure you follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Our media handles are IzConnected. All right? I like you guys to keep up with my day to day movements so that means me if I’m posting what I got going on at rehearsals or traveling or I’m working on products or just draw machine I got coming from those of you guys on the creative side, in studio working with engineers. I like to post just stuff that you guys can all see in real-time, just the demand that comes with these particular careers. So definitely want you guys to follow me there. Again Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. So check it out.
It’s summer time and it’s hot outside, I want to stay in the shade. But you got to still get out there and grind. And that’s just how it goes. You got to outwork the next man because there’s always somebody working harder than you. So with that being said, I’m going to get in to these grind opps. So make sure you have your pen and your pad. Make sure you’re able to take down all this information because I do get some great details along with these jobs opps. Also get your Q and A questions ready because at the end of the show, I want to make sure I can answer all your questions, and you know I’m not sitting here waiting on you guys to type them. So get your questions on and let’s get this thing going, all right.
So this episode 18, we’re bringing you job opps in the field of film, live sound and in engineering. So for all my Recording Connections students out there, this again is another show you want to make sure you’re tuning in to to get all of this information. Okay, without further ado, let’s get up to grind opp number one.
Grind opp number one is in the field of recording. This is field engineer for voiceover lab. Voiceover engineer needed for SAG-AFTRA Foundation, mixing experience a plus. This is in New York, New York. One of the things coming up in a lot of these details is you’re starting to see demand of experience which I think is a great thing. One of the things I’ve stressed about my show is being able to be ready. So that when these obstacles come or when there’s something foreign that comes, you can actually maneuver and get around, all right?
So we’re going to move off to some of these details. Here we go. This one will do for you guys. I’m going to give you another epic grind opp, all right. We’re going do six today, all right. So here’s another grind opp. This is in Indianapolis. So for that person who tuned in the last week about Indianapolis. I’m going to give you one special one for Indianapolis, all right? This is in the field of camera operator. This job is with an indie, Imagining E [SP]. It’s a production company, will be producing iMag and livestreaming for the event. Candidate must be able to stand for long periods of times as well as be familiar with…and . Candidate must live within an hour away from the downtown Indianapolis.
So for my Indiana folks. So check this out. Like again as I said, these details are starting to come with expectations which is great because it prepares you for what you’re going to walk in to. So again, you’ll be producing for iMag and livestreaming for the event. You must be able to stand for long periods of time. So you must have endurance. You want to make sure you’re in there, your back ache, your leg getting hurt. You’re going to get neck aches. Sounds like definitely some time is going to be needed from you.
And you must be familiar with…I’ve worked with red cameras in the past. I’m not sure if things have changed as far as the functionality. One of the things I remember with the red camera is it took a long download the information from the drives, the transferring process was a headache. I’m sure it’s changed. I’m sure there’s been far more updates. But definitely want to be familiar with your gear. I always stress out with these grind opps. Make sure you know your gear.
And not only know your gear, make sure you know other gear. Because you might get in to a grind opp where they’re used to take something else and say, “Here, let’s go. Let’s fly.” And you got to be able to go. You got to be able to go. So make sure you have a well, well grounded idea and information of other gear pertaining to these particular grind opps, all right?
And you must live within an hour away, okay? So I think it’s always good. I’m an hour away from Malcolm [SP]. So sometimes, I got to leave two hours in advance just to estimate my time with traffic and anything that may come up. So it’s just an hour away, I don’t think it would kill you live to. Just get on the road a lot earlier and not be late, all right?
Moving on to grind opp number two. Recording, audio engineer. Commercial studio seeks freelance audio engineer for multiple projects. One year studio experience required and this is in Yonkers, New York. Men, I never heard of Yonkers. Yonkers reminds me of the word bonkers.
All right, so here we go. Details for audio engineering: candidate must have at least one year of studio experience. Candidate must be comfortable running sessions using Pro Tools and must be able to troubleshoot and be familiar with standard recording techniques. Responsibilities will also include equipment maintenance and inventory. Candidate will be working as an independent contractor not salary nor by the hour.
That’s pretty cool actually. Some of these grind opps have a little bit of both sides infused, technical and creative. So the technical part of this will be obviously the equipment maintenance and inventory. Anytime you’re doing inventory, that lends itself more to structure organization. So again in our previous shows, I’ve talked about being structured and organized. Those are key key components to the fundamentals of the workplace. It’s being structured and being organized. That says a lot about you in the workplace, organization and structure.
I tend to deal with folks who organize and structure because I’m the same person. I’m not off the cuff. I’m not, “Oh, yeah, yeah. We’ll put this together.” No, I like structure, I like to have clarity as far as what the target is and how are we going to get there and how are we going to execute. So those are great things so make sure they’re a part of your presentation.
And you’ll be working as an independent contractor, not salary. So independent contract is usually one offer per job. So you contract, you do a gig, you submit an invoice. I hope you guys are familiar with sending invoices. For the sake of the team, we should actually put together something similar to what we did to the resume. Just a cool little template as what a proper invoice looks like. You want to make sure you’re very accurate with what it is, the pay out is versus what you were hired for. So there’s clarity. I’ve gotten invoices across my desk like, “Wait a minute. That’s…we didn’t talk about… Why is the fee different?” So you always want to make sure you got clarity on what it is you’re submitting an invoice for, okay?
And you must be comfortable running and using Pro Tools. Some of you guys might lean a little more towards Logic or Ableton. So in this one, you want to make sure that your Pro Tools savvy-ness is up to par. And you must be able to troubleshoot and be familiar with standard recording techniques. Standard recording techniques can range from techniques, your mics, your vocal techniques, your techniques as far as outboard gear or your plugins. So all those different aspects, just make sure you got a diverse, diverse library of techniques you can reach for, okay? And you must have at least one year of studio experience which I know our Recording Connection students definitely got a year of experience over there. So this can be a great opp for you guys.
Moving on to grind opp number three. This is in the field of radio board operator. Radio station hiring board operator. Responsibilities include regulating timing of programs and commercial based on FCC regulations. This is in Philly. What up, Philly? Philadelphia PA. All right? Now, we’ve had a couple of folks on the last previous, maybe two to three shows ask about Philly. So for my Philly peeps, I hope you guys are tuning in because this one could be really cool for you guys. All right?
So Philly, here we go. Here are some of the details. Duties include sharing technical quality programs in the studio or from remote pickup points. Candidate will be provided with adequate training including workshops as requested. Candidate must have at least one year of experience in a radio station. All right? So my Philly heads, some of these details are pretty simple, pretty basic but really on point.
You got to have a year of experience. So any Recording Connections students we got in Philly, this can be a great opp for you. And if you’re not a student, it can also be a great opportunity for you. But however, you got to know technical quality of programs. Okay. And from remote ones, okay? Candidate will be provided adequate training, okay. So there’ll be training with workshops that you request. I mean some of these workshops will be requested based upon the information you get from this particular job. So we know as radio board operator, okay. So you’ll be ensuring technical quality. So again, this is one of those grind opps where it’s more of the technical side than this creative side.
So technical I like to think of as a word as very precise. Technical, it means the ins and outs of basic. It could be repairs. It could be just the workflow of things. So definitely want to be up to speed on those.
Okay. We’re going to move on to the next grind opp. Grind opp four of the day will be in the field of film. Video editor, independent presidential candidate hiring video editor for promotional shorts and interviews. This is in Miami Beach, Florida. Man, love Miami. Love Miami, man. I wish I was going there this summer, but you never know. I might be out there. So it sounds like a political one, man. This could be cool. It could be interesting. And I’m going to say as long as it ain’t Donald Trump. Straight up, all right?
So here are some of the details. Candidate must be familiar with Adobe Premiere and After Effects. Candidate must have a reel of prepared displayed past work. Recording Connection students, I know you’ve got that. Candidate must be familiar with current events and able to travel. Candidate must be based in the Miami or South Florida region, no exceptions.
So here’s the special Connected tip we’re going to give you. Political campaigns are notorious for not paying their bills, all right? So make sure you negotiate the [inaudible 00:13:39] terms. Get your money, get your paper up front because you never know. Campaign might be over. You might be like, “Hey, man we’re out of bread. You might not get your cheese.” So you definitely want to negotiate that, all right? Shout out for my man, Mike [SP] for throwing that in there old school.
So here we go, definitely want to be familiar with Adobe, okay, and After Effects. And I’m sure all my film video has to know what’s up when it comes to that stuff. And here we go. One of these details is actually requesting a reel displaying your work. I like to think of reels as kind of like your one-two punch where you got your work compiled, that’s really to the point that really gets your eye, edited really well. These kind of things people want to see your editing skills, your effect skills and how you put stuff together.
So I would love to look at a reel. If I had somebody coming through who was doing film, I know what treats that we’ve huddled up in the past, it’s always good to look at something visual. Because you can see it, see where they’re at, see what they do, see where they’re really, really great at. Okay, so that’s what a reel’s able to do in the workplace.
And you must be familiar with current events and able to travel. So you must know what’s going on, you got to be able to travel. Traveling can definitely beat you down a little where you’re at airports, securities, luggage, taking your stuff off and shoes. It gets a little tiring. So you definitely got to be able to keep up in that aspect. You might be somewhere early morning and then somewhere by the time evening rolls around. So you got to be able to roll with it and be flexible. All right? They’re asking that you live not too far from Miami or South Florida region. Okay? So you got to be in there and no exceptions. Okay?
Final grind opp for the day. Grind opp number five is in the field of recording. Sound board operator. They’re looking for FOH, front of house engineer for theatrical plays. Must be able to work evenings and weekends as required. This is in Minneapolis, Minnesota. All right? So there’s another special treat for those of you who were asking last week. Another grind opp in Minneapolis, Minnesota. So I hope you’re tuning in today. All right?
Sound board operator, here are the details. Candidate will be responsible for recording the back of a show production files. Engineer will be responsible for working with production departments that facilitate sound production needs during rehearsals and during the run of shows. Candidate must have knowledge or a basic theatrical directions and terms. Okay? These are pretty precise details, okay? You want to be responsible for recording the back of the show, a production file. So that can get intense because one wrong move of backing anything up and you are screwed. So for those of you who are used to dealing with drives, hard drives, backing up drives, cloning drives, you definitely want to know those terms because you definitely want to know what you’re doing. Because you don’t want to lose data. Okay?
I have a great show and people are looking forward to data, looking for the content and you’re like, “You know what? We lost it, we lost it in the transition of backing up.” So you definitely want to have an experience on that, okay? You’ll be responsible for working with production departments, to facilitate sound production needs during rehearsals and during the run of shows. So I’m assuming sound production is going to be those kind of the staging, those kind of work behind the staging, the sound, the lighting. So you’ll be working with different companies that facilitate those needs and back up, back line and all that stuff.
So it gets pretty intense. You want know what you’re putting together. You want to know what the scope is of things, okay, what the requests are. So a lot of times you’ll get, what do you call them…what do they call those things… Oh, your writer. You’ll get a writer sheet from the artist. The writer consists of all the back line gear, what needs to be ready, what they need. You definitely want to learn the flow of those things and how to execute those things with some of the companies that you guys will deal with for the gear, okay? And this will be four rehearsals and the run of shows. So you’ll be doing rehearsals and the shows, okay? And you must have knowledge of basic theatrical direction terms, okay? So you got to know the language. I know that’s a whole different game. The whole theatrical thing’s a way different game.
So with that being said, guys, that is our grind opp five within the day which is our last one. So again, I want to highlight that we were able to go out and get you guys some grind opps in Minneapolis and Indianapolis. All right? So for those of you who are tuning in, make sure you know…like I said, these things come and we’ll definitely get one in your city, okay? So for my favorite part of the show, let’s move on to the Q and A. Let’s see who’s out there, let’s see who’s tuning in.
And here we go. This is from my man, Stan [SP] what’s the number… What advice you would give to anyone aspiring to be the best music maker they can be. Well, I would say song writing, producing, production, being a professional, you’re never truly, truly satisfied. But at the same time as you perfect your craft, as you do it everyday, day to day, countless hours, you will find that you just continuously grow. You continuously grow just when you thought you learned, you mastered what it is you do, you learned something else. You see somebody, “Oh, man! I can incorporate that.” So that really never stops. For me the day you stop learning at any field or any business is the day you’re done.
But I would say the best thing to help your creativity is you have to know the landscape for music. You have to be a student of music. You have to know the ones who came in before you. And that only makes you better because you’re able to pull from everything you’ve been able to absorb. Know music from the 50s, 60s. Know all the genres. Know it all. Because I’m telling you, when it comes the time time to create, some days you may not be as creative as others, okay? Some days you might have writer’s block. You might run into just a drought. The one thing that gets you those things is living, experiencing new experiences and your library because that is in your mind, okay? Because you’re able to pull. You’re just able to pull, so that definitely helps you to get to that place of feeling like, “Man, I’m at my best right now.” Okay? It’s a long process, and like I said, you never stop learning.
Next question. How do I apply for these jobs? That’s a great question. So as you can see, my team will put a link on the right side of your screen. You want to click on that link because that is how you apply. That is how you put down all your information to have access to these jobs. And again, these jobs are only made available through this show which is Connected. So don’t let anybody guess, you don’t let anybody say, “Man, I had access…” No, you didn’t. Those jobs are here on my show, Connected brought to you by the Recording Connection. Okay? So make sure you click on that link.
Okay, next question. Do these jobs require degrees and certifications? Actually, a lot of them that we have brought to you guys doesn’t require degrees, doesn’t require certifications. However, a lot of them are requiring is experience because nobody wants to put anybody in a seat that they’re not ready for. So I know for me, I want somebody with experience. I want somebody who knows what they’re doing. And I also wants somebody who’s got something new to bring to the table who may not know as much as I need them to know but is creative. Okay? So that’s a great question there.
What production exercises do you do when you’re creative as a producer? Some of the creative exercises I do, man, honestly because I’m a huge violin dude, I’ll put on violin. I just play music, I just play music. I will create any music, I’ll play music, I’ll go, man, I’ll go live a little. I’ll go fishing and I’ll clear my mind because what you have to do… Music is driven by what you’re feeling, what you’ve seen, what you’ve heard talking to people. And you’ve got to live a little. That’s the best way to get out of a rut as a producer. You just got to step away from it for a second and live a little because your song writing and your producing is influenced by what it is you’re feeling, what it is you see and just living a little, life, life. Life pumps new energy in you. Okay? So I hope that answers your question. That’s a great question by the way, Jenny [SP]. Shout out to Jenny.
Next question, what do you recommend if you don’t have much work experience in terms of resume and applying for jobs? Nigel van Buskirk [SP]. I just recommend just knowing your craft, knowing your…okay… because you might have a lot of experience and may not have been in a lot of actual jobs out there in the workplace . But you do got a lot of work experience as far as knowing what it is you do. You just got to, just keep plugging away. You know what I mean? Just keep plugging away. Definitely, like I say, your resume doesn’t have to be loaded with tons of firepower. But some key things and like I said what’s big on my views, on my…not just the resume but the follow up letter saying why you feel that this person should hire you, why you’re fit for the job, why you feel like you can get in there and execute. Like I said, your resume doesn’t have to be loaded. But it’s just something that symbolizes that you’ve actually held down a job before, okay? Great question. Okay.
Next question, let’s see. What’s the best way to gain experience when you’re starting up as an audio engineer? It’s from Devon [SP]. You know what? I would say actually getting out and networking and finding some of the who’s-the-news that have a decent amount of traffic in your local area. Maybe getting there, introduce yourself to the audio engineer, sound engineer there. Just try to conversate with folks that are in those positions and try to pull information, try to see if you can come in early one day and sit next to them, and watch and be a fly on the wall. That’s really the best way just to get your ideas right of what it is you need to be, what it is you need to learn and what hands you need to shake in that field, okay. But the best way like I said man, find cats that you can learn from and pull some information from and be a fly on the wall, all right?
Next question from David Rivera [SP]. How much do you think I should charge someone for a beat? That’s an interesting question. That’s actually interesting but tough question. Because I don’t know what it is…charge for being…it can be anything. It can be $10 to high, high high. I think the best way to go about it is assess what it is they’re working with and see how you could help them and make it feasible for your time and for your creativity. That’s the best way to go about it. Everybody’s got a different price range and budget and how they go about that thing, buckles things. So definitely do some research there as far as your client. Okay?
Also don’t forget you can also e-mail us at [email protected]. So for those of you who have content questions, trying to get at us, e-mail us there and we’ll definitely respond. All right? Couple more questions. This is from Ryan [SP]. Can I have the e-mail link again to send you my music to play? Okay. Here we go again. The e-mail is [email protected], okay? I hope you got that down Ryan. Let’s see, one last question. Actually guys, I think that’s it for the day. All right.
So with that being said, from my team it looks like we have a lockdown…that folks were asking about because we didn’t get any question in regards to, “Hey, man you got a job in such and such?” so shout out to my team for doing a great job . Shout out to the Recording Connection for even making it possible for me to come to you guys every Monday and offer you guys opportunities.
The key thing about this show is, as much as I love to mentor, as much as I love to give my advice and share my experiences, at the end of the day it’s about opportunities and how I can pair you with opportunities that best suit your skills in the workplace and what you’re trying to do. All right? So I’m happy that we’re able to do that for you guys. Again, I look forward to hanging with you guys every Monday at 11:00 a.m. All right? Shout out to my squad, shout out to the Recording Connection. And I look forward to seeing you guys next week here, sharp. All right. Peace, have a great week.
Previous Episodes of Connected

- Electronic musicians, DJs and beat-makers
- Runners and assistants
- Filmmakers
- Broadcasters
- Aspiring show hosts and more

- Get job tips on all the best jobs and career opportunities
- Get mentored and find out how to get and keep the best gigs in the music and film industry
- Get to know your favorite artists
- Hear industry success and horror stories from the legends inside the business
- Find out real tips to get hired at your dream job
- Connect!