Hollywood Salaries Revealed
Hollywood is the land of eternal promise. Every year aspiring screenwriters, actors, directors, and producers move to sunny Los Angeles in order for a chance to make their name in the movie industry. People are constantly inspired by the real life stories of actors like Matt Damon and Tom Hanks who pulled themselves up from nothing to become some of the most famous and wealthy people in the world.
Some Hollywood megastars aren’t just pretty faces though. Some of them are shrewd businessmen who have parlayed their fame into lucrative opportunities. These opportunities manifest as producing deals that the actor, or their production companies, have set up with the studios. Many of these companies even operate out of the studio lot. Will Smith and Robert Downey Jr. both have production companies that work full time on putting projects together for them.
So the real question is how much money do these Hollywood professionals actually make? Learn more.
According to Yahoo.com:
Film Producer
On-the-lot overhead deals have been squeezed, but for a studio release, seasoned producers can make $1.5 million to $2 million upfront and often much more in backend (though first-dollar-gross deals are nearly extinct.) Will Smith and James Lassiter’s Overbrook Entertainment made $2 million for producing last year’s Annie.
Film Actor
A-list stars still can make between $5 million (Meryl Streep’s pay for Ricki and the Flash) and $20 million (what Denzel Washington got upfront for The Equalizer) to much more with backend (Robert Downey Jr. reportedly made $50 million for The Avengers). Supporting actors don’t fare as well (Kevin Kline made $350,000 for his part in Ricki).
Making that amount of money may seem like it’s a pie-in-the-sky dream but everyone who is currently in those positions was once a nobody. They worked hard, came prepared and were in the right place at the right time.
If you’d like to know more about Hollywood wages CLICK HERE.