Here are the job opportunities (or as we like to call them, Grind Opps) from this week's show.
Sound Engineer
Industry: Recording
Location: New Orleans, LA
Hotel is looking for a live sound engineer for venue operations and artists communications. Part time.

Video Editor
Industry: Film
Location: New York, NY
Editor will be responsible for video content for all U.S. properties with key metrics in mind.

Audio Engineering Instructor
Industry: Recording
Location: Midlothian, VA
Kids’ after school program seeks an Audio Engineer to work as a part-time instructor.

Video Producer / Editor
Industry: Film
Location: Gaylord, MI
Father-daughter hunting show seeks full-time producer / editor. Travel involved.

Broadcast Editor
Industry: Film
Location: Atlanta, GA
Conduct Microsoft Technology Center Studio streaming broadasts. Experience with Adobe Premiere, After Effects, and NewTek Tricaster.

What’s up y’all? Happy Memorial Day Weekend. Thank you for joining me on IZ Connected. It’s something we do at 11 a.m. Pacific Standard Time every Monday. So rather than, taking a day off, or getting my grill ready, I wanted to make sure I was still able to come to you. So shout out to my team Mike and Howie for making themselves available too. Interesting thing is, with this particular, I’m going to say environment, it’s one of those things where you just, you want to make yourself available. I mean, that’s just the kind of grind it is. So you’ve got to keep pressing through, keep going. So for those of you just tuning in, this show is all about getting you connected. I mean the show is called connected. So, when we say connected, we are talking about just bridging you with opportunities and preparation for the opportunities that we present because I’ve learned in this day and age, a lot of young folks don’t really know how to put a resume together, don’t really know how to present themselves, don’t really know kind of what it takes in the business sense and what kind of demand and expectations happen for them. So I like to not just support, but also prep you and prepare you for those opportunities. And the great thing, too, is during the show, I also do a little Q&A so I always tell folks, start getting your questions ready now, so when I get to the Q&A, you can just hit me with the questions and we can go.
So I’m excited to get into these Grind-ops that we have for you today. That my team has so lovely, beautifully racked up for us. But before I get into these, I want you guys to get your pens and pads, like I said. You want to make sure you take down all this crucial information because there’s a lot of details that go along with these jobs. In this day and age, man you’ve got to have your notes on points. You’ve got to make sure you have as much information as you can so when you get in there, you can actually execute. One of the things I’ve been talking a little over the last couple of weeks is the importance of a resume and also the importance of a follow-up letter. Some say, “Well, what is a follow-up letter?” A follow-up letter is pretty much telling that employer why you think you’re fit for the job, why you think they should hire you, why you think you have what it takes to get in there and accomplish and accelerate and execute. Those are the key things. So, I like to put those together and constantly remind you guys so that it’s in the back of your head constantly. So when you get ready to go do these interviews and everything, you’re fully equipped and ready, all right? So, without further ado, I’m going to get into the first grind-op on Memorial Day. All right? Here we go.
This is in the field of recording. Sound Engineer. Hotel is looking for a live sound engineer for venue operations and artists communications. Part-time. And this is in New Orleans, Louisiana. I’ve got so many cats who are engineers, who are looking to record, who are looking to kind of just get in the game. So, you know, shout-out to all my homies who are engineers, because I know that’s a tough game to be in. Everybody’s trying to find a studio or a location that’s looking for an internship or looking for engineers, so this is definitely a great opportunity for you guys. So I’m going to shoot off some of these details. Part-time sound engineer. New Orleans. Responsibilities will include maintenance of in-house systems, setup, breakdown gear, liaison between hotel and bands. And will work directly with cultural engineer and production manager.
Candidate must have a positive attitude, a true love of music, and a desire to give musicians and the audience the best experience possible. Treating artists with the utmost respect is central to this position. Time management is a must. You know, what I’m noticing too, like with every week, we’re getting more and more details of pretty much the expectations of each particular grind-op. And to me, it’s really great because it’s a lot of information. It’s a lot of things you’ve got to kind of have to take heed to. Because you know, you’re not just talking about being a sound engineer. We’re talking about…you’re dealing with clients. You’re dealing with artists. You’re also working directly with the cultural engineer and production manager. And time management…all these variations of this particular grind-op. Which, I can say in most instances, you’re looking at a list of things you’ve got to be sharp on and that’s going to come with any gig, especially once you get in there and you kind of dive in.
So I’m reading, utmost respect, how you treat the artists is super crucial in the sense, where a lot of times you come across artists who may not have the best attitude, may not have the best personality. You’ve got to be able to work through that and know how to talk and navigate and ultimately complement what the artist is trying to convey during the show with the sound. How they like their music to be heard. It’s a lot of catering to, but that’s the gig. You’ve got to cater to these artists and you’ve got to give them your absolute best, even when their attitude is crappy, even when their nose is in the air. And like I said, you’re working with bands and artists who are super humble, super cool. On the flip side, you’re going to work with artists who act like they’re mad at life. When it’s just different dynamics.
You will also be responsible for maintenance of the in-house system, so you want to make sure you have a good spectrum of information in regards to the gear and knowing how it function and operates. All right? You also will be setting up and breaking down gear and that can be tough. At the end of the night, long night, long hours, now you’ve got to break down. But, hey guys, that’s the gig. And you’ll be the liaison between hotels and bands. So that tells me you’ve got to know what that language is. You’ve got to know how to navigate and be able to talk to folks. Hotels and bands, two different roles. Bands is one language and hotels is a different kind of language, so you have to just make sure that your mouthpiece is on point, all right? So those are the details for grind-op number one. We’re going to move on to grind-op two.
This is in the field of film. Looking for a video editor. Editor will be responsible for video content for all US properties with key metrics in mind. And this is in New York, New York. Okay? Interesting grind-op. Let me give you the details. Obviously, this is for a video editor in New York. Global platform company that focuses on connecting brands and local businesses is looking for a video editor to join their US content team. Editor will be responsible for the video content for all US properties with key metrics in mind, assigning it and editing raw video footage supplied by all properties. Editor will be working with the social media team to deliver engaging video content. Candidate must have a strong interest in current events, cultural, travel, and food. Candidate must be able to analyze and draw conclusions from data with tools like Omniture and Adobe Analytics.
So man, that sounds like a super, super crucial detail and technical. So there’s a lot on this one too. I’m starting to learn that the details of these grind-ops are kind of pouring in now. So let’s pick this one apart. Connecting brands and local businesses and looking for video for US content team. So that sounds like a solid, solid gig. You’ll be working with the social media team to deliver engaging video content. Engaging to me means content that draws you in instantly, content that’s sleek, that’s cool, that’s impactful. That’s what engaging means there to me.
Candidate must have a strong interest in current events, cultural, travel, and food. So that, right there, you just want to make sure that you’re actually into culture. You know what’s going on. You’ve got your finger on the pulse. It wouldn’t just be events, it’ll be cultural and you’ll travel and food. So it sounds like you’ll be documenting a bunch of stuff and editing a bunch of stuff that pertains to that stuff. So you might want to…there’s a couple of shows on the network right now where you can kind of get a feel for those different styles and how things are edited. So it’s just a matter of doing your homework. You must be able to analyze and draw conclusions from data. So, looks like you’ll have to be able to look at something and instantly be able to articulate and pick it apart and express what it is and what it means. All right? So that’s grind-op number two. We’re going to move on to grind-op number three.
This is in the field of recording. My favorite field. Looking for an audio engineering instructor. Kids after-school program seeking an audio engineer to work as part-time instructor. And this is in Midlothian, VA. Well, that sounds fun. I mean, anytime I get to work with kids, whether it’s teaching or being an instructor, I have so much fun. Kids these days, especially when they’re really into something, they become like a sponge. They just want to extract as much information from you as possible. They are excited. They’re enthused. So let me give you some details. Again, this is for an audio engineering instructor. Audio engineer will teach basic Pro Tools and music sequencing. Audio engineer will be responsible for coordinating set-up, breakdown and recording of concerts. Candidates must be able to communicate effectively and manage time schedules for different age groups. Candidate will have to pass a background check.
Absolutely. When you’re working with folks, they do not play.
Also, over the last couple of weeks, we’ve been talking about time management. Time management is super crucial. If you’re not a person who’s on time, or if you’re not a person who’s prompt, if you’re not a person who’s structured, organized, you need to get in gear ASAP. Because in this day and age, you’ve got to be on all those points, all right? Time management has been coming up a lot in these last couple of weeks so I like to stress how important time management is. You should definitely always be there 15 to 20 minutes earlier. If you’ve got to drive or if you’re in a city where you’ve got traffic, like here in California, make sure you leave at a decent amount of time to get you there on time. So if you do run into traffic, you’re still okay. So time management is everything.
This one, you’ve got to know your Pro Tools because it’s asking for specifically Pro Tools and music sequencing. I don’t know too many engineers that dabble into music sequencing unless they’re actual creators or musicians. So, it looks like you’ll have to have a little bit of knowledge of both because it’s asking for music sequencing. You’ll be responsible for coordinating set up and breakdown. So prior to the session, after the session, set up your gear, whether it’s mic-ing instruments, and breaking it down. And you’ll be doing birthday presents, live events, and concerts. So you definitely want to know your live sound game as well because recording studio versus live sound is two different worlds, so you definitely want to know both sides because they require two different things. Like I said, they’re two different worlds.
And you must be able to communicate effectively and manage time schedules for different age groups. So that’s structure. We talked about organization and structure. There you go. Communicate effectively and manage time schedules. So that requires a person who’s great with time, who has organizational skills, and who can execute. So, you’re starting to see how these different grind-ops require all the facets of presentation, business-minded, professionalism, all those things, okay? So we’re going to move on to grind-op number four. A lot of notes in there, guys, so make sure you’re taking your notes down.
This is in the field of film. Video producer, editor. Father-daughter hunting show seeks full-time producer, editor. Travel involved. Gaylord, MI. Okay, so let’s see. This is pretty interesting. Father-daughter hunting show seeks full-time producer. Now that sounds fun because I love to hunt. I grew up hunting. Outside of music, for those of you who don’t know, I love to fish. So I would have been fishing today, but I’m here with you guys hanging and chilling. Happy to be here for you guys. Some of the details for this particular grind-op. Candidate must have experience using Final Cut Pro. Experience filming in nature is a plus, but not required. Candidate must be able to travel outside the US for several months at a time.
So check this out. It says filming in nature. So what I like to think of is…because I’ve been out there, you’re dealing with gnats, bugs, mosquitoes and all that stuff. So you want to be prepared for an outdoor experience, which means having your Off spray on deck, have your sunblock on deck, have your net because the last thing you want is to be out in the wilderness and to be uncomfortable, getting bit by mosquitoes and all that stuff. So those are things to think about. But that sounds like a fun gig. I know I would love to be out shooting in the wilderness with a camera, recording. And you also must have experience in Final Cut Pro. So that’s key. And you must be able to travel outside the US for several months at a time. Now that sounds like a fun gig because I know folks love to travel. I love to travel. So to be able to travel and do what you like, do what you love, why not? To me, that’s an easy knockdown. Not a whole lot of details, but for those of you who are in the video editing game, that’s an easy knockdown. And I know a couple of you guys who are in the video editing game. So make sure you take advantage of this, all right? Moving onto the last grind-op of the day.
This is in the field of film again. Broadcast editor. Conduct Microsoft technology, center studio, streaming broadcast. Experience with Adobe, Premiere After Effects, and NewTek TriCaster. This is in Atlanta, Georgia. All right. Again, this is in the field of film. All right, let me break down some of these details for you. There’s a couple of details on this one. In Atlanta Georgia, here you go. Business consulting company is seeking a few passionate broadcast studio engineers to support the practice. Pre, live, and post-production work involved. This role will function as an indirect face to Microsoft interacting with speakers external to Microsoft. Live work will include the management, operation, and coordination of a NewTek TriCaster at remote streaming venues. Bachelor’s degree or Bachelor-equivalent certification in a related film required.
See, this is another grind-op that’s no joke. You’ve got to be super legit on this one. Bachelor’s degree is required. Live work will include the management, operation, and coordination of a NewTek TriCaster with remote streaming venues. So this is a serious gig for you film folks, all right? Function: indirect face with Microsoft, interacting with speakers external to Microsoft. You’re in the high elevation here. Microsoft isn’t a start-up company. They’ve been around a long time, and as you know they’re a big company. They’re right under Apple, or close. And it’s a consulting company. They’re seeking people who are passionate. Studio engineers that are passionate about what they do with their practice. Pre, live, and post-production, so you want to know all the facets of what pre, live, and post-production entail. A lot of production from start to finish. How do you finalize it? What it looks like at the end of the day. Those are the things you want to definitely be experiencing.
And I take it, being that you’ll have to have your Bachelor’s degree with this particular grind-op, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of information and experience to be adequate for this gig. All right. So, folks, that is our fifth Grind-op of the day. It is time to move onto my favorite part of the show, which is the Q&A because I get to chop it up with you guys and you guys get to ask questions and, I want to know who’s out there and who’s tuning in. So here we go. Who’s up to bat?
Rochelle Outlaw: “Can I get your email address?” Actually, yes, you can. You can do it all through the Connected show. Click on the link. And by the way, folks, to apply for these jobs, you’ll see a link on the right side of your screen. Click on that and it gives you all the information. So, Rochelle, you can shoot whatever message you have that you want to get to me to the Recording Connection. If you go on the site, you’ll find an email address where you can definitely do that, all right?
Next question is my man Maurice: “This for Professional Ear. One more question. Is there any way I can send him some tunes that I’ve done?” Yes. Tune in, go to the website, Recording Connection. Email is the best way to get me. We can definitely do that. Love to check out your music, all right?
Next question. “For someone just starting out, what gear would you recommend for A) DJ and B) for a recording studio?” For a DJ, if you’re starting out, I would recommend two turntables and any kind of mixer. Reason why I say turntables, actual turntables that spin vinyl, because those are the fundamentals of DJing. Although the DJ world has moved extremely fast and unfortunately everyone’s a VJ now, it’s that simple, you’ve got a laptop, you’ve got your music and you’ve got an interface. The thing with that is that if you really want to learn the craft the right way, you’re going to want to start with vinyl because vinyl is a different touch. It’s a different technique. And it requires you to really hone in and perfect it.
Now, if you go with the interface route, there’s not a whole lot of work there. There’s not a whole lot of craftsmanship. There’s not a whole lot of skill. At that point, you’re just pushing play, pause, play, pause, forward, skip. With turntables, you’re learning the art of mixing, syncing up time. There’s a lot of details. So I would say, as a purist, for anyone looking to start in the world of DJing, get you some turntables, get you some Technics 1200. You can find them on eBay or anything that’ll spin a vinyl piece for you.
As far as a recording studio, it depends. If you’re a producer/song-writer, recording student, get a laptop, get you some software, get Pro Tools, Reason, Logic, whatever you feel most comfortable with. And get your interface. Those are the things you want to start up. If you’re coming into the game, the key piece in this day and age is your computer, your laptop because you can have your programs. You can travel with it. You can make music on the fly. So those are the some of the things I recommend. If you’re, let’s say you’re a beat guy, there’s a machine, there’s a Renaissance, that all work with your computer, which is made by a company named Akai. You can do…Reasons has its own thing, comes with sounds and everything. There’s a lot of things you can do. There’s a lot of gear out there. I know a lot of people that work on Pro Tools or Logic and Ableton. Ableton is another key thing. You can get software, get it in your computer and start going. So, there’s a lot of things you can do as far as gear if you’re just starting out. It kind of just comes down to preference.
All right. Next question: “What am I barbecuing today?” I don’t know. You know, I thought about doing chicken. I thought about doing carne asada because I’m a Mexican. So I’ve gotta have my carne asada. I’ve gotta have my rice. I don’t know. I’ve got to see what the folks are feeling too because I’ve got folks coming over today. We’re watching the game. Just trying to get a little relaxation in. I actually head out to New York tomorrow, which is something I’ll be talking about with you guys next week. I’m actually going to New York for something that doesn’t even really involve music but other things that come through the platform of music. So, yeah, I don’t know what I’m barbecuing yet today.
So I hate to cut this one short and sweet, guys, but it is Memorial Day. But I wanted to make sure I was here for you guys so that we can get some interaction going, and I can provide some more opportunities for you guys. So on that note, I’m going to be checking out, but before I do that, I want to shout-out the Recording Connection. Bryan, Mike, Howie, my team, my squad who allows me to do this every Monday for you guys and makes things happen. All right? So shout-out to them. Also, be sure to tune in next week and the following week and the next week after that because what we’re doing here is unconventional. It’s disruptive. And nobody else is doing it.
It’s not just mentoring. I’m mentoring, but I’m actually prepping you for the opportunities that I’m providing through this mentorship. So make sure you tune in. This is something we love to do for you guys every week. I hope it’s beneficial. I hope you’re taking your notes. I hope you’re jotting it all down because you can definitely, definitely have forward movement in what it is that you want to do. So shout out to my Recording Connection fam because I’m here only because of y’all. And on that note, I love you guys. I look forward to seeing you guys next week. And I’m out. Peace.
Previous Episodes of Connected

- Electronic musicians, DJs and beat-makers
- Runners and assistants
- Filmmakers
- Broadcasters
- Aspiring show hosts and more

- Get job tips on all the best jobs and career opportunities
- Get mentored and find out how to get and keep the best gigs in the music and film industry
- Get to know your favorite artists
- Hear industry success and horror stories from the legends inside the business
- Find out real tips to get hired at your dream job
- Connect!