Here are the job opportunities (or as we like to call them, Grind Opps) from this week's show.
Assistant Audio Engineer
Industry: Recording
Location: Nashville, TN
For live and recorded events at the Grand Ole Opry.

Video Editor
Industry: Film
Location: New York, NY
Experienced Editor for Shudder, a horror genre streaming service.

Radio Technician
Industry: Radio
Location: Detroit, MI
Run all audio and transmitting equipment for public broadcasting.

Live Sound Engineer
Industry: Recording
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Live Shows for Balcony TV for acts like: Ed Sheeran, Mumford and Sons, Edward Sharpe

Awesome Internship with Heavyweight Producer
Industry: Recording
Location: Los Angeles, CA
(Gwen Stefani, Panic! Maroon 5, Fall Out Boy and more)

What’s up, y’all? Welcome to Connected. You are here hanging with your host, DJ IZ. We’re coming to you live from home base, which is Los Angeles, California. You can catch us here every Monday 11 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. You can also keep track on our day-to-day via our social media platforms, which is Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Our social media handle is of course IZ Connected.
So check it out. This is our first episode and overall the goal of this show is to get you connected to opportunities that best suit your skills, your passion, in the workplace, and to also prep you and prepare you and eventually get you hired. Now the dope thing is, what makes this show unique is that these are job opportunities that nobody has access to. In this world, we all know it’s a very, very small world, whether it’s film, whether it’s recording, whether it’s producing. So in a sense, this makes your world a bit smaller, but also makes your possibilities a bit more tangible and possible to make happen. Because at the end of the day, in this game everybody’s chomping at the same bit. Everybody’s in the same line to get the same gig, to get the same job opportunities. So through this show, Connected, we curb that experience by also offering mentoring.
A lot of people in today’s age don’t even really know how to put a resume together. So those are some of the things we like to focus in on and not just give you opportunities, but prep you for prime time. A lot of that has to do with what it’s like to get a gig, what it’s like to keep the gig, what it’s like to stay on the gig. Those are the things we kind of like to cultivate and prep you on. So without any further ado, we’d like to get to the most important part and exciting piece of this show, which is our Grind Opps. Now every week, we will be doing 5 Grind Opps. So if you do the math, in a month that’s 20 job opportunities that we’re making accessible, but only through IZ Connected.
Keep in mind, you’ll see a link later on in the show and the only way to access that link and to apply is through this show. So you want to make sure that you got your pen and pads out to take all this crucial information down that I’m about to go through with you.
The first Grind Opp of the day is Grind Opp 5, which is in the field of radio. Now this is a full-time board operator at the Global-Mobile Radio Station You Can Watch in Washington, D.C. Now board operator, I’m assuming in this field the boards range from different…everybody uses something different. And I think overall, you got to know the ins-and-outs on the consoles and segues and all that, and volumes, and feedbacks and those things. Because in that environment, you definitely don’t want to have any trouble. So that is Grind Opp 5.
We’re going to move over to Grind Opp 4. This is in the field of recording, live music engineer for the Eatonic Music Festival 2016. This is freelance and this is in Eaton, Ohio. Again, these job opportunities aren’t only going to be based out of California which is home of The Recording Connection. These are going to be New York, D.C., Chicago, Detroit, New Jersey, anywhere in between that we can access. So again, this is the field of live music engineering. This actually happens to be a field that I work in almost every day. A good friend of mine, a buddy of mine, Ryan Cecil, actually does sound. He’s done sound for Eminem, Dr. Dre. He is now currently doing our sound for Usher. And I’ve seen him go from being a stage engineer to handling sound on the stage to actually doing front-end house voice now. And what I love about him, man, is you’ll meet a lot of guys in this field who you tell them, “Hey, can I get more kick in my monitor,” and they’re really anal. So I think in this setting, when you’re dealing with artist, and high-caliber artists, or even if you’re even just starting, you always want to make sure that your ear is humble and you’re willing to take ideas down and information from musicians that you’re doing sound for. This is really, this is a non-error environment. When you’re doing live sound, the last thing you want to do is distract an artist while they’re on stage, whether they’re hearing feedback, whether they using in ears, and they don’t have, the mix isn’t right. This is a crucial field here because every artist has a particular way that they like their show to be heard and listeners to be heard. Again this is a great opportunity. Again it’s live music engineering.
Grind Opp number 3. And this is also audio engineering. This is on a format of Logic. And this is working with The Fire Department, part-time position, and this is in Brooklyn, New York. Okay, so I’m a little familiar with Logic. We usually record into ProTools, but we’ll dump on analog first. But as far as Logic, I got a couple of buddies that actually use Logic. So it looks like…let me take a look at that again, audio engineer, working with The Fire Department…I’m not sure what The Fire Department thing is, but it’s obviously recording. So everybody has their own system on how they record in any platform, whether it’s ProTools, whether it’s Ableton, or if it’s Logic. So in that environment, you probably just more or less want to really know your stuff on that.
Moving over to Grind Opp number 2: Videographer. Okay, this is in the field of film. Videographer, production, and post on two-minute shorts for Foodly app. This is actually in Los Angeles, California, so that’s out here. So keep in mind to actually be able to access and apply for these job opportunities, you’ve got to stay connected throughout the show. Later on you’ll see a link on the right side of your screen where you can actually get all the information you need, the detailed information and actually apply.
All right last but not least, Grind Opp number one. Recording. This is audio engineer as well. This is at The Writer’s Room Studio, oh dope, okay. I’ve worked there a couple times. This is The Writer’s Room Studio, full-time and part-time positions. It doesn’t say assisting, so it looks like it’s an actual full-time or head engineer gig. That’s actually a good room. I’ve been there a couple times. In these kind of settings, if you show up for the gig, you kind of want to have all your information down and your knowledge as far as what kind of gear they’re using, what kind of outboard gear they got, what the room’s like, if there’s a live room, if there’s a vocal booth. Kind of just know the ins-and-outs of what those things entail. The great thing is it sounds like a great gig because it didn’t say engineer assistant. It looks like it’s an actual, you get to fly the ship in that room, so that’s a great opportunity.
So at this point, that is our five Grind Opps for this Monday. I kind of want to open it up to the floor. This whole show is really about not just being connected, but also just really engaging on just a personal intimate setting. A great friend of mine, Brian, when we both sat down and visualized this show, a huge piece of this was to make it very conversational, make it very real, and very personal. So I kind of want to open it up to you guys and take some questions if you have any.
Let’s see, there’s a slew of questions.
“What up, IZ?” What’s up Anthony? I’m not sure if I know you.
So this one is from Hollywood, J Black. “Anyone that needs audio, video engineering I have…” Okay so that’s not one. “What do you prefer, analog or digital?” This is Joe in St. Louis. What up, Joe? You know what, man? Actually it’s a hybrid for me, because I came up in an analog era, where we were dealing with two-inch, a lot of analog gear, and as the game shifted, it became more or less digital. I think through my creativity, I found a way to make it a hybrid, where I can utilize the knowledge of what analog is, what it feels like, what it sounds like, and then in economics and keeping it effective, digital makes things a lot simpler, especially through technology, but I actually prefer both. As a true analog lover, that’s just something I prefer sonically. I prefer analog, the way it captures low end, the way it captures drums. Analog you can tend to stretch out and push a lot harder than you can digital. When you push it a little too hard on digital, it gets a little distorted. Me, I’m an analog guy. So that’s where it’s at for me. Let’s see, next question.
“What’s the best way to profile yourself as a live sound engineer?” This is coming from Nick. The best way to profile, you know what, man? Honestly it really comes down to your experience and building your resume. Like I said, a lot of times these days, people don’t know how to put a resume together. Sound guys, you start from the bottom and you kind of just work your way, work your way, doing gig after gig after gig. Just make sure you track that information and those experiences, so when you get into a great opportunity you got something to show with various artists, various bands that you worked with. I would say in that setting you want to just make sure you’re very diverse. If you’ve done a lot of hip-hop, you also want to make sure you get at some point in there a track and experience of actually miking bands. Because for the most part, hip-hop, you’re dealing with either a DJ and an MC, and there’s not a whole lot of other things going on. So you kind of want to make sure you can show the full spectrum of what it is you do, as far as being an engineer. Next question is from Chris.
“What’s a good way to find some local artists to help promote?” I guess wherever you’re based out of, kind of just see where the hot spots are for new artists, up and coming home talent and just kind of scout. Just keep yourself in the mix, network. A big piece of this is actually networking. People always ask is it this, is it, do I gotta know this, do I got to go to school for this? Really, man, it’s really networking. You got to look at yourself as a walking business so that when you’re in these environments, you can navigate and socialize and network with the right folks. Let’s see, Ty. This question is from Ty. Her question is,
“Are you still producing for artists?” Absolutely. That’s one of my first and foremost passions is songwriting and producing. We’re actually back in the studio with a gentleman by the name of Anthony Hamilton. We did some stuff with Janet on her last record. So absolutely. That keeps the fire going for me. Me and my bros are still very much active on the producing and songwriting side. Let’s see, this is from Martini Jane. “Hey, DJ IZ, any advice for trying to be an on-air radio host?” You know what, I have a bunch of friends who actually are on-air radio hosts. I think that it’s cool because everybody always kind of refers to you, like what your voice is like, what that sounds like. Any advice that I would have to offer in that field would be just kind of develop your personality and just have character. Be outspoken, be fun, be exciting and that’s pretty much…if you look at anybody, whether it’s Howard Stern or whether it’s Big Boy, they all have a very, very captivating personality. So those are some of the things that you just kind of want to really know who you are on that side and what kind of excitement you can drive through just people hearing you. So I’m going to take one last question. Let’s see here, let me try to get a good one for you guys. Let’s scroll through here real quick.
This is from Dwight and his question is, “Where do you see the industry going in the future, as far as employment opps?” It’s definitely getting tougher and tougher because technology has made it accessible for everyone to kind of just keep it moving, whether it’s creating or whether it’s building relationships. You know what, man, I’m a forward thinker, so I see traditional business definitely going away and I see disruptive business coming into play. If you look at just what we’re doing here with IZ Connected and The Radio Connection, it’s very disruptive, it’s very forward-thinking. Not only are we mentoring, but we’re also prepping you and providing you with opportunities that can take you a long way, faster than the traditional…I remember days of getting the Green Sheet and looking for job opps. I think overall, film, music, things are changing, because our economics aren’t the same. It’s forcing people to approach business different. But it’s a great way, the great thing is you have various platforms like the East School Hang Out, YouTube, other platforms that really don’t allow you to have an excuse to get out there and grind for yourself. So that’s a great thing and it’s all about creating opportunity for yourself and that’s kind of what you want to constantly do.
You know, guys, I’d love to answer more. There’s tons of them, but what I also want to remind you too is how to apply. If you look on your screen to the right side, you’ll see a link. That’s crucial because that’s the only way you can access these jobs. So you definitely want to click on that link on the right side of your screen and apply. The goal here is to prep you and prepare you and to get you hired. So with that being said, guys, that is it for today. But like I said you can catch us here every Monday, 11 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, and I hope you guys have enjoyed this as much as me.
Shout out to my Connected team, shout out to The Recording Connection staff for making this possible, my boy B for seeing the vision, and I look forward to seeing you all here next week. On that note, I’m DJ IZ, peace, much love, and, man, don’t be afraid to dream. Peace.
Previous Episodes of Connected

- Electronic musicians, DJs and beat-makers
- Runners and assistants
- Filmmakers
- Broadcasters
- Aspiring show hosts and more

- Get job tips on all the best jobs and career opportunities
- Get mentored and find out how to get and keep the best gigs in the music and film industry
- Get to know your favorite artists
- Hear industry success and horror stories from the legends inside the business
- Find out real tips to get hired at your dream job
- Connect!