Must See Movies to Watch This Season
We’re dead in the middle of the summer blockbuster season. Massive $200 million + movies all battling for the attention of the general public, with each flick desperately attempting to prove that it’s worth your hard earned cash. So which big summer blockbusters are worthy of seeing and which smaller, more intimate films do you need to add to you list? We’ve got our picks (and oure reasons) below:
Written and directed by Jeff Nichols, Loving showcases the struggles of an inter-racial couple who eloped to Washington DC to get married and then returned to their home in the south, only to be accosted and brutalized due to their marriage. The film shows the struggles that two people will go through in order to stay together. The film stars Ruth Negga and Joel Edgerton. It looks to be a deeply emotional and somber look at one of the most tumultuous times in American history.
The Woods
The new Adam Wingard and Simon Barret film, The Woods, looks nothing less than stellar. Similar to their previous faire The Guest, A Horrible Way To Die, and You’re Next, The Woods is a horror film steeped in genre and lovingly crafted with one singular goal: To scare the pants off of you. If you’re a fan of their previous works or if you’re just looking for something to give you the heebee jeebees, The Woods is one film to catch.
LA LA Land
Directed and written by Damien Chazelle, La La Land has an all-star cast and takes place in the golden era of Hollywood. So… perhaps it won’t surprise you to learn the film is a musical. It’s also a drama-comedy which showcases Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling as couple quickly falling in love. For lovers of musicals, period pieces, or romantic comedies, La La Land is one sleeper that’s gaining steam.
Jason Bourne
Matt Damon has said repeatedly for the past 8 years or so that if the studio wanted to make another Jason Bourne movie all they needed to do was get director Paul Greengrass on board. The studio didn’t seem too keen on the idea so they went and made a Damon-less sequel starring Jeremy Renner titled The Bourne Legacy. They’re since learned their lesson. The new Bourne film is exactly what Bourne fans have been clamoring for. Jason born, in all his glory, kicking ass and taking names.
Suicide Squad
DC Comics’ new alternative super hero film, or rather super villain film, is opening soon, and the excitement is palpable. The film is spinning directly out of Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice. So much so, that Ben Affleck’s Batman even makes a guest appearance in the film. Whether the film can surpass the impressive trailers that have been released is still waiting to be seen.
The Mechanic: Resurrection
The Jason Statham remake of the Charles Bronson film The Mechanic came and went. It made money and then it faded from the public consciousness. But in the age of movies that don’t need sequels getting sequels, The Mechanic: Resurrection is coming to theatres soon. The fact that this movie exists is slightly perplexing. The original Statham vehicle wasn’t a bad film, it just wasn’t a completely new or inventive take on an older genre film. The fact that it’s getting a sequel is a strange enough sidebar to peak some interest.
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