Here are the job opportunities (or as we like to call them, Grind Opps) from this week's show.
Board Operator
Industry: Radio
Location: Dallas, TX
Talk radio station looking for board operator with creative concepts for each show.

Live Sound Engineer
Industry: Recording
Location: New York, NY
Arrange sound system for 800 outdoor public events in NYC.

Live Streaming Producer
Industry: Film
Location: New York, NY
Assist in creating and producing live streaming video. Experience with Premiere Pro CC preferred.

Paid Video Production Intern
Industry: Film
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Assist CEO of production company in creating video shorts. Premiere Pro CC experience preferred.

Live Sound Engineer
Industry: Recording
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Large production company seeks engineer for FOH and monitors. 24/7 operation.

What’s up, you all? Welcome to Connected. I’m your host, of course, the one and only, DJ IZ. So check it out. As you know, we like to come to you live every Monday at 11:00 a.m., Pacific Standard Time. I actually, again, was on a flight headed to Atlanta to start preparing for a couple of shows we got coming up with Usher. But of course, I’ll never let you down. I always make sure we got something for you every Monday, and of course, we got to bring you the Grind Opps.
Now, for those of you that are just tuning in, let me break down the show for you, all right? IZ Connected is all about getting you acquainted and lined up with job opportunities that best suit your skills whether you’re in film, music, engineering. This is a platform where I like to say we can bring pretty much more than opportunity, but prep you and prepare you for these opportunities. I said over again on my show, it’s really about being prepared for these opportunities that we present to you, guys. And I got a shout out, the Recording Connection obviously makes this possible for me to come to you all and bring you opportunity. Make sure you track our movement. That’s on our social media, which is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. The handles are IZConnected.
For this particular show, I won’t be able to do the Q&A and the questions that I usually do with every show, but you can hashtag your questions on our social media, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, IZConnected. Shoot me your questions, and I’ll be more than happy to answer them. All right? So check it out. We’re going to get things rolling fast this show, so we’re going to get to our Grind Opps. Now, when I tell everyone with our Grind Opps, make sure you have your pen and your pad, so you can jot down all these crucial information, because not only am I going to tell you about the Grind Opp, but I’m going to give you details for this particular Grind Opps.
These are Grind Opps that range from New York to Cali to Nashville to Orlando. I get a lot of folks in Cali say, “Well, are the jobs only in Cali?” No, no, no. They’re from a bit of everywhere. I had a couple of Orlando job opps, Miami, Texas. It’s a bit of everywhere so there’s some for everybody. So check it out. We’re going to move off into Grind Opp number 1. Grind Opp number 1 is in the field of live sound engineering and also recording. Now, this Grind Opp is large production company seeks engineer for FOH, which is front house and monitors 24/7 operation, and this is in Los Angeles, California.
It’s cool because I actually just did a panel today for a group of kids, and I actually had a conversation with the gentleman who just happened to be a sound engineer and looking to engineer in various venues. And I was like, “You know what? You’re a perfect candidate for my show.” So I give him [inaudible 00:03:31] and I was like, “Look, we get numerous job opps for guys like yourself who are looking to do live sound and engineering.” I hope he’s tuning in this Monday because this is going to be actually perfect for him, and this is in Los Angeles, California. So check it out. Let me give you a couple more details on this particular job opp.
Okay, this is live sound engineer, audio and video production facility with various departments, which includes stages for music and flexible scheduling, and filming and recording studio and rentals department, artist relations, and event production. So this is a bit much. This isn’t just your usual plug-in and play or mic-ing things. This entails a lot. You will be responsible for front house and monitors, as well as prepping equipment for rentals and delivering back line. Perfect for graduates that are focused on live sound.
Now, what’s key about this, and you find this with a lot of the Grind Opps that we [inaudible 00:04:33] a bit of experience and skill that’s already been in motion, and already been in practice. With this kind of Grind Opp, you definitely don’t want to get and kind of float your way around because the last thing you want to do is fail at your attempt at what they’re looking for, and they’re looking for quite a bit. Again, it’s audio and video. They’re looking for filming, recording studio, rentals department, artist relations, and event productions. So it’s a bit much, so you definitely got to have some skin in the game for this particular Grind Opp. But it looks really, really great for those of you who are interested in doing live sound. It looks very, very legit as far as kind of forwarding your career in this particular field. That’s Grind Opp number 1. We’re going to move on to Grind Opp number 2. Let’s check it out.
Grind opp number 2 is in the field of film. It’s studio production intern. Assists the CEO of a production company in creating video shorts, Premier Pro CC experience preferred, and again, this is in Los Angeles, California. So we’ve got a couple of Grind Opps that are [inaudible 00:05:49] hometown. So let’s break down a little bit of details on this particular Grind Opp. This is a paid video production internship. Now, this actually stands out to me because most internships don’t come with the blessing of payment. This one actually is paid video production internship. That’s a bonus, and that’s key.
Production company specializes in docu-narrative short films, branded content videos, medical testimonial videos, and corporate videos. Assisting CEO in creating content filming, processing, and editing of short video projects. Editing experience on Premiere Pro CC preferred. It looks like you’ll [inaudible 00:06:36] and assisting the right hand man, which is the CEO. So there’s a little bit of pressure there because you definitely want to be able to perform and execute. And as a production company, it sounds like they’ve been doing this for quite a while. So this is actually a great, great platform and path to actually grow because it sounds like you can actually grow in this particular Grind Opp with this company.
So again, the duties will be filming, processing, and editing for short video projects. It does say you’ve got to have editing experience on Premiere Pro CC, which sounds like a software program or obviously entails your cameras and your editing software and stuff. You’d be next to the right-hand man, which is the CEO, you’ll be assisting him. So with this particular… show is your presentation, how you talk to people in certain environments. One of the things I was talking about on the panel the other day for the students is really the fundamentals because it’s not one particular thing, it’s not how you look, it’s not just what you say. It’s really a bit of everything and how you want people in this type of professional environmental to view you and perceive ,you because the reality is anything that allows you to function in a corporate setting requires you to just…you’ve got to know the environment, you’ve got to know the language, and presentation is everything.
It’s how you talk to people. Are you humble, or are you Mr. know-it-all? Those are the things you want to be mindful of. This is great for anybody who’s looking to grow especially…because you can actually become…I’ve seen people become staples in these types of environments where they get in so good that they can’t function without them. That’s a great opportunity right there. Also two of the last notes was “We order and edit the content to ensure the logical sequencing and smooth running of the video. Experiment with a thousand techniques, including design and graphic elements, and the editing of sound and light to ensure a high quality viewing experience using video editing equipment.”
Those are crucial details right there because that’s more of the technicality of this particular Grind Opp. Again, let me restate that because that’s a bit much information for you. So we order and edit the content to ensure the logical sequencing and smooth running of the video, experiment with styles and techniques including design and graphic elements, and the editing of sound and light to ensure a high quality viewing experience using video-editing equipment. So that’s great because this is a Grind Opp that allows you to be creative.
So now, before I move on to Grind Opp 3, I tell you all, you’ve got to stick with me through the show because at the end of the show, there’s a link where you can actually apply for these jobs. And it’s only through this link. It’ll be on the right side of your screen, but you’ve got to stick with me. Moving on to Grind Opp number 3.
Again, this is in the field of film. Live streaming producer. Assisting, creating, and then producing live streaming video. Experience with Premier Pro CC preferred, and this is in New York, New York. So let me break down some of those details. Live streaming producer. Full service production in broadcast company focused on live production, live streaming, and post production. Editing experience on Premier Pro CC prefer. Sounds like a Pro CC preferred is the standard. Assisting, creating, and production in streaming contents for clients [inaudible 00:10:34] want to focus on live broadcasting for major networks. Now [inaudible 00:10:37] creativity. Allows you to be creative in coming up with concepts for clients, so you’ll be dealing with clients. One of the key things in dealing with clients is all about service and information you have to answer various questions and just kind of help guide them through their ideas and what they’re looking for. So that’s crucial.
Entry level position. So you’ll be starting at the bottom, working your way up. It’s great for graduates that want to focus on live broadcasting. Now, I know at the Recording Connection there’s a lot of tasks focused on live broadcasting. So make sure you take advantage of this particular Grind Opp, you all. Full service production. The company is focused on live production, live streaming. So you definitely want to be up on your live streaming game, and your live production, and post production. So make sure you have all those notes on this particular Grind Opp. Again, this is in New York, New York.
Moving on to Grind Opp number 4. Again, this is in the field of recording, my favorite. Now, this is live sound engineer. Arrange sound system for 800 outdoor public events in NYC. This is in New York, New York. Now, this is actually an incredible opp for those of you who are looking to do live sound recording, audio engineering because one of the key things that stick out to me in this particular Grind Opp is that it mentions over 800 outdoor public events in New York. Now, I don’t know about you, but if you do the math, that’s a lot of work. Large corporate company that manages over 800 outdoor public events in New York. Set up, operate, troubleshoot, and break down audio production equipment in Central Park and other outdoor locations. Arrange sound system for each event that holds up to 1,200 participants.
Ideal opportunity for live sound graduates that want to be comfortable with mixing outdoors. The great thing, too, with these particular events, they’re a lot of fun when they’re outdoors. You’re meeting various people. You’re learning different techniques for outdoor sound, which is very much different than indoor sound. You’ll be breaking down audio production equipment in Central Park and other outdoor location. Now, what’s dope about this for those of you who are located in New York and tuning in is that you’ll be working at monumental places; in Central Park and other outdoor locations, and that’s really cool. This is actually a great, great opportunity for audio engineer. Kind of just get in. It’s a great opportunity for also the live sound graduates who are looking to jump in and get going with something as far as just being in engineering, meeting folks, working with people working with artists, for bands.
This sounds like a very, very fun opportunity in mixing outdoors. I mean come on, who wouldn’t want to be outside hanging, enjoying beautiful New York whether mix…I mean that’s just dope. You know what I mean? Definitely make sure you got your notes on that one as to what they’re looking for.
Last but not least, moving on to our Grind Opp number 5. This is in the field of radio. Board operator. Top radio station looking for board operator with creative concepts for each show. This is in Dallas, Texas. I hope that person that…I think this was on episode five or six, and person viewing said, “Man, do you have anything that’s in Texas or Dallas?” So here you go. This is, again, in the field of broadcast, board operator. Maintains scheduled commercial, log and play all scheduled commercials and other elements. Communicate with Station Program Director in the event of any issues with the broadcast.
Now, what’s crucial about this is at radio stations, your program director is pretty much a big guy, the gatekeeper. The great thing is, in this particular setting, you’ll be communicating a lot with him. So those of you who want to jump into broadcasting, this is actually a great, great environment because you’ll be working next to the guy, which is a program director. Again, these details will be to maintain scheduled commercial, log and play all scheduled commercials and other elements. You’ll be pretty much logging in, obviously, into their catalog of content, and you’ll be scheduling commercials and other elements. Very brief details on this one but it’s pretty much straight forward. Maintain scheduled commercial logs.
I’m assuming this is also great for other graduates who have a bit of information knowledge in the broadcasting world. So that is our fifth Grind Opp for the day. As you know, we do five each Monday. The goal, like I always say, it’s not only to provide opportunities but it’s also to prepare you. That’s pretty much our focus here on Connected is, bringing opportunity but also giving you helpful information. One of the things I always talk about on my show is resumes. I talk about it today, just the fundamentals of business. You’re a walking business. What’s the best way for somebody to understand the information that you’ve been able to obtain, and what’s your experience like?
We always talk resumes. Well, today, I wanted to show you a resume by a gentleman, Elon Musk, who had actually done a whole lot and just to kind of give you an idea of what his resume looks like. The cool thing is what I’m going to do is I’m going to make this resume actually downloadable for you guys. You’ll see a link where you’ll actually be able to pretty much download this resume just to get a feel for what they should look like, and what you should put on these things. Like I said, you definitely don’t want to oversell yourself with information that you’re really not skillful at. I also want to mention that it’s always great to send them letter head saying why you think you’re fit for the job and why you feel you should be hired.
The great thing is most resumes for really successful people range at anywhere from one to two pages. So it doesn’t have to be five or six pages deep. You should be able to knock it out with one or two pages. So I want to show this to you, guys. I want you guys to get an idea of what a resume should look like. So check it out. If you look, you’ll see work experience. What he has enlisted; accomplishments. He actually has somewhat of a graph. If you look at skills and competencies; thinking about first principles, micromanaging, goal oriented, future focused, critical thinking. So those are some of the key things you want to showcase on your resume. The way he has it laid out is very simple, very to-the-point, not a whole lot of extra, extra on it. I want to show you the rest of it. Here we go.
As you can see, it’s just really covering some of the key things; his education, languages, and interests, achievements and certificates, and what you’ve been able to do, where you’ve worked. Really, really simple, to-the-point, and very, very much easy to read through as an employer. Again, I’m going to break this down a little bit for you, guys. You guys will actually have a blueprint of…just a blueprint of what a resume should represent about you. I know I sound like a broken record. I always say on my show, where we start resumes, but you’d be surprised how many folks don’t know how to put a simple, really cool resume together. So I’m going to make that available for you all, so you can kind of just have them out in a blue print.
As I’ve mentioned, I want to make it a point to bring this show to you even though I’m traveling. So we put this together for you, guys, and you’ll still have a show on Monday at 11:00 a.m. Again, I always tell you guys, if you want to check my day-to-day, please catch up with me on our social media. That’s IZconnected Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Send me your questions. Don’t forget to put the hashtag IZconnected, and I’ll definitely answer your questions. For those of you who would like a little bit more information or pick my brain a little, I want to make sure we can still do that even though I’ll be traveling. A lot of folks are saying on what it is I’m actually doing, we got some really cool stuff coming up. Again, I’m still on my Cuba…I’m still downloading from that trip because it was so much. I should be hopefully showing you a little bit more content on my Cuba trip.
First and foremost before I close out, I want to thank the Recording Connection for making this possible for me to come to you guys every Monday and provide incredible opportunities. Shout out to my crew, Mike Howie, Bryan, what’s up? Love you all. In the meantime, have a great week. Make sure you got your notes. Make sure you apply. Make sure you got that link. Make sure you got that resume so you guys can kind of push things forward. I look forward to seeing you all next week. Next week, we will be live, and I will be coming to you live from Atlanta. On that note, man, your host, IZ and I’m out. Peace.
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